Celebrities are people too. Just like the rest of us regular folks, they too need a place to live. They need a place to settle down and rest their heads. Okay, maybe they have mansions and luxury accomodations. But they are just as vulnerable to experience a haunting like the rest of us. Spirits and ghosts don’t discriminate just because you’re a celebrity.
With this in mind, there are countless celebrities who have had paranormal experiences. Some have even encountered the supernatural in their own home. Here are ten celebrities who live (or have lived) in haunted houses.
Cate Blanchett
Actress Cate Blanchett is the latest celebrity who reportedly lives in a haunted house. The story is even in Vanity Fair, which isn’t known for covering spooky topics like this. However, the cottage isn’t going to be up for long. After Blanchett bought the property for $6 million, she plans on tearing it down. The Crowborough, East Sussex estate, known as Highwell House, was abandoned for years. Built in 1890, it is originally known as Potters Manor or Steep Park. You can imagine that tons of urban explorers and ghost hunters went to the property looking for spirits. Blanchett’s plans for demolition were initially put on hold because a rare colony of bats was found on the property. The situation has now been resolved, so the cottage will be knocked down. An office, studio, and meditation room will be built in its place.
Jennifer Aniston
Before Jennifer Aniston got her big break as Rachel Green in “Friends”, she was living in Los Angeles and trying to make it as an actress. In 2018, she told James Corden about how she lived with a ghost. The stereo would turn on at full volume, the coffee maker would start by itself, and the dishwasher would turn on. For Aniston, it was a terrifying experience. She hired a psychic to intervene. The psychic used frankincense and put it in a dish. Aniston said that the ghost apparently didn’t like her roommate. Instead of trying to get the ghost out, Aniston ended up moving out. She simply couldn’t handle the situation.
Miley Cyrus
It seems that the Cyrus family might be a magnet for the paranormal. In November 2020, her father Billy Ray Cyrus revealed that he believes in UFOs and had his own experiences. When it comes to the famous singer, she rented an apartment in London during her European tour. The apartment is across the street from Harrod’s, and it’s very haunted. Like Jennifer Aniston, Cyrus had a truly terrifying experience. Her entire family, even her beau Liam Hemsworth, had an experience. Her sister had the water switch to hot while in the shower, meaning the knob turned by itself. Cyrus said that she thought she was being watched by the little boy. Windows and doors were opening and closing by themselves. Cyrus found out that the apartment building was once a bakery, and it was owned by a father and son. They moved to the SoHo Hotel after that.
Kendall Jenner
Maybe this is more appropriate for Kris Jenner, but it was Kendall who is convinced that her mother’s house is haunted. Kylie Jenner has even reported hearing footsteps in her mother’s house while no one was walking. The shower in Kris’s house would also turn on by itself. What is also interesting to note is that the Kardashian daughters used an Ouija board at one point while they were growing up. So, one has to wonder if that gave them the impression that they opened a door to the supernatural in their lives.
Nicolas Cage
Nicolas Cage is the former owner of the LaLaurie House in New Orleans, Louisiana. The history of the LaLaurie House is one of the most disturbing and turbulent stories in history. Madame Delphine LaLaurie is known for torturing and killing the slaves that served her and her husband, Dr. Louis LaLaurie. When you have a history that includes the brutal torture and murder of an oppressed group, you have the recipe for a turbulent haunting. Nicola Cage, who is a big fan of the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland, was thrilled to own the LaLaurie Mansion before he lost it due to foreclosure in 2009.
Bella Thorne
Bella Thorne seems to have had experiences with the supernatural. Her family home is built on a Native American burial ground. Thorne claims that her parents had some crazy experiences like hearing chains and shackles and other noises that couldn’t be explained. Her family would also hear stomping around the houses, including the second floor. The stomping would even go up and down the stairs. Her mother thought it was Thorne’s brother, but that was quickly debunked. Finally, Thorne alluded that the activity pushed her family out of the house because they couldn’t take it anymore.
Matthew McConaughey
Alright, alright, alright! Matthew McConaughey is no stranger to the paranormal. In fact, he claims his Los Angeles home is haunted by a spirit named Madame Bleu. What is funny is that he believes that Madame Bleu enjoys seeing him in his birthday suit, and that’s why they get along. McConaughey claims that he has seen his resident ghost and has sensed her ever since he first moved in. Madame Bleu didn’t seem to like Matthew at first. But he stood his ground and said he wasn’t going to leave. I mean, if seeing him in the buff is what keeps the supernatural peace in the home, I guess that’s more effective than a smoke cleansing!
Adele’s Sussex, England mansion is a former convent, and apparently very active. The 10-bedroom, 25-acre mansion is huge, and Adele said it gives her the creeps. She hired a bodyguard to stay with her in the mansion, as well as two additional security guards to stand at the gates. Adele claimed that she heard strange sounds at night that she couldn’t explain. If I were her, I wouldn’t want to sleep alone in such a big mansion, either…even if it did have two pools!
Demi Lovato
In 2013, Demi Lovato revealed that she goes ghost hunting. They also confessed that their home is Texas is haunted by a little girl. Lovato also grew up in this house and interacted with the little girl a bunch of times. Their mom reported that a young Lovato was often seen talking to themselves and saying that they were playing with their best friend. Lovato’s mom ended up hiring a psychic to take a look at the house, who believes that the little girl’s name is Emily.
Bella & Gigi Hadid
While supermodel sisters Bella and Gigi Hadid were growing up, they were sure that they had a ghost in their home. More specifically, they claim the spirit of an old woman was in one of their closets. They even brought tea to this spirit and talk to her as well.
Thank you for sharing your spooky stories.. I LOVE haunted places and stories..