Why is Cultural Appropriation in the Paranormal So Problematic?

According to verywellmind.com, “Cultural appropriation refers to the use of objects or elements of a non-dominant culture in a way that doesn’t respect their original meaning, give credit to their source, or reinforces stereotypes or contributes to oppression.”

The conversation about cultural appropriation may be uncomfortable for many, but it’s important. It’s an important conversation to not only have in the witch, occult, and pagan communities, but also the paranormal community. It’s fascinating that current paranormal television shows are still getting away with appropriating. Especially in the age of “woke” culture, which includes a plethora of other things like cancel culture, consequence culture, etc.. If you point out when and where these television shows are appropriating, you’ll get swarms of fans coming after you. All for the sake of defending their favorite paranormal television star.

Sadly, it seems that this wave shows no sign of stopping. This is because the television networks, producers, stars, and fans will not listen to the people whose culture it actually comes from.

The Dybbuk Box

The standout appropriating strike lies with the use of the Dybbuk box in the media. For years, the Dybbuk box has been a source of frightening entertainment on television. It even inspired the 2012 movie, The Possession. After it was acquired by Ghost Adventures star, Zak Bagans, who took it and ran. Bagans has used the box for live investigations. He has fueled quite a problematic narrative for the Dybbuk box and Jewish culture. 

This has also inspired countless others to acquire (or even make) their own Dybbuk boxes. Thus, it continues the false and problematic narrative that’s hurting Jewish culture. Why has this narrative continued to exist? According to Zo of jewitches, it’s because, “People wouldn’t listen to Jews […] And if you had just listened to Jews for the past 20 years, you wouldn’t have been scammed for so long.”

In 2021, Kevin Mannis, the original owner of the box, came clean and said that he made the story up. And yet, people believe that the Dybbuk box is real. They continue to ignore people of Jewish descent when they tell them that it’s wrong. 

What’s even worse is that speaking out against the Dybbuk box has sparked a wave of anti-Semitic hate from the paranormal community to Jewish people. Zo has spoken out about how the show has twisted Jewish folklore. She is tirelessly trying to get more information out there. In return, she was sent anti-Semitic harassment.

Ancient Indian Burial Ground

The “Ancient Indian Burial Ground” trope has been prevalent in paranormal television for decades. While many assume it rose to prominence thanks to the Amityville Horror story, it actually goes back to post-Revolutionary times. This is all thanks to poet Philip Morin Freneau. I learned this as I was listening to The Q Files’ podcast episode, “Ancient Indian Burial Grounds – Oh My!” In 1787, he published a poem called, The Indian Burying Ground. This is a trope that has been used time and time again in horror movies. So is it really that surprising that it made its way into paranormal reality television? By categorizing sacred Native American traditions as nothing more than magical people prone to conjuring bad luck and evil hauntings, we grossly misunderstand the culture. Not to mention, stealing something from another culture and twisting it into something that better fits mainstream narratives.

There’s so many more issues that warrant their own article, like the use of skinwalkers and the wendigo. 


Somehow, I’ve managed to tick off thousands of people when I publicly said that smudging is a closed practice. Then, I started asking naysayers exactly what they were doing in their smudging ritual. Turns out, they weren’t actually smudging. They were performing a smoke cleansing. It would be like me going out and taking a walk and calling it “going for a run”. The practice of smudging and the plants that are used are considered sacred to Native American/Indigenous Nations. Another issue that is especially troubling is when people feel entitled to use practices from other cultures. They completely distort them from their original intention, and then dig their heels into ownership of the practice. It deviates and steals the spotlight from the marginalized

Sigils & Symbols

Whenever I hear about a group of paranormal investigators seeing sigils and symbols either at a location or on a person, I brace for impact. Anything that “isn’t of Christ” often gets immediately labeled as demonic or evil. Just look at how occult practices are discussed on paranormal television and movies (looking at you Conjuring universe). The occult is often victimized by the perspective of “the other” that has the conventional popular shaking in their boots.

Instead of looking at these sigils and symbols and trying to make sense of them, they’re labeled as evil or demonic. This is offensive for people because those who created these symbols use them for positive reasons. What’s even worse is that there are haunted locations that will look up symbols randomly on the internet. Then, they’ll paint them on their floors and walls in order to look more “spooky”. It would be like getting a tattoo of a random Chinese character and not realizing it means, “toilet”.


My friend Ron at White Rose Witching made an important note that pointing out cultural appropriation isn’t enough. We also have a duty to point out erasure that’s happening in the community. Instead of acknowledging a culture’s history and nuance when it comes to certain topics, it’s completely erased for the sake of calling it a demon. Furthermore, it transforms the others in marginalized groups into monsters, ghosts, creatures, basically removing their humanity. The other being erased by mainstream culture causes them to become caricatures of their own existence…and a poorly drawn one at that. 

Will it Ever Stop?

All of the elements I pointed out here can make very good TV. To the ignorant person, these elements are spooky. This proves the argument that we fear what we don’t understand, and paranormal reality TV capitalizes on this. But, it’s harmful to marginalized and underrepresented groups. In the era of “cancel culture”, why these shows continue to get away with this absolutely blows my mind.


Sharma, K.N. “The Indian Burying Ground: Philip Morin Freneau – Summary and Critical Analysis.” BachelorandMaster, 16 Nov. 2013, bachelorandmaster.com/britishandamericanpoetry/the-indian-burying-ground.html

McClelland, Shane. Gum, Lori. “The Q Files.” Ancient Indian Burial Grounds – Oh My! November 2020. https://www.facebook.com/TheQFilesPodcast/

18 Qualities Successful Paranormal Investigators All Share

Paranormal investigators all over the world are constantly striving to be better, be the best, and try to be “successful.” I have to say that success will look different to every paranormal investigator. For example, some investigators just want to have an experience. That’s alright. Some investigators want to find proof of the afterlife. Next, you have investigators who want to make sense of the paranormal through some sort of research like history or science. Then, there are others who want to be influential to others and make a name for themselves. Finally, you have investigators who also want to be content creators. I’m sure I’m missing many other categories. These were the ones that popped up in my head.

For this blog, I observed some of my heroes in the field (go here for the list) and I took notes. I looked at how they reacted to criticism, adversity, and what they’re doing in the field throughout the year. Also, I polled my Facebook group and received input from my members. I was pleasantly surprised at the overlap of the qualities they mentioned and the qualities you see on this list.

Now, are there only 18 qualities? Of course not! Be sure to let me know what qualities you think make a successful paranormal investigator in the comments!

1. Possess passion

All successful investigators I know are passionate about this field. Passion is what drives them to keep going, and it also makes them happy. It seems that passion is the fuel that never runs out. You wouldn’t be involved in the paranormal in some capacity if it didn’t interest you and give you some drive. Otherwise, being in the paranormal is a miserable experience. Putting yourself through that isn’t successful. On that note, I need to follow my own advice.

2. Strive to uplift others

Uplifting others means that you will lift others up, even if it means you’re not getting recognition yourself. I’ve seen people in this community go out of their way to uplift someone, and that is awesome to see. When someone is not doing great, there are people to stand out because of their ability to give that person a boost when they need it most.

3. Share the spotlight

Whenever there is some sort of paranormal awards, or lists recognizing investigators, I pay attention to see the reactions. Some of the most successful paranormal investigators I know praised and uplifted the folks who got recognized. Being successful is knowing that the spotlight won’t shine on you all the time and you step aside with grace and let others shine.

4. Avoid gatekeeping

There are a lot of gatekeepers in the paranormal community. I’ve had my own skills as a paranormal investigator and researcher questioned because I don’t have psychic mediumship abilities. It’s insane. Or, I’ve seen people say things like, “You can’t consider yourself part of the paranormal because you’re not out investigating.” Finally, I’ve also seen, “If you’re not trying to find proof of the afterlife, you’re not an investigator.” Successful paranormal investigators don’t gatekeep in the field, nor have they come up with a checklist of things you have to do to consider yourself part of the community. Everyone is welcome in their eyes!

5. Willing to try new things

Something I’ve noticed some of the most successful paranormal investigators do is that they are willing to try new things. This is especially true before they give feedback or their opinion about something. I appreciate that they are willing to step into the shoes of others and give themselves a more objective perspective instead of being an armchair critic. Another thing to note is that trying new things doesn’t mean you have to keep using the tech or doing a certain method. Trying new things is a great way to expand the mind!

6. Adapting as the field changes

The paranormal field is constantly changing. There’s always new tech, new investigative methods, and new social media platforms to explore. Instead of digging their heels in and refusing to adapt, successful paranormal investigators adapt and move to the ebb and flow. Do old-school methods still have value? Of course! But there are also changes happening on a regular basis, and moving with the waves will make you grow as an investigator.

7. Willingness to learn

No matter how successful or how famous they are, these paranormal investigators are always learning. They are taking classes, reading books, listening to radio shows, and attending lectures. Successful paranormal investigators acknowledge that while no one is an expert on ghosts, there are experts in other areas like photography, videography, psychology, sound, etc. There is always something new to learn in this field when it comes to the “non-ghosty” stuff.

8. Use critical thinking

Successful paranormal investigators are constantly using their critical thinking skills. Rarely do they see evidence online and accept it as legitimate. They will ask questions and get as much information as they can. Critical thinking skills are a bit rare in this field at times. So when someone is thinking critically, they stand out. Sadly, they may get perceived as negative and closed-minded by others.

9. Set healthy boundaries

I’ll get on my soapbox with the awareness that I myself need to adhere to this quality. Setting healthy boundaries ensures your survival mentally and physically. A successful paranormal investigator is aware that in order to do well in the field, they have to take care of themselves. Sometimes, that means not accomodating every request that comes their way or investigating every weekend out of the year. Setting boundaries means different things to different people. Figure out what boundaries you need to set and you’re on your way to helping yourself get to success!

10. Recognize differences

This one is huge. In the paranormal community, there’s a popular mindset that basically says, “We’re all the same”, or “We’re all at the same level.” As I’ve said before, this is absolutely not true. We are all different in the paranormal with different life stories, skills, education, and background. It is only when we embrace these differences that we truly grow. Part of that is acknowledging that someone may have more skills than us, or they have more education in an area than us. The most successful paranormal investigators I’ve met recognize and honor these differences, and it’s beautiful to see.

11. Utilize healthy skepticism

This rounds up several points into one. Everyone needs a healthy dose of skepticism in order to be successful in this field. If you’re not questioning everything, thinking critically, and skeptical of paranormal events around you, you’re missing out on an opportunity to grow. Skepticism is needed in this field because, otherwise, everyone would be believing that every speck of dust and water droplet was their spirit guide or grandmother coming to say hi. We would be making no progress in this field.

12. Demonstrate humbleness

Being humble in this field can be tricky. You want to be confident in what you do, but you also don’t want to come across as arrogant and self-absorbed. It’s even harder to achieve this on social media when text doesn’t always translate the way that we want it to. Yet, the successful paranormal investigators I watch are so humble, and yet, they bring a room to silence when they walk in. They still have their authority and they are still confident, but they manage to balance themselves out with humbleness. That’s incredible!

13. Admit when they’re wrong

Admitting when you’re wrong is hard. I struggle with this. But, it’s necessary for a multitude of reasons. Sometimes, especially in the paranormal, we’re not always right. And yet, sometimes we think we’re right, only to be corrected. Less successful paranormal investigators will argue, they will dig their heels into the ground, and they will stand their ground until they’re red in the face. Successful paranormal investigators will admit when they’re wrong and use it as a learning experience.

14. Provide constructive feedback

Successful paranormal investigators say more than just “That’s not good” or “Do some research.” They provide constructive feedback that helps the receiver learn more. This can be hard if the person receiving the feedback isn’t receptive. Sadly, it happens pretty often in the field. But successful paranormal investigators offer feedback as they are requested to do so, and they are able to do it with immense kindness.

15. Able to debunk

Debunking can be a scary thing to do since so many in the paranormal community seem to align debunking with losing credibility. I will die on this hill; some of the most successful paranormal investigators I’ve met will debunk themselves. Or, they will graciously accept the information from someone else that debunks their work. For me, that’s impressive and I’m sure this is some superhero skill.

16. Compassionate and empathetic

Being able to use compassion and empathy while addressing difficult people is an incredible skill. If I could also add a third element to this, it’s that successful investigators also know how to set boundaries. Those boundaries are helpful when it comes to dealing with people in general. Having compassion and empathy with healthy boundaries seem to be one of the biggest qualities with my paranormal heroes and I really strive to possess those qualities.

17. Don’t invalidate others

This is another superhero skill I’ve noticed in the paranormal that I’m striving towards. Invalidating others rarely goes well because…well, you’re making that other person feel bad. Yes, there are certain ideas and beliefs that should be invalidated because they are harmful to others. This section isn’t talking about those situations. I recently watched a friend (who is a very successful investigator in my eyes) who was able to switch naysayers on a post and get them to agree with him. It was like watching a magic show. But what I noticed was that my friend didn’t invalidate their thoughts, and segued their thoughts into something more constructive and positive.

18. Don’t start drama

This is a big one. I’ve noticed that the successful paranormal investigators in my circle don’t start drama, nor do they get involved with drama. They’re not creating slam posts or making passive-aggressive comments attacking someone. But, to be honest, when someone envelopes all of these qualities, they typically don’t get involved in drama. More importantly, when someone brings drama to their front doorstep, they simply close the door and don’t let it in.

The Shocking Differences Between Real Life Ghost Hunting And TV

One of the most popular panels I participate in at cons is the differences between real-life paranormal investigating and what we see on television. From my time hosting public investigations and working with new folks in the paranormal world, I’m often put in positions where I have to explain that what we see on television isn’t accurate to what happens in real life.

Simply put, paranormal reality television isn’t a reflection of what it’s like in real life. Here are some of the major differences between what you see on TV and what you may experience out in the field.

You May Not Have an Experience for Several Hours

Paranormal television shows show the best 30-45 minutes of an investigation that took place over the course of several hours, days, if not weeks. The clips you see on paranormal television shows may not have even been filmed on the same day. Usually, the first ghostly interactions happen within 15-minutes of the show’s start. This doesn’t happen in real life. And yet, I’m often asked within 30 minutes of a public ghost hunt where the ghosts are and why aren’t they talking? Well, it’s because these shows are very much a snip of a petal from a much larger flower.

It Might Be Boring

Ghost hunting television shows are exciting to watch. There’s music, dramatic clips, voiceovers, and more. This makes paranormal investigations look glamorous and dramatic. It’s not surprising that these television shows have managed to recruit most of the people in the paranormal community. But the real-life paranormal investigation isn’t nearly as interesting as what you see on TV. It’s much quieter, but it’s just as fulfilling if you set your expectations realistically.

Not Everything is Out to Get You

Paranormal reality television makes it seem like the spirits and entities are out to get the stars. But, in most scenarios I’ve encountered, the spirits are merely people. One of my favorite moments in a TV show was when the star is demanding that the spirits show themselves, and they respond with, “Do we have to?” How delightfully human is that? All in all, the entities that reside at a location are merely trying to get by in the afterlife. They aren’t the monsters you see on Scooby-Doo where they’re trying to get the stars.

Provocation Isn’t the First Thing to Do

Provocation is a jerk move, plain and simple. Yes, it’s great television and it’s entertaining. But have you seen what happens to television stars when they provoke? They get hit, bit, scratched, pushed, the list goes on. You wouldn’t walk into someone’s home and start provoking them, so how is it okay to do so during a paranormal investigation? While provoking is often used on TV, it is not the preference of most respected paranormal investigators. The only reason one provokes is to get a response. It’s not acceptable to do when one is alive, let alone doing it to someone who has since passed.

Television is Entertainment

Finally, you must remember that paranormal reality television is part of the entertainment business. Their goal is to entertain and maintain ratings. You will never see the ENTIRE story played out on camera. You’ll see snippets instead. While there may be some truth to some shows, that’s not the case with every show on TV. They have a storyboard. There are writers. A story needs to be told. What you see on a television show is the result of hundreds of pieces being put together. It’s the result of a team of dedicated filmmakers, all contributing something to the table.

Before you think I’m a complete hater of paranormal television, I’m not. Paranormal television has played a tremendous role in growing awareness of the paranormal and recruiting more people to the community. Therefore, it has value. As long as people know the difference between what they see on television and what is real-life, we’re going to be okay.