Do You See Ghosts? You Might Be Losing Your Eyesight

It’s the middle of the night, and you’re lying in bed, stressing out about the next workday with looming deadlines and an overbearing boss. As you attempt to sleep, you open your eyes in the darkness of your bedroom, and that’s when you see it.

You observe a disfigured shape in the corner, staring back at you. But that’s not all; the shape resembles a woman dressed in Victorian clothing, and her face is disfigured. The sight of this entity frightens you, and you move back as fast as you can. As you do so, the disturbing figure glides towards you and just stares at you.

Two possibilities might explain what’s happening. One, you’re being haunted by the Victorian woman.

Two, you might be in the early stages of losing your eyesight.

What is Charles Bonnet Syndrome?

The scenario described above is one of the common scenarios experienced by people who suffer from Charles Bonnet Syndrome (CBS). It is a condition that is associated with visual hallucinations that occur during sight loss. What stands out the most with this condition is that the people who suffer from these hallucinations are mentally sound. CBS has also been called “phantom vision” or “ghost vision” as experiences have been recorded throughout time.

The Syndrome was first studied in 1760 by Swiss scientist Charles Bonnet (BON-ay). He began to study this occurrence when his grandfather started experiencing visual hallucinations after he developed cataracts. The hallucinations included visions of people, carriages, birds, and buildings, which could only be seen by his grandfather. These visions were spontaneous and were seen in what was left of his eyesight.

Bonnet also noticed that his grandfather was mentally sound and was not experiencing any symptoms associated with mental illnesses.

Some people have reported seeing disembodied gargoyle heads with Charles Bonnet Syndrome.

Types of Hallucinations

Hallucinations will vary depending on the person, their medical condition, and their stress levels. Some people may experience flashes of light while others may experience color changes. Others may experience all different types of hallucinations, including the frightening images of ghosts. Some people have seen figures dressed in period clothing and moving as if they were gliding across the floor. Missing body parts like hands, arms, or even faces are common occurrences. These visions will also be in great detail, even for people with vision that is blurry.

Those with CBS have also seen incredible images like a double-decker bus going through their living room, or people sitting on their couch, kitchen table, bed, etc. They have also seen surfaces covered in patterns like tiles or bricks, even bottles, hats, or dancing children, and the visions can last from several seconds to several hours. What is consistent is that these visions appear and vanish abruptly. One of the most frightening hallucinations include floating, disembodied faces that squirm during random times. These faces have wide eyes that don’t blink, plus prominent teeth and features like a gargoyle.

Experts in CBS believe that increased stress levels can contribute to the manifestation of more negative images. The condition also seems to be more common among people who live alone with limited social interaction.

Why Does This Happen?

One of the most common causes of CBS is macular degeneration, which is a disease that causes certain light-sending cells in the retina to malfunction and cause a blindspot in the center of a person’s vision. Glaucoma and cataracts are also commonly associated with CBS.

As the eyes lose their ability to see, the brain will attempt to “fill in the blanks” for the missing information. It is the brain compensating for what the eyes could no longer see and is trying to help the person navigate through their surroundings. CBS has been compared to phantom limb syndrome after an amputation has taken place.

How Common is Charles Bonnet Syndrome?

A study conducted by Dr. M.L. Jackson of the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary and Dr. Joseph Ferencz of the Harvard Department of Ophthalmology and the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, found that Charles Bonnet Syndrome affects approximately 10% to 38% of people with visual impairments.

One of the main reasons for the vast range is because not everyone who suffers from CBS reports it to their doctor. Other factors include differences in definitions as well as historical record-keeping of the condition and the symptom-specific context that’s taken into consideration.

Does Charles Bonnet Syndrome Explain All Paranormal Phenomena?

After learning about this condition, it may be easy to assume that Charles Bonnet Syndrome explains all paranormal phenomena. That’s not the case. The condition has been studied by scientists and skeptics alike and as people have learned more about CBS, it’s very symptom specific depending on the type of person. 

For example, CBS wouldn’t explain why people would encounter the same type of phenomenon at a haunted location. Also, CBS wouldn’t explain other experiences like sight, smell, or touch. But just because CBS doesn’t explain all paranormal experiences, it doesn’t mean it should be disregarded or forgotten. It is definitely something to look into and discuss with your doctor if you believe.

The Importance of Sharing Experiences

Patients are often unwilling to share their experiences with their doctor, let alone with others, because they fear they will be judged as mentally incompetent. Therefore, they don’t say anything and end up suffering in silence. Sharing experiences is incredibly important for the person going through this because it will help them get the support they need. Not only that, but it will also help doctors and other members of the scientific community gather information and data on the condition. As we know research and data collection is critical to learn more about the issue as well as move forward towards preventative treatment and a possible cure.

When people with CBS see hallucinations, they often suffer in silence/

Closing Thoughts

Robert Lanza said in his book, Biocentrism, that the world only exists because we are looking at it. What we see is a reality that is created in our heads, our consciousness. If humans weren’t there to observe the world, it would be nothing.

As people with CBS navigate through their lives seeing visions of people, objects, animals, etc, that is their reality as they know it. It only exists because they see it.

Could we say the same thing for ghosts?


Spirits and Shadows: Navigating Sexual Harassment in the Paranormal Realm

Welcome to a candid exploration of a topic that often lurks in the shadows of an otherworldly realm—the prevalence of sexual harassment within the paranormal field. As enthusiasts and professionals dedicated to unraveling mysteries beyond the veil, it’s crucial to shed light on a disturbing reality that affects our community.

In this blog, I’m going confront the misconception that sexual harassment can be dismissed as mere flirtation within the paranormal context. I’ll unravel the layers of this issue, emphasizing why there is no excuse for such behavior and why it is imperative to address it head-on.

No cloak of mystery or ethereal aura can justify the violation of personal boundaries. I’ll delve into the reasons why there is absolutely no excuse for sexual harassment, underscoring the impact it has on individuals and the collective spirit of our paranormal community. By holding individuals accountable for their actions, we aim to preserve the integrity and positive energy that should define our shared pursuits.

Confronting the reality of sexual harassment becomes even more challenging when it involves someone familiar within our paranormal circles. I’ll provide guidance on navigating the delicate process of addressing accusations against someone you know. I’ll also explore the importance of supporting victims, encouraging accountability, and fostering an environment that prioritizes the well-being of all community members.

Join me on this journey of introspection and empowerment as we strive to create a paranormal field free from the shadows of harassment, where our shared passion can thrive in an atmosphere of mutual respect and genuine connection. I’ll be using three statements I’ve recently heard as starting points for discussion.

“But the person has a sex addiction.”

Using sex addiction as an excuse for sexual harassment is problematic for several reasons. Firstly, it can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and misunderstandings about sex addiction itself. True sex addiction is a complex and often misunderstood psychological condition that involves a compulsive and harmful relationship with sexual behaviors. Using it as a justification for harassment may trivialize the struggles of those genuinely dealing with sex addiction.

Secondly, attributing harassment to sex addiction can divert attention from the responsibility of the harasser for their actions. It’s essential to recognize that sexual harassment is a behavior rooted in a misuse of power and a violation of consent, irrespective of any underlying personal challenges.

Thirdly, framing sexual harassment as a symptom of sex addiction may contribute to a culture of victim-blaming. This approach could shift the focus away from supporting and protecting the victims, placing undue sympathy on the perpetrator instead.

It is crucial to address sexual harassment through a lens of accountability, consent, and the promotion of healthy attitudes towards relationships. This involves holding individuals responsible for their actions and fostering a culture that condemns harassment while providing support and understanding for those genuinely struggling with mental health issues, including sex addiction.

“They were just flirting.”

Labeling sexual harassment as flirting perpetuates a harmful misconception that undermines the importance of consent and contributes to a culture that normalizes inappropriate behavior. Flirting involves mutual interest, respect, and the intention to create a positive and consensual connection between individuals.

Sexual harassment, on the other hand, is an unwelcome and often offensive behavior that violates personal boundaries, disregards consent, and creates an uncomfortable or hostile environment. Mischaracterizing harassment as flirting dismisses the serious impact it has on the victims, downplays the violation of personal boundaries, and fosters a culture that tolerates inappropriate conduct.

It is crucial to differentiate between genuine, consensual flirting and behavior that crosses the line into harassment. By using accurate and clear language, we contribute to a society that values respect, communication, and the importance of mutual consent in all interpersonal interactions. Addressing sexual harassment for what it is helps create a safer and more respectful environment for everyone.

“I’m running a paranormal event and have already booked a person with accusations as a guest. What do I do?”

Ensuring the safety and well-being of all event attendees is paramount. In cases of sexual harassment accusations against a guest, it is crucial for event organizers to take these allegations seriously, even when hard proof may be lacking. The potential risk and harm associated with such incidents demand a proactive and empathetic response.

While the legal system may require evidence to establish guilt, the absence of hard proof does not diminish the significance of addressing these concerns. Ignoring or downplaying accusations can create an unsafe environment and perpetuate a culture of silence that discourages victims from coming forward.

Event organizers have a responsibility to prioritize the safety and comfort of all attendees. Implementing thorough investigations, providing a confidential reporting system, and taking appropriate actions, such as restricting access or removing the accused party if necessary, contribute to fostering an environment where individuals feel protected and supported.

By taking a proactive stance against sexual harassment, event organizers contribute to creating spaces where everyone can enjoy themselves without fear, emphasizing the importance of a culture that values the well-being and safety of all participants.

“The person in question is my friend. What do I do? Who do I believe?”

Discovering that a friend has engaged in sexual harassment is a challenging situation that requires careful consideration and decisive action. It’s crucial to prioritize the well-being and safety of potential victims while encouraging accountability and personal growth. Here are steps to take if you find out that your friend has been involved in such behavior:

  1. Believe and Support the Victim:
    Start by believing the victim and providing emotional support. Let them know that you take their experience seriously and that you stand with them.
  2. Confront Your Friend:
    Address the issue with your friend directly but without confrontation. Express your concern, let them know you’ve learned about their actions, and make it clear that such behavior is unacceptable.
  3. Encourage Accountability:
    Encourage your friend to take responsibility for their actions. Acknowledge the impact of their behavior on others and emphasize the importance of learning and growth.
  4. Suggest Professional Help:
    If appropriate, suggest seeking professional help, such as therapy or counseling, to address the underlying issues contributing to their behavior.
  5. Distance Yourself if Necessary:
    Depending on the severity of the situation and your friend’s response, consider distancing yourself if you feel it’s necessary. Prioritize the safety and well-being of others.
  6. Report if Necessary:
    If the harassment involves criminal activity or if you believe there is an immediate threat, consider reporting the behavior to the appropriate authorities.
  7. Promote Education and Change:
    Encourage your friend to educate themselves about consent, boundaries, and respectful behavior. Advocate for positive change and growth.
  8. Reflect on Your Values:
    Take time to reflect on your own values and boundaries. Consider whether maintaining the friendship aligns with your principles and whether it is healthy for you and those around you.

Remember, addressing sexual harassment is a delicate process, and your actions should prioritize the safety and well-being of potential victims. If you ever find yourself uncertain about the best course of action, seek guidance from professionals or organizations dedicated to supporting victims of harassment.

In Conclusion

Hopefully, I have unveiled the unsettling specter of sexual harassment and dismantled the notion that it could ever be disguised as innocent flirtation. This exploration has emphasized that there is no excuse for such behavior, challenging us to uphold the standards of respect, consent, and inclusivity that should define our shared passion.

As we all navigate the shadowy corners where harassment persists, remember that our collective strength lies in accountability and empathy. By supporting victims, holding perpetrators responsible, and fostering an environment that prioritizes safety, we wield the tools to banish sexual harassment from our community. Together, let us forge a future where the pursuit of the paranormal is not tainted by shadows, but illuminated by the shared commitment to creating a space that is welcoming, secure, and empowering for all.

The Ghost Who Haunted The Site of The Exorcist House

While the house that was used for “The Exorcist” may not be haunted, the land was host to Prospect Cottage, the site of a fascinating ghost story involving one of the most famous female authors of the 19th century.

When “The Exorcist” was released in 1973, it took the world by storm. The story of a young girl named Regan becoming possessed by the demon Pazuzu and the battle for her soul, both captivated and terrified audiences. Thus, the filming locations in Georgetown in Washington, D.C., became landmarks in their own right. Since “The Exorcist: Believer” is coming out in October 2023, let’s take a look at the haunting that took place on the land where the Exorcist House sits now.

While the infamous Exorcist Steps and House aren’t known to be haunted, it doesn’t stop tourists from stopping to take a picture of the cinematic landmarks. If you go up the Steps, you can easily see the Exorcist House to your left. Please note that the Exorcist House is privately owned (I can’t stress this enough), so be sure to enjoy the house from a distance and don’t walk onto the property. The House was used for the exterior shots for the movie. People often recreate the iconic movie poster with Father Merrin standing in front of the House at night in an eerie fog. I’ve heard the owners are welcoming, but take that information with a grain of salt.

Source for Both Photos: Alex Matsuo (recreating the final scene from “The Exorcist” on the right)

But what many people don’t know is that the location of the house was once the location of Prospect Cottage, owned by Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte (E.D.E.N.) Southworth. What also isn’t well known is that Prospect Cottage was the site of several ghostly sightings before it was eventually torn down in the 1940s. All we have are a few newspaper articles from the early 1900s to tell us the story.

Who was E.D.E.N. Southworth?


E.D.E.N. Southworth was born as Emma Nevitte on December 26th, 1819 in Washington, D.C., in a house developed by George Washington. She wrote over 60 novels in her career, often featuring heroines who went against societal norms of the Victorian era. She was also a friend and contemporary of Harriet Beecher Stowe. E.D.E.N. was one of the most popular novelists of her time. She was also an avid supporter of women’s rights and social change.

At the deathbed request of her father, Emma was rechristened as Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte, (E.D.E.N.). After her father’s death in 1824, her mother remarried to a school teacher named Joshua L. Henshaw. E.D.E.N. and her step-father did not get along. She described herself as a dark wild-eyed elf, as well as being shy. After she completed her secondary education at the age of 15, E.D.E.N. became a schoolteacher at 16. 

E.D.E.N. got married at 21 in 1840 to an inventor named Frederick H. Southworth from New York and the couple moved to Wisconsin. The couple was living on the frontier in a log cabin and E.D.E.N. despised life. She had two children with Frederick, a son and a daughter. In 1844, E.D.E.N. returned to DC without Frederick, who abandoned his family in search of gold in South America. 

Now a single mother, E.D.E.N. started teaching at a measly $250 per year. To supplement her income, she started writing to support herself and her children. She submitted stories to magazines, and her writing was very well-received. The editor of the National Era contracted her first novel. She eventually became one of the highest paid authors of her day with an annual salary of $10,000. She was able to step back from teaching and write full time.

A New Home and Mysterious Voice

Source: Woman’s Record, 1855

Around 1853 to the 1860s (exact date is unknown), E.D.E.N. moved into Prospect Cottage at 36th Street and Prospect, where The Exorcist Steps and House sits today. It is unknown when Prospect Cottage was built. But we do know it was formerly owned by a former French minister. The house had a Carpenter Gothic design, which was popular at the time.

The House closely resembled a gingerbread house with icicle-like decoration along the roof. E.D.E.N. would live in this house for the majority of the Civil War. Here is a newspaper clipping describing Prospect Cottage in 1899.

E.D.E.N. was an avid supporter of the Union. Since her house was located along the Potomac River, she could see the Confederate border from her house. She also had a front row seat to Lincoln’s second inauguration and worked at Seminary Hospital. E.D.E.N. also lets the hospital use her house to help as many as 27 soldiers to recover from their wounds at one point.

According to legend, after the second battle of Bull Run, all of the residents of Georgetown were terrified of the Confederates coming in. Knowing her home would be one of the first stops for the Confederacy, E.D.E.N. barricaded herself in her house. As she stood by the door, she said, “There’s only 3 of us here, what are we going to do if the Confederates come?” A voice in the darkness replied, “There are 4 of you here and you will be fine.” E.D.E.N., her children, and the house survived and they were indeed fine.

Source: Dig DC

A Long & Accomplished Life

Towards the end of E.D.E.N.’s life, the Union Station (now the Car Barn) was built next door, and the Exorcist Steps were constructed while she was alive. E.D.E.N. passed away in 1899 in Prospect Cottage and was buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, just up the hill. Her son, Richard, inherited the house, and lived there until he passed away a year later. E.D.E.N.’s daughter, Charlotte, then inherited the house, but she wasn’t interested in keeping the house, so she sells it. The house gets bought and sold a few times.

From Home to Ice Cream

Prospect Cottage then became an ice cream parlor. The ice cream parlor was in the sitting room and the drawing room became a cafe. They sold ice cream, lunches, live bait, cigars, and tobacco. There was even a classic Coca-Cola sign. It became a popular spot for people to sit and wait for the street cars that were passing through Georgetown. It was such a popular spot and pretty much a tourist trap because E.D.E.N.’s legacy was still well known. People would rip off the wood as souvenirs. They would also catch the bugs so they could tell people it was from E.D.E.N. Southworth’s house. 

Here’s a snippet from an article in The Washington Post, dated 1905:

The text reads: “Now the sitting-room that Mrs. Southworth planned is an ice cream parlor, and the handsome, old drawing-room serves as a cafe. On the verandas visitors sit and chat as they wait for the [street]cars. Their talk is of Mrs. Southworth, and it is claimed that they cut great splinters out of the porch and side of the house, and even capture the bugs and grasshoppers in the yard for souvenirs. Furthermore, they pull up the weeds by the roots and carry them off, happy in their ill-gotten spoils.”

The house was eventually bought by the National League of American Pen Women in 1928. They hoped to turn it into a museum for E.D.E.N. before it was torn down in 1942. The house that sits there today, The Exorcist House, was built in 1950.

The Ghost of E.D.E.N.

Source: Georgetown Metropolitan

It seems that E.D.E.N. Southworth still visited Prospect Cottage after she passed away, showing that not even death could hold her back from her home. 

There’s one particular story from the same 1905 Washington Post article, which was published about six years after she died, about an Italian grocer who set up his cart in front of Prospect Cottage one day. As he set up and got ready for the day, E.D.E.N. came out of the garden to chat with him. Since the grocer was a local, he knew that E.D.E.N. had passed several years ago. He didn’t even wait to see what she had to say. He ran and left his cart and all of his stuff in front of the house. 

During the days as an ice cream parlor, E.D.E.N. would frequently appear to talk to people inside Prospect Cottage. People passing by Prospect Cottage claimed that E.D.E.N. would be seen walking around edges of the veranda, wringing her hands.

The author of that article also ran into a boy. The boy tells them that he had seen E.D.E.N. in the window at night, looking out onto the street below.

Final Thoughts

Source: DC Public Library

It seems that once Prospect Cottage was torn down, the ghostly sightings of E.D.E.N. Southworth disappeared completely. This begs the question; did E.D.E.N. decide to move on after her home was razed, or were witnesses experiencing a residual haunting? Since people reported that she was having conversations with them, I’m leaning towards E.D.E.N. was enjoying the company in her home.

The haunting of Prospect Cottage is a hidden gem of Georgetown History. Sadly, it has been eclipsed by “The Exorcist” and the demonic spookiness that surrounds it. This is certainly not a negative haunting. This story is a delightful tale to show that not all ghosts are scary or evil. Sometimes it’s a famous author stopping by her house to have a chat with the new inhabitants.

How lovely would it be to have a chat over ice cream with the ghost of one of the most prolific authors of the 19th century?


An Explanation for the Hauntings at Gettysburg

Publishing Note: This is a condensed version of an upcoming article that will be published in the September 2023 issue of Haunted Magazine for the 160th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg. Stay tuned!

****Content Warning: This piece includes graphic details of war and includes images of the aftermath of the Battle of Gettysburg with corpses.****

On July 1-3, 1863, an isolated town in Pennsylvania found itself as the center point of one of the bloodiest skirmishes that is often described as the turning point of the Civil War. 

One could argue that Gettysburg is one of the most paranormally charged locations in the United States, if not the world. In order to examine the hauntings of Gettysburg, one must examine multiple factors. The explanation, “Lots of people died”, is too one-dimensional in Gettysburg’s case. 

Before the Bloodshed: A Little College Town

Prior to the Civil War, Gettysburg was a small college town that was founded in 1786 and named after a tavern owner named Samuel Gettys. In 1806, the area attracted many travelers and settlers thanks to the ten major roads that intersected in the town and “All roads lead to Gettysburg” would become a well-known saying. 

Gettysburg’s legacy before 1863 was being the home to the Lutheran Theological Seminary, founded in 1820, as well as Gettysburg College, which was established in 1832. Today, it’s evident that Gettysburg’s legacy is overwhelmed with not only the battle, but also its ghosts. 

Trauma in the Aftermath

There isn’t much discussion on just how traumatized and destroyed the town of Gettysburg was in the aftermath because so much focus is on the battle.

Sullivan, Timothy H, photographer. View of Gettysburg from Cemetery Hill. [Photographed 1863, july, printed between 1880 and 1889] Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.

Crops, homes, businesses, and barns were destroyed. There wasn’t enough food to go around for everyone plus a short supply of clean water. There were thousands of soldiers that needed care and medical attention. Some of the wounded soldiers stayed as long as January 1864, which added more strain to the town and its economy. 

Most of the local women took it upon themselves to care for as many wounded soldiers as they could in their homes in the meantime. Bloody limbs were left in piles or buried in the ground. The U.S. Sanitary Commission and the U.S. Christian Commission eventually came with much needed medical supplies and provisions. 

Gardner, Alexander, photographer. Headquarters of the Sanitary Commission, Gettysburg, PA. [Photographed 1863, printed between 1880 and 1889] Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.

The day after the battle, it rained hard. Any shallow graves that had been dug were washed away, leaving thousands of bodies exposed to the elements. That’s not counting the thousands of bodies (both dead and alive) that were left lying in the summer heat of July. Needless to say, it stunk. 

The locals couldn’t get to all of the bodies right away. Wild hogs ate several of the corpses that were on the battlefield. The townspeople dabbed their handkerchiefs with peppermint oil to help manage the stench of rotting flesh of the dead. According to historians, the stench could be smelled for miles outside of town.

Treatment of the Dead

Gettysburg is considered one of the most devastating man-made disasters in history. As the devastation of Gettysburg spread through the media, photographers came for purposes of documenting the devastation. Photos were shot of the dead bodies as they were strewn about the field and around the town. 

However, some of these photos were staged. 

Photographer Alexander Gardner and his team of photography assistants headed off to Gettysburg in hopes of claiming his own legacy. Before Gettysburg, Matthew Brady commissioned Gardner to take photos of the Battle of Antietam’s aftermath. Gardner’s photos shocked the nation, but Brady got all the credit. Gardner left Brady and started his own gallery in order to build his own legacy.

O’Sullivan, Timothy H, and Alexander Gardner, photographer. Battle-field of Gettysburg–Dead Confederate sharpshooter at foot of Little Round Top i.e., Devil’s Den. [photographed July, printed later] Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.

Gardner would take one of the most famous photos of the aftermath of the battle. Known as “Dead Confederate soldier in Devil’s Den,” this heartbreaking photo is of a young man in a Confederate uniform laying behind a stone barricade. It haunted everyone who gazed upon the photo.

But it wasn’t until 1961 when the illustrator for Civil War Times magazine, Frederick Ray, discovered that the body was photographed twice in two different locations. It was realized that Gardner and his assistant, Timothy O’Sullivan, dragged the body around the battlefield and staged several photos.

In 1975, William Frassanito discovered that the Confederate sharpshooter in the photo wasn’t actually a sharpshooter and didn’t die at Devil’s Den. In his book, Gettysburg: A Journey in Time, Frassanito examined the soldier’s uniform and realized that his body was moved 72 yards from its original location. The soldier was eventually identified as Andrew Johnston Hoge. This made it easier to determine that his regiment was not involved in the fighting at Devil’s Den.

With such disrespect and exploitation happening to the bodies, we can consider that this could have an impact on paranormal activity, since the remains were used to tell a different narrative of the battle. Perhaps the spirits of these men are still active so that they can have a more accurate version of their story and restore a proper legacy.

Ghost Tourism Explodes

In January 1991, Mark Nesbitt published his book, Ghosts of Gettysburg. In the book, he refers to his experiences as a park ranger and having paranormal experiences while doing night time security checks in places like Devil’s Den. He also references several others who had experiences at the battlefield and around town. Nesbitt is now known as one of the experts in hauntings at Gettysburg today and runs his own ghost tours. Today, there’s an entire street dedicated to the different paranormal tours and investigations that go through the town night after night.

Some ambitious ghost hunters will even try to sneak onto the battlefield at night and try to sneak in an investigation, which is not allowed. More publicly accessible places like Sachs Bridge are frequented by dozens of visitors nightly, especially in the warmer months.

Sachs Bridge. Photo credit: Alex Matsuo

Some park rangers today with the National Park Service will tell you that the battlefield isn’t haunted. However, according to various historians, locals have come forward to share their own paranormal experiences to friends and neighbors as early as the 1870s.

The majority of the ghost tour groups in Gettysburg are exceptional and strive for accuracy. But, mistakes happen. Intentional deceit can also happen to make a story more dramatic…just like Gardner and his staging of corpses for a more dramatic picture.

Constant Retelling of the Story

Each monument and statue on the battlefield is a testament to those soldiers, many standing where they once stood. They stand as ghosts in the vast emptiness in the field, representing the memories and legacies of the hundreds of stories tied to the battle. Each ghost story is tied to a person who was once alive, even if we don’t know their name. Whether it’s just the essence of their energy or a fully conscious apparition of that person, they are being constantly reminded of the devastation that happened between July 1-3, 1863. 

There are licensed battlefield guides, books, and auto tours that tell the story over and over again. Nearly one million visitors come to Gettysburg each year to experience the story of the battle. That means that the stories are told at least one million times every year. One can only imagine how intense this energy is on a daily basis and how much it permeates into the soil of the town.

The constant retelling of the story could very well be the reason that the energy from the battle, and the energy of those who were alive at the time, doesn’t have a moment to rest. As presenters tell the story, they have their own vibration level as they go through the journey. There are emotional reactions to facts of the war. Even the regular visitor who has heard the story dozens of times will still have a reaction.

Plus, there are over 1,300 monuments on the battlefield. Thus, over 1,300 places to pause and remember the events that happened and lives lost. This is an incredible amount of concentration in one place. 

Knowing what we know today about how anomalies like thoughtforms and egregores are created, could it be possible that the spirits of Gettysburg could very well have been created by the one million people that visit each year?

Dressing Up for the Role 

What is also a regular occurrence at Gettysburg is people dressing up in period clothing. It’s not uncommon to see people dressed in period clothing standing in line with you at McDonalds or at Walmart. It’s just the nature of the area. But not only are people dressing up, they’re roleplaying. Re-enactments also happen in various capacities.

The tour company Ghostly Images once hosted nights where an actress performs as Mary Wade at the Jennie Wade House. During the performance, Mary recounts the day she lost her daughter. It’s an emotional performance that takes place right in the kitchen where Jennie died. 

The emotional journey that accompanies the performance could also be a trigger or even a conduit for paranormal activity in locations like the Jennie Wade House. It could be why many people who visit the location feel odd sensations and emotions standing at the spot where Jennie was kneading dough before the bullet pierced her heart.

Jennie Wade House. Photo credit: Alex Matsuo

Ghostly Images also heads up the similar dramatic offerings at the Orphanage. There, they have an actress dressed up as the cruel headmistress, Rosa J. Carmichael, to tell the story of the Orphanage.

But could it be possible that the presence of people in 19th century clothing could be fueling the energy and keeping the spirits of the period “awake” so to speak? They see someone relatable from their time period and may reach out and relate to them.

It’s been often said that the lack of closure fueled the Spiritualism movement to its peak. But it also could make a strong case for hauntings by these soldiers if one believes the lore of a spirit having unfinished business. The inability to say goodbye to loved ones or be laid to rest with family, let alone be found and identified…to have their name…could certainly have an impact on the hauntings at Gettysburg.

The Sensory Experience

Gettysburg is a sensory experience. When one visits the Gettysburg National Military Park Museum and Visitor Center, they offer a film, the Cyclorama, and the museum exhibit. The film, “A New Birth of Freedom”, is a 22-minute background of Gettysburg narrated by Morgan Freeman and a few other celebrity voices.

The Cyclorama is a 360-degree hand-painted canvas that’s four stories tall and depicts Pickett’s Charge. There’s music, dramatic narration, cannon fire, gunshots, and lighting effects that direct your attention to different parts of the painting from the perspective of standing on the Union line of Cemetery Ridge. As the artillery rages on, you hear the line spoken by a Confederate soldier, “Slowly but steadily we marched forward. Every step some poor fellow would fall and as his pitiful cry would come to my ear, I almost imagined it the wail of some loved one he left at home.” This aids visitors in creating an emotional connection to the battle. 

Finally, the museum’s extensive exhibit, which include artifacts, flags, campsites, artillery, and so much more. 

Between the emotional and sensory experience, there is an exchange of energy occurring. The artifacts could potentially have their own energy. Add in the energy coming from the living who are looking at these items plus the emotional energy, one could argue that there’s an elevated charge to these items outside of conventional “haunted” objects. This could possibly make an impact on the energy of Gettysburg, but also, quite possibly, awaken potential past life memories as the vibrations of the artillery roars through the room.

A Case for Thought Forms & Biases

If one believes that energy can be absorbed into the stones and into the ground, then Gettysburg is filled with energy that comes from not just those three days in battle, but also the years of trauma and recovery. This energy could certainly play a role in the paranormal activity experienced by visitors including residual hauntings, emotional reactions, flashbacks, and more.

One could make the cast that most of the hauntings at Gettysburg could be created by the living. Between hearing and living the stories daily, could this be enough concentration and energy transference that we’re creating a self-fulfilling prophecy?

Or could the paranormal investigators visiting the area are so eager (and maybe desperate) to have an experience that they manifest activity? Then they share their experience with others, not realizing it was of their own creation. Possibly, then the people they shared their experience with try to recreate the experience of their own and provide their concentration and energy, thus fueling a man-made paranormal experience. 

There’s also the possibility that paranormal investigators may come in with a bias. That bias could be that any strange sound, noise, or sighting is paranormal. It could also be that any activity that takes place must be coming from the events of 1863 because of the location.


With the constant storytelling, people dressed in period clothing, and investigators looking for spirits to talk to, I truly think that most of the activity relating to the battle is residual. Meaning, it’s like a broken record player replaying a moment repeatedly. 

There is a strong possibility there are conscious spirits from the battle still residing in the area. The hauntings of Gettysburg are some of the most staggering cases of paranormal activity. There are multiple layers to the paranormal activity, which means that researchers and investigators must consider their approach on a case-by-case basis.

It’s hard to determine what causes the activity at Gettysburg. But one thing we could agree on is that all of the factors noted do not allow the energy to rest. They’re constantly being woken up and kept awake, much like a baby waking up their parents.

Bodies disappear, but these spirits remain. It was a tremendous loss that we still feel the vibrations of today. For decades after the battle, it was said that the land itself cried out in anguish. 

If you listen carefully, you may still hear it cry today.

If you want to read more Gettysburg-related ghost content, here’s a blog I wrote in 2020 about the same subject but diving into different theories like the Stone Tape Theory.

Works Cited

“7 Gettysburg Myths and Misconceptions.” American Battlefield Trust, 26 Apr. 2021,

Destination Gettysburg. “History of Gettysburg, PA.” Destination Gettysburg,

“Gettysburg.” American Battlefield Trust,

Hamilton, Michelle L. “The Jennie Wade House.” The Feminine Macabre, edited by Amanda R Woomer, vol. 1, 2021, pp. 232–236. Editors. “Battle of Gettysburg.”, A&E Television Networks, 29 Oct. 2009,

“History.” Gettysburg PA, Borough Government of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania,

Nesbitt, Mark. Ghosts of Gettysburg: Spirits, Apparitions, and Haunted Places of the Battlefield. Second Chance Publications, 2015.

Porch, Kathryn, and Susan M. Boardman. Elizabeth Thorn of Gettysburg: The Wartime Caretaker of Evergreen Cemetery. Gettysburg Publishing, 2015.

Ruane, Michael E. “After 1863 Battle of Gettysburg, a Grisly but Noble Enterprise to Honor the Fallen.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 13 Sept. 2013,

Sabol, John G. The Good Death and the Civil War: The Haunting of an American Battlefield. 2014.

The Importance of Identity in the Paranormal

Every human you encounter has their own life story, wishes, loves, desires, dislikes, the whole bit. Every human you meet has had certain life experiences that have shaped them into who they are up to that moment you meet them. They each have their own identity.

Psychology Today defines identity as “encompasses the memories, experiences, relationships, and values that create one’s sense of self. This amalgamation creates a steady sense of who one is over time, even as new facets are developed and incorporated into one’s identity.”

And yet, there’s a common ideology in many paranormal circles that a spirit’s (or ghost’s) identity isn’t relevant as soon as their physical body ceases to live.

Let’s go off with the idea that spirits exist and they’re the remaining consciousness of dead people (sorry, skeptics…) to explore how identity plays a role in paranormal investigations and why it’s important for both the living and the dead.

Why Does Identity Matter?

I had already written the initial draft of this blog a few weeks ago and let it stew for a bit. During that stewing time, I posted a TikTok video lamenting about how cool it would be if the mainstream paranormal television shows had more representation when it comes to diversity in body types, ethnicity, sexuality, and the such. As people started to respond, I was quite surprised over the vitriolic comments from people.

According to Critical Media Project,

  • Identity is a socially and historically constructed concept. We learn about our own identity and the identity of others through interactions with family, peers, organizations, institutions, media and other connections we make in our everyday life.
  • Key facets of identity—like gender, social class, age, sexual orientation, race and ethnicity, religion, age and disability—play significant roles in determining how we understand and experience the world, as well as shaping the types of opportunities and challenges we face.
  • Social and cultural identity is inextricably linked to issues of power, value systems, and ideology.
  • The media uses representations—images, words, and characters or personae—to convey specific ideas and values related to culture and identity in society.

As you can see, identity matters because it is who we are, who we interact with, and how society sees us. We experience the world based on our identity and how the world identifies us.

Most Common Pushback When Seeking Representation

Over the last few years, I’ve noticed this common saying that’s been used as pushback when I write about and advocate for more representation in the field.

It’s a variation of “Ghosts/Spirits don’t care if you’re black, white, gay, straight, Christian, female, male, etc.”

Personally, from looking at and researching different perspectives of investigators and mediums, one could argue that spirits do care about these things. They care because these things helped shaped their identity, which resulted in specifics experiences throughout many different chapters of their life. 

No two people will have a universal experience, especially lived experiences that include encountering racism, sexism, bigotry, and the like.

This pushback could be coming from a variety of angles. For one, I’ve noticed that the people who’ve said this the most often come from a mindset where they don’t see gender, race, sexuality, etc. This comes from a privileged mindset because they more than likely have not experienced oppression because of their identity.

Why Acknowledge Identity No Matter What

But this is a problematic mindset when approaching paranormal investigations, especially if one is trying to make a connection with a spirit for the purposes of communication. If they don’t acknowledge the spirit for what they are, where they come from, and what their life experiences were, then why are they there?

I often find that interacting with people who don’t care about the things that make me who I am to be an extremely shallow experience. How deep can one actually get if you don’t acknowledge the traits that make up that person’s identity?

Spirits aren’t blank slates that stop caring about the things that make them who they are. From personal experience and talking with other investigators, they still care about their identity as well as our own.

Also, identity not only affects the makeup of the person, but it also impacts the way that the person interacts with different social groups. The acknowledgement of identity isn’t an act of exclusion. On the contrary, it’s an act of inclusion and acceptance.

The Nature of Collecting Data vs. Experiencing

Even if one is going into a haunted location to document and collect data, there is still a whole other side of the coin; there’s usually some sort of interaction that happens in some aspect in an investigation. Usually this is in the form of the investigator trying to start a conversation. 

While yes there have been reports of phenomena occurring while no one was trying to actively engage them, if we look at the context of those incidents, usually there was a topic being discussed that resonated with the spirit.

What resonates with spirits is directly connected to their identity. Maybe it resonates because it’s a reflection of how they experienced the world when they were alive. Or could also remind the spirit of what life was like before they passed away.

It doesn’t even need to be a deep conversation about trauma. It could be something as similar as a shared interest like a favorite book, song, or movie. More paranormal investigators could be asking questions in relationship to identity as opposed to asking questions based in trauma. The field seems to be heading in that direction as more people take on a more compassionate approach to paranormal investigating.

The Benefits of Acknowledging Identity

For many paranormal investigators, they got into the field because they either wanted to have a paranormal experience or get documentation of one. It’s not unheard of for an investigator to be in this field to prove the existence of the afterlife as well. When I started Queer Ghost Hunters on YouTube, I started noticing that the investigators would share their own backgrounds and their stories to show the spirits that they were safe to talk to and they were creating a safe space where the spirit can simply exist.

When the paranormal investigator shares their experiences and takes ownership of their identity, it’s beneficial not only for the spirits, but also their fellow investigators. Sharing similar lived experiences based on identity can help build trust and create a connection between the living and the dead that could potentially create more meaningful interactions.

Those who have experienced oppression because of their identity tend to veer towards the importance of it and they are eager to acknowledge and validate that spirit’s identity. They see the importance of acknowledging a spirit’s identity, whether that is their gender, race, or sexuality. Depending on the context of the time period for that spirit, they may have had their life end because of their identity.

Final Thoughts

Let’s return to the pushback mentioned earlier, “Ghosts/Spirits don’t care if you’re black, white, gay, straight, Christian, female, male, etc.”

The big question would be if the people saying this care about their own identity right now? Do they care about the identity of others? If the former is yes, and the latter is no, then there’s a lesson in compassion and empathy that still needs to be learned by these individuals. When I hear someone say that their faith is important to them, I point out that their faith is an integral part of their identity. If they are married, their spouse is an important part of their identity. Same if they have children, friends from different social circles, it’s all important.

So when someone says that spirits wouldn’t care about identity, I simply say that if the living care, then certainly the dead do as well.

Finally, these concepts aren’t just for spirits. These are critical things to think about as we navigate social relationships within the paranormal community. Acknowledging identity in the field is a step towards representation in the field, and it can help create that inclusive space where everyone can truly feel welcome.


Melissa Elliott: Everything You Need to Know

On May 28th, 2022, I did a paranormal investigation on the property of The Cabin on 360. It consists of a log cabin built in the 80s that was a model home. Next to it sits a house that was the site of a horrifying tragedy. This house is known as the Elliott House. Located in Hanover County, this brick rancher style house in Mechanicsville, Virginia became the site of this awful event that seems to permeate the house and the surrounding land.

A few days ago, I made a TikTok video about the Elliott House and the horrific tragedy of Melissa Carol Elliott, and it went viral. Since my content doesn’t get a ton of visibility compared to other spooky creators, this was shocking. I didn’t expect this to happen.

Here’s the TikTok video for reference:

With this in mind, I realized I needed to write this blog post as soon as possible so that people can find sources for Melissa Carol Elliott and know her true story. Someone informed me that a lot of junk links have popped up since my video went viral. This post is to help answer questions and hopefully give people a North Star to use when researching her story.

Who Was Melissa Carol Elliott and What Happened to Her?

Melissa Elliott Memorial, courtesy of The Cabin on 360

Melissa Carol Elliott was a 12-year old 7th grade student at Battlefield Elementary School. She lived in Mechanicsville, Virginia. Her parents were John H. and Treva Elliott, and she had a 17-year old half-brother named Randy Lynn Elliott. Randy was from Treva’s previous relationship and was 5-years old when Melissa was born. On the morning of October 4th, 1979, John and Treva left for work early and left Melissa and Randy home alone.

Around 7:35am, Randy Lynn Elliott sexually assaulted Melissa and then shot her twice in the chest. According to a quote from W.E. Mitchell of the Hanover County Sheriff’s Department, “It appears that the girl was shot inside her single-story brick bungalow home and that the body was dragged 75-100 yards to the field where she was found.” There’s more information in the Living Paranormal Magazine article, written by Ryan C. Jones, whose family owns the property.

Jones does say that Melissa’s body was also placed in a large box and tried to hide it behind the house. He says that two men gathering straw found the box and opened it to see what was inside. I do want to note that the articles I read provided by the Cabin on 360 don’t mention the large box and also state that two construction workers found Melissa. Given that Jones’ family owned the land and the home at the time Melissa was murdered, he likely has insight that the press didn’t publicly disclose.

Randy was seen fleeing the scene, and he was eventually captured in Asheville, North Carolina as reported on October 9th, 1979. He was brought back to Virginia to be charged and tried. He was found guilty of Melissa’s murder and put in prison for a few decades.

Where is Randy Lynn Elliott Today?

In 2018, Randy Lynn Elliott was released. Today, he is on the sex offender registry and residing in North Carolina.

Here’s a clipping from The Charlotte Observer, printed October 9, 1979.

Was Randy Influenced by a Malevolent Entity?

I arrived at the Cabin on 360 late and missed the historical tour given by the caretaker, Dennis Estlock. According to my team members, they were told that it was believed that the malevolent entity that is reported to haunt the Elliott House existed before the family moved in. There’s a theory that the entity influenced Randy to commit his atrocious act against Melissa.

Personally, I don’t believe this is the case and I do find the statement problematic. This is because some may interpret the connection to absolving responsibility from Randy and that he wasn’t at fault. At the end of the day, there’s free will and Randy made a choice to do what he did.

Can I Visit the Cabin on 360 and the Eliiott House?

The Elliott House is currently available for booking through July 2022. You can contact the Cabin on 360 on Facebook to book a visit.


Living Paranormal Magazine Article – February 2017

“Boy, 17, Held In Girl’s Death” [Durham, NC]. Durham Morning Herald, 9 Oct. 1979, p. 11.

“Extradition Waived” [Charlotte, NC]. The Charlotte Observer, 9 Oct. 1979, p. 16.

How to Become a Better Paranormal Investigator in 2022

2022 marks a new year, which means it’s all about new beginnings! One of the things you might be looking to do is to up your ghost hunting game. Becoming a paranormal investigator is a big decision. It’s a choice that takes up quite a lot of time and money, not to mention management on a multitude of levels, especially if you run a team. For many paranormal investigators, going on more investigations seems to always be on the list of things to do to become better. Field work is critical if you want to improve your investigation skills. Perhaps it includes going to that “bucket list” location, or trying new things at an old location. No matter where you are in your paranormal investigation journey, you’re always trying to better yourself.

I know this is one of my 2022 goals. So, here’s a list to help you (and me) learn how to become a better paranormal investigator this year!

Don’t Take Everything at Face Value

When you see someone post a photo, video, or audio clip of their evidence, don’t hesitate to ask questions. Ask the poster why they think it’s paranormal, and how they came to the conclusions they have. Just accepting someone’s posted data as legit paranormal phenomena isn’t necessarily helpful to the field. This is especially true if we find out that the data is a hoax. In a world where people are using filters, string, and other hoaxing methods, I usually go by the idea that if it’s too good to be true, it usually is. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to debunk, but the more you ask questions, the more you will find yourself debunking.

Document More

Documenting experiences doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be as easy as writing down an incident with the date and time that it occurred. This is critical to do in the moment, even when you’re freaking out. After you’ve calmed down, you can further explore what happened and find out why it happened. Also, it helps build your credibility. Whether you’re writing down notes, taking photos, making notes of the weather changes, etc., document more of the surrounding events in your investigations and experiences. You might start noticing a pattern, or be better equipped at explaining an incident.

Research Something Different

We have your typical research areas of interest: history, psychic mediumship, and locations. Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box when it comes to research areas within the paranormal. For example, research the psychological effects of EVP, or audio pareidolia. Maybe even research the idea of time loops, adding performance to investigating, etc. Or, subscribe to a parapsychological research journal from the Rhine Research Center or the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena. Thinking outside the box this year can really help expand your paranormal investigation methods and expertise.

Hold People Accountable

This is especially critical for people to do when they see someone willingly fake evidence. The growing trend on TikTok and YouTube is incredible “paranormal” events being captured thanks to fishing line, clever audio editing, and poorly performed reactions. This behavior continues because we are willing to stay silent. However, our silence is deafening, and we need to start holding creators accountable for their actions. See the fishing line? Call it out. A video of a door opening by itself too good to be true? Ask to see a different angle. Our singular voices aren’t doing much, but vocalizing as a group may make a bigger impact.

Collaborate with Someone Who Thinks Differently

This doesn’t mean you have to collaborate with a skeptic. Collaborating with someone with different approaches and ideas can help you really hone in on what you believe in the paranormal. I often enjoy talking to people who disagree with me because it gives me the opportunity to expand my mind and see what other people are thinking in the field. Being challenged is often a scary thing in this community, but I promise that it is one of the most valuable experiences you’ll have.

Think Like a Skeptic

You don’t have to be a skeptic to think like a skeptic. Even if you think skeptics are full of it, thinking like one can help you keep accountable in your investigation methods. Work backwards in your investigation and method of collecting evidence. What questions would a skeptic ask you about your experience? What gaps would be pointed out in your investigation? Thinking ahead on these points will help you become a better investigator as well as be able to offer better explanations when asked.

Be Aware of Your Biases

This one is a tough one. We all have biases, even skeptics. If a skeptic (or a cynic) goes into a location with a goal of debunking, it’s a bias. I often catch myself having a bias when I go into a haunted location. As someone who likes to do my research pre-investigation, I have to be aware of my own biases. I can’t assume that the spirit causing the activity is the one I read about online. Heck, I can’t assume that any activity is a spirit. I have to keep an open mind and proceed to try other methods of engagement to see. If I feel a cold spot, and I assume it’s a ghost I read about online, that’s a bias. This can be really counter-productive and even harmful.

Read What Others Are Doing

While it’s nice to stay in your own paranormal bubble, sometimes you have to see what others are doing. If we stayed in our own corners, we would never know about different ideas and methodologies of other people. Part of the reason why this field has stayed stagnant for so long is that we’re not willing to try new things and try what other people are doing. On the flip side, also share what you’re doing. Yes, peer review can be scary, but feedback is critical in this field and we need more of it in order to get better. Could you imagine if the Estes Method stayed within the circle of Karl Pfeiffer, Connor Randall, and Michelle Tate?

Take Classes

Finally, while controversial, take classes. There are lots of free resources online, as well as offerings for an annual membership fee. For example, ASSAP (Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena), offers weekly webinars for an annual fee of about $28. The Rhine Research Center also offers plenty of online events to learn more. Even classes you find on Udemy and other learning platforms can be beneficial. If you find out the class is bad, then you know what sort of quality to look for.

I’m forever a student and believe in the idea of never stop learning. As soon as we stop learning, we become stagnant. There are far too many people in the field who don’t find value in education and it honestly makes me sad. While it’s true that we will likely never be able to prove the existence of ghosts, we can learn other areas of the field. There’s photography, videography, audio, genealogy, folklore, just to name a few. If an investigator doesn’t find value in education, it’s a red flag. Don’t be a red flag.

Advocate for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The paranormal community can be toxic and problematic, especially if you don’t fit into the acceptable dominant group of investigators.

There is a major disparity when it comes to paranormal entertainment. This is especially true for paranormal events where event runners are filling up their rosters with people who aren’t even involved in the field. There is a major absence in women, people of color, and members of the LGBTQIA+ community on television and paranormal events. Yes, it’s perfectly logical for event planners to fill their roster with a few TV folks. But there are prolific members of marginalized groups who are researching, creating content, and investigating that are being overlooked.

Also, the paranormal community needs to start listening to members of marginalized groups when they speak out. If they point out something that is problematic in the community, investigation methods, etc., we need to listen and see what we can do to make it better. Personally, I’ve met many BIPOC who have told me that they don’t feel safe in the paranormal community. That’s a huge issue.

We won’t get better, become more inclusive, and be a safer space unless we start listening. We’re not listening to marginalized groups, and that needs to stop. Not only do we need to listen, but we need to speak up when a marginalized group is getting oppressed all over again because ghost hunters want to ignore ethical boundaries.

What other things can you do to become a better paranormal investigator in 2022?

The Tragic Tale of Danny the Ghost Boy

CW: Child abuse, physical violence

I’ve been trying to find fresh content when it comes to Christmas ghost stories and Christmas monsters. Mostly because there’s already so much information about Krampus, Frau Perchta, Belsnickel, etc. This story was one that I heard from one of my co-workers. So, thanks for the tip, Joni!

Now in full disclosure and full transparency, I haven’t been able to find any primary source for this story. Any references that I found have come from listicles and blogs. But considering it does exist online it had to come from somewhere. I need your help in solving this Christmas mystery, especially if you’re in South Africa or you know someone from South Africa. 

I’ll be honest when I heard about Danny, I immediately thought of Danny Phantom, the cartoon from Nickelodeon. It was an awesome cartoon and I loved it.

Obsessed with Cookies

The story of Danny the Ghost Boy goes like this; Danny was a little boy (age unknown) who really enjoyed Christmas cookies. He’s a little boy, he’s a kid. That’s to be expected. He enjoys cookies, especially cookies made by grandma. Now grandma warned him not to touch or eat the cookies because some of the cookies were going to go to Santa and the rest of the cookies were going to be for Christmas, which was the next day. But Danny really wanted a Christmas cookie like really wanted it. He could not stop thinking about it. 

So, he tried to think up ways to get a cookie without anyone noticing. Finally, Danny decided to take a risk and eat up a couple of the cookies, hoping that no one would notice. But even if someone did notice, the only person he would have to face would be his grandma. She is a sweet little old lady so you know there’s nothing wrong with facing grandma and just saying sorry. I mean I will admit I’m one of those people that will ask for forgiveness instead of permission, so maybe Danny had the same mindset. It is sweet little old grandma, what harm could come? 

A Tragic End

So, Danny ate some of the cookies. When his grandma found out she was mad. I mean we are not talking like she was just disappointed in Danny not following directions. She was mad. Grandma was so mad that she grabbed a stick and started beating Danny with it. She started beating this little boy just for eating cookies. Granny beat him around his shoulders and his head and just kept hitting him with a stick.

She hit him so many times that Danny did not survive the ordeal. I told you it was dark. So yes, a little boy sneaking in some Christmas cookies managed to trigger the rage of grandma. Triggered to the point where she unalives her grandson, all for a bunch of cookies. Grandma was emotional and really stressed out and Danny taking the cookies was the last straw. 

Now for poor little Danny he did not move on to the afterlife. Instead, he stayed put as a ghost. Danny now wanders the earth during the holidays. He’s looking to haunt naughty children who may want to steal their own Christmas cookies.  He wants to haunt these naughty children so that they do not suffer the same fate as he did. Imagine being so naughty that a ghost warns you not to make the same mistake he made.


I have some thoughts on this story like I mentioned at the beginning of the blog. There’s no primary source material for the story. At least none that I have been able to find in the time that I’ve researched this. But to be honest, the only ghost children during the holidays I could find is Ignorance and Want from Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. But there are some themes here that I find interesting. Mainly Danny haunting naughty children so that they do not make the same mistake that he did. It very much reminds me of Jacob Marley and him warning scrooge to not make the same mistakes that he did, or his chains would be heavier than Marley’s.

there’s something to be said about this type of ghost story really that’s trying to teach a lesson and warn kids now during you know the holidays and everything it’s not even just during the holidays it’s not uncommon for these stories to come up as a warning to get kids to behave so it sounds like this could be south Africa’s way of scaring children into following directions. it is not that “oh you don’t want to eat Santa’s cookies and you want to be good because if not Santa will bring you coal” it’s “no if you eat the cookies your grandma could possibly unlive you” …all for cookies. That is kind of what boggles my mind too. It’s not anything about money I mean I don’t know maybe grandma really did snap when that happened to Danny.

What do you think of this story?

Feel free to share with your friends and family who also enjoy the spooky stuff especially during the holidays.

Why is Cultural Appropriation in the Paranormal So Problematic?

According to, “Cultural appropriation refers to the use of objects or elements of a non-dominant culture in a way that doesn’t respect their original meaning, give credit to their source, or reinforces stereotypes or contributes to oppression.”

The conversation about cultural appropriation may be uncomfortable for many, but it’s important. It’s an important conversation to not only have in the witch, occult, and pagan communities, but also the paranormal community. It’s fascinating that current paranormal television shows are still getting away with appropriating. Especially in the age of “woke” culture, which includes a plethora of other things like cancel culture, consequence culture, etc.. If you point out when and where these television shows are appropriating, you’ll get swarms of fans coming after you. All for the sake of defending their favorite paranormal television star.

Sadly, it seems that this wave shows no sign of stopping. This is because the television networks, producers, stars, and fans will not listen to the people whose culture it actually comes from.

The Dybbuk Box

The standout appropriating strike lies with the use of the Dybbuk box in the media. For years, the Dybbuk box has been a source of frightening entertainment on television. It even inspired the 2012 movie, The Possession. After it was acquired by Ghost Adventures star, Zak Bagans, who took it and ran. Bagans has used the box for live investigations. He has fueled quite a problematic narrative for the Dybbuk box and Jewish culture. 

This has also inspired countless others to acquire (or even make) their own Dybbuk boxes. Thus, it continues the false and problematic narrative that’s hurting Jewish culture. Why has this narrative continued to exist? According to Zo of jewitches, it’s because, “People wouldn’t listen to Jews […] And if you had just listened to Jews for the past 20 years, you wouldn’t have been scammed for so long.”

In 2021, Kevin Mannis, the original owner of the box, came clean and said that he made the story up. And yet, people believe that the Dybbuk box is real. They continue to ignore people of Jewish descent when they tell them that it’s wrong. 

What’s even worse is that speaking out against the Dybbuk box has sparked a wave of anti-Semitic hate from the paranormal community to Jewish people. Zo has spoken out about how the show has twisted Jewish folklore. She is tirelessly trying to get more information out there. In return, she was sent anti-Semitic harassment.

Ancient Indian Burial Ground

The “Ancient Indian Burial Ground” trope has been prevalent in paranormal television for decades. While many assume it rose to prominence thanks to the Amityville Horror story, it actually goes back to post-Revolutionary times. This is all thanks to poet Philip Morin Freneau. I learned this as I was listening to The Q Files’ podcast episode, “Ancient Indian Burial Grounds – Oh My!” In 1787, he published a poem called, The Indian Burying Ground. This is a trope that has been used time and time again in horror movies. So is it really that surprising that it made its way into paranormal reality television? By categorizing sacred Native American traditions as nothing more than magical people prone to conjuring bad luck and evil hauntings, we grossly misunderstand the culture. Not to mention, stealing something from another culture and twisting it into something that better fits mainstream narratives.

There’s so many more issues that warrant their own article, like the use of skinwalkers and the wendigo. 


Somehow, I’ve managed to tick off thousands of people when I publicly said that smudging is a closed practice. Then, I started asking naysayers exactly what they were doing in their smudging ritual. Turns out, they weren’t actually smudging. They were performing a smoke cleansing. It would be like me going out and taking a walk and calling it “going for a run”. The practice of smudging and the plants that are used are considered sacred to Native American/Indigenous Nations. Another issue that is especially troubling is when people feel entitled to use practices from other cultures. They completely distort them from their original intention, and then dig their heels into ownership of the practice. It deviates and steals the spotlight from the marginalized

Sigils & Symbols

Whenever I hear about a group of paranormal investigators seeing sigils and symbols either at a location or on a person, I brace for impact. Anything that “isn’t of Christ” often gets immediately labeled as demonic or evil. Just look at how occult practices are discussed on paranormal television and movies (looking at you Conjuring universe). The occult is often victimized by the perspective of “the other” that has the conventional popular shaking in their boots.

Instead of looking at these sigils and symbols and trying to make sense of them, they’re labeled as evil or demonic. This is offensive for people because those who created these symbols use them for positive reasons. What’s even worse is that there are haunted locations that will look up symbols randomly on the internet. Then, they’ll paint them on their floors and walls in order to look more “spooky”. It would be like getting a tattoo of a random Chinese character and not realizing it means, “toilet”.


My friend Ron at White Rose Witching made an important note that pointing out cultural appropriation isn’t enough. We also have a duty to point out erasure that’s happening in the community. Instead of acknowledging a culture’s history and nuance when it comes to certain topics, it’s completely erased for the sake of calling it a demon. Furthermore, it transforms the others in marginalized groups into monsters, ghosts, creatures, basically removing their humanity. The other being erased by mainstream culture causes them to become caricatures of their own existence…and a poorly drawn one at that. 

Will it Ever Stop?

All of the elements I pointed out here can make very good TV. To the ignorant person, these elements are spooky. This proves the argument that we fear what we don’t understand, and paranormal reality TV capitalizes on this. But, it’s harmful to marginalized and underrepresented groups. In the era of “cancel culture”, why these shows continue to get away with this absolutely blows my mind.


Sharma, K.N. “The Indian Burying Ground: Philip Morin Freneau – Summary and Critical Analysis.” BachelorandMaster, 16 Nov. 2013,

McClelland, Shane. Gum, Lori. “The Q Files.” Ancient Indian Burial Grounds – Oh My! November 2020.

The True Story of “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is truly my favorite ghost story. I was first exposed to it thanks to Disney. A family friend gifted me the storybook version of it when I was a kid. I think it was by Golden Books. Ah memories. Then, I discovered the cartoon on Disney Channel. I loved listening to Bing Crosby’s silky voice sing and narrate the tale. It was also one of the first ghost stories to really freak me out when I was a kid.

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving is one of America’s first ghost stories, and there’s truth behind the legend. Why not celebrate the spooky season by discussing true ghost stories?

Don’t want to read the blog? Watch the video!

The Real Town

As I got older and my need for spooky content grew stronger, which would have been the mid-to-late 90s, I decided to try to do some research about Sleepy Hollow at the library. At first, I was shocked to find that there was a REAL town called Sleepy Hollow in New York. Then, I was disappointed when the town where it’s located adopted the name in 1996 or 1997. It was originally called North Tarrytown, so you could say that the town was taking advantage of the tourism.

So, Washington Irving was living in Manhattan during his early years. But then the yellow fever epidemic took over the city in 1798. So, Irving was sent to Tarryton to stay with a friend to ride out the illness. While he was there, he learned about the village that would become Sleepy Hollow, the Dutch culture from its residents, and the local ghost stories. He wrote in letters that stated, “Villagers spoke in hushed whispers of the strange cries heard in the woods where the captured British spy John Andre had been hanged.”

At the time that The Legend of Sleepy Hollow was written, the town didn’t actually exist. One could argue that Irving may have named the town himself? The bridge was real, and it went to the Old Dutch Churchyard. But, I read that the bridge no longer exists today. The town did build a memorial bridge in the cemetery and they have a plaque where the original bridge once stood. What’s so special about this? This brings me to my next point about the Headless Horseman!

The Headless Horseman

The Headless Horseman might be my favorite ghost…ever. And he could be real! They say there’s an unmarked grave of a Revolutionary soldier who was decapitated by a cannon ball during the Battle of White Plains. He’s also known as the Headless Hessian of the Hollow. He was apparently a Hessian trooper. Hessian, meaning he was of German descent…not to mention he would have been dispatched by the British Army. Hessians didn’t see the patriots as favorable and even spread rumors about them. 

This is a great example of Washington Irving creating a story that helps people process the trauma of the Revolutionary War. Literally having a figure to represent America’s enemy as the villain of the story. It’s hard to tell if there was really a decapitated Hessian that existed, let alone learning his name since record keeping back then was a bit…messy.

In a TikTok video by Carter Rodney, he says that on November 1st, 1776, Major General William Heath wrote in his diary about how a cannon took off the head of a Hessian artilleryman. I did find this diary entry and it lines up. So thank you for the tip, Carter. White Plains is also less than 10 miles from Tarrytown.

The Source of the Headless Horseman

In the story, Irving’s alter-ego, Diedrich Knickerbocker, hears about the legend of the headless horseman from a Black mill worker and a Dutch housewife. I haven’t been able to find solid evidence that this was where Irving also heard the legend.

Fun fact, the lore of the headless horseman isn’t just American. There’s the dullahan in Irish folklore and in Scotland, there’s a headless horseman named Ewen. He was decapitated during a clan battle at Glen Cainnir on the Isle of Mull. Because of his premature unaliveness, he was denied the chance to be a chieftain and haunts the area.

Ichabod Crane

Yes, Ichabod Crane was a real person, but his only inspiration in the Sleepy Hollow legend is his name. Irving saw his name in a paper and really liked it. The real Crane served during the War of 1812 and was alive at the same time as Washington Irving. However, the two never met. Crane was a military man and served for 45 years. What’s funny is that he wasn’t exactly thrilled about Irving using his real name in the story. He’s also the exact opposite of the fictional Crane. Had the real Crane come across the Headless Horseman in real life, he definitely wouldn’t have ran away. Irving and Crane were both stationed at Fort Pike, but again, they never met. The real Ichabod also never lived in Sleepy Hollow.

So where did Irving come up with the personality of the fictional Ichabod? School teachers Samuel Youngs and Jesse Merwin seemed to have served as inspiration. Youngs and Irving were actually pretty close friends. He was honestly delighted to be the inspiration for Ichabod. He’s buried at the Old Dutch Church in Sleepy Hollow. The other person who was believed to be Ichabod’s inspiration is Jesse Merwin, who was a teacher in Kinderhook, NY. The one-room schoolhouse he taught in still stands today and you can see it in person. It’s been appropriately named the Ichabod Crane Schoolhouse.

Van Tassels

Irving’s sister boarded at the Van Tassel home and they were neighbors. He reimagined the Val Tassel’s as a wealthy family. Eleanor Van Tassel Brush is likely to be the inspiration for Katrina Van Tassel. The name Katrina likely came from Elanor’s aunt, Catrina.

What’s interesting is that the real Van Tassels may have ties to the Hessian soldier. The farm of Cornelius and Elizabeth Van Tassel was burnt down by Hessian and British soldiers in 1777. Elizabeth realized that their baby, Leah, was nowhere to be found. One of the Hessian soldiers took her to a shed, where one of the shoulders had baby Leah wrapped in a blanket. Legend says that the Van Tassels were so grateful that when the headless soldier was found, they insisted on giving him a proper burial in case it was the soldier who helped them. Given that the Hessian soldier lost his head in 1776, it’s likely not true, but it’s nice to think about.

Brom Bones

Yes, even Brom Bones was inspired by a real person. His real name was Abraham Martling, nicknamed Brom. He was the town blacksmith and he rode a giant black horse, much like the Headless Horseman in the story.

Now you know the true story behind The Legend of Sleepy Hollow! What do you think? Let me know in the comments. If you enjoyed this video, feel free to share this with your friends and family who also enjoy the Spooky Stuff. Thanks so much for watching and I’ll see you in the next round.
