Spirits and Shadows: Navigating Sexual Harassment in the Paranormal Realm

Welcome to a candid exploration of a topic that often lurks in the shadows of an otherworldly realm—the prevalence of sexual harassment within the paranormal field. As enthusiasts and professionals dedicated to unraveling mysteries beyond the veil, it’s crucial to shed light on a disturbing reality that affects our community.

In this blog, I’m going confront the misconception that sexual harassment can be dismissed as mere flirtation within the paranormal context. I’ll unravel the layers of this issue, emphasizing why there is no excuse for such behavior and why it is imperative to address it head-on.

No cloak of mystery or ethereal aura can justify the violation of personal boundaries. I’ll delve into the reasons why there is absolutely no excuse for sexual harassment, underscoring the impact it has on individuals and the collective spirit of our paranormal community. By holding individuals accountable for their actions, we aim to preserve the integrity and positive energy that should define our shared pursuits.

Confronting the reality of sexual harassment becomes even more challenging when it involves someone familiar within our paranormal circles. I’ll provide guidance on navigating the delicate process of addressing accusations against someone you know. I’ll also explore the importance of supporting victims, encouraging accountability, and fostering an environment that prioritizes the well-being of all community members.

Join me on this journey of introspection and empowerment as we strive to create a paranormal field free from the shadows of harassment, where our shared passion can thrive in an atmosphere of mutual respect and genuine connection. I’ll be using three statements I’ve recently heard as starting points for discussion.

“But the person has a sex addiction.”

Using sex addiction as an excuse for sexual harassment is problematic for several reasons. Firstly, it can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and misunderstandings about sex addiction itself. True sex addiction is a complex and often misunderstood psychological condition that involves a compulsive and harmful relationship with sexual behaviors. Using it as a justification for harassment may trivialize the struggles of those genuinely dealing with sex addiction.

Secondly, attributing harassment to sex addiction can divert attention from the responsibility of the harasser for their actions. It’s essential to recognize that sexual harassment is a behavior rooted in a misuse of power and a violation of consent, irrespective of any underlying personal challenges.

Thirdly, framing sexual harassment as a symptom of sex addiction may contribute to a culture of victim-blaming. This approach could shift the focus away from supporting and protecting the victims, placing undue sympathy on the perpetrator instead.

It is crucial to address sexual harassment through a lens of accountability, consent, and the promotion of healthy attitudes towards relationships. This involves holding individuals responsible for their actions and fostering a culture that condemns harassment while providing support and understanding for those genuinely struggling with mental health issues, including sex addiction.

“They were just flirting.”

Labeling sexual harassment as flirting perpetuates a harmful misconception that undermines the importance of consent and contributes to a culture that normalizes inappropriate behavior. Flirting involves mutual interest, respect, and the intention to create a positive and consensual connection between individuals.

Sexual harassment, on the other hand, is an unwelcome and often offensive behavior that violates personal boundaries, disregards consent, and creates an uncomfortable or hostile environment. Mischaracterizing harassment as flirting dismisses the serious impact it has on the victims, downplays the violation of personal boundaries, and fosters a culture that tolerates inappropriate conduct.

It is crucial to differentiate between genuine, consensual flirting and behavior that crosses the line into harassment. By using accurate and clear language, we contribute to a society that values respect, communication, and the importance of mutual consent in all interpersonal interactions. Addressing sexual harassment for what it is helps create a safer and more respectful environment for everyone.

“I’m running a paranormal event and have already booked a person with accusations as a guest. What do I do?”

Ensuring the safety and well-being of all event attendees is paramount. In cases of sexual harassment accusations against a guest, it is crucial for event organizers to take these allegations seriously, even when hard proof may be lacking. The potential risk and harm associated with such incidents demand a proactive and empathetic response.

While the legal system may require evidence to establish guilt, the absence of hard proof does not diminish the significance of addressing these concerns. Ignoring or downplaying accusations can create an unsafe environment and perpetuate a culture of silence that discourages victims from coming forward.

Event organizers have a responsibility to prioritize the safety and comfort of all attendees. Implementing thorough investigations, providing a confidential reporting system, and taking appropriate actions, such as restricting access or removing the accused party if necessary, contribute to fostering an environment where individuals feel protected and supported.

By taking a proactive stance against sexual harassment, event organizers contribute to creating spaces where everyone can enjoy themselves without fear, emphasizing the importance of a culture that values the well-being and safety of all participants.

“The person in question is my friend. What do I do? Who do I believe?”

Discovering that a friend has engaged in sexual harassment is a challenging situation that requires careful consideration and decisive action. It’s crucial to prioritize the well-being and safety of potential victims while encouraging accountability and personal growth. Here are steps to take if you find out that your friend has been involved in such behavior:

  1. Believe and Support the Victim:
    Start by believing the victim and providing emotional support. Let them know that you take their experience seriously and that you stand with them.
  2. Confront Your Friend:
    Address the issue with your friend directly but without confrontation. Express your concern, let them know you’ve learned about their actions, and make it clear that such behavior is unacceptable.
  3. Encourage Accountability:
    Encourage your friend to take responsibility for their actions. Acknowledge the impact of their behavior on others and emphasize the importance of learning and growth.
  4. Suggest Professional Help:
    If appropriate, suggest seeking professional help, such as therapy or counseling, to address the underlying issues contributing to their behavior.
  5. Distance Yourself if Necessary:
    Depending on the severity of the situation and your friend’s response, consider distancing yourself if you feel it’s necessary. Prioritize the safety and well-being of others.
  6. Report if Necessary:
    If the harassment involves criminal activity or if you believe there is an immediate threat, consider reporting the behavior to the appropriate authorities.
  7. Promote Education and Change:
    Encourage your friend to educate themselves about consent, boundaries, and respectful behavior. Advocate for positive change and growth.
  8. Reflect on Your Values:
    Take time to reflect on your own values and boundaries. Consider whether maintaining the friendship aligns with your principles and whether it is healthy for you and those around you.

Remember, addressing sexual harassment is a delicate process, and your actions should prioritize the safety and well-being of potential victims. If you ever find yourself uncertain about the best course of action, seek guidance from professionals or organizations dedicated to supporting victims of harassment.

In Conclusion

Hopefully, I have unveiled the unsettling specter of sexual harassment and dismantled the notion that it could ever be disguised as innocent flirtation. This exploration has emphasized that there is no excuse for such behavior, challenging us to uphold the standards of respect, consent, and inclusivity that should define our shared passion.

As we all navigate the shadowy corners where harassment persists, remember that our collective strength lies in accountability and empathy. By supporting victims, holding perpetrators responsible, and fostering an environment that prioritizes safety, we wield the tools to banish sexual harassment from our community. Together, let us forge a future where the pursuit of the paranormal is not tainted by shadows, but illuminated by the shared commitment to creating a space that is welcoming, secure, and empowering for all.

How to Become a Better Paranormal Investigator in 2022

2022 marks a new year, which means it’s all about new beginnings! One of the things you might be looking to do is to up your ghost hunting game. Becoming a paranormal investigator is a big decision. It’s a choice that takes up quite a lot of time and money, not to mention management on a multitude of levels, especially if you run a team. For many paranormal investigators, going on more investigations seems to always be on the list of things to do to become better. Field work is critical if you want to improve your investigation skills. Perhaps it includes going to that “bucket list” location, or trying new things at an old location. No matter where you are in your paranormal investigation journey, you’re always trying to better yourself.

I know this is one of my 2022 goals. So, here’s a list to help you (and me) learn how to become a better paranormal investigator this year!

Don’t Take Everything at Face Value

When you see someone post a photo, video, or audio clip of their evidence, don’t hesitate to ask questions. Ask the poster why they think it’s paranormal, and how they came to the conclusions they have. Just accepting someone’s posted data as legit paranormal phenomena isn’t necessarily helpful to the field. This is especially true if we find out that the data is a hoax. In a world where people are using filters, string, and other hoaxing methods, I usually go by the idea that if it’s too good to be true, it usually is. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to debunk, but the more you ask questions, the more you will find yourself debunking.

Document More

Documenting experiences doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be as easy as writing down an incident with the date and time that it occurred. This is critical to do in the moment, even when you’re freaking out. After you’ve calmed down, you can further explore what happened and find out why it happened. Also, it helps build your credibility. Whether you’re writing down notes, taking photos, making notes of the weather changes, etc., document more of the surrounding events in your investigations and experiences. You might start noticing a pattern, or be better equipped at explaining an incident.

Research Something Different

We have your typical research areas of interest: history, psychic mediumship, and locations. Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box when it comes to research areas within the paranormal. For example, research the psychological effects of EVP, or audio pareidolia. Maybe even research the idea of time loops, adding performance to investigating, etc. Or, subscribe to a parapsychological research journal from the Rhine Research Center or the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena. Thinking outside the box this year can really help expand your paranormal investigation methods and expertise.

Hold People Accountable

This is especially critical for people to do when they see someone willingly fake evidence. The growing trend on TikTok and YouTube is incredible “paranormal” events being captured thanks to fishing line, clever audio editing, and poorly performed reactions. This behavior continues because we are willing to stay silent. However, our silence is deafening, and we need to start holding creators accountable for their actions. See the fishing line? Call it out. A video of a door opening by itself too good to be true? Ask to see a different angle. Our singular voices aren’t doing much, but vocalizing as a group may make a bigger impact.

Collaborate with Someone Who Thinks Differently

This doesn’t mean you have to collaborate with a skeptic. Collaborating with someone with different approaches and ideas can help you really hone in on what you believe in the paranormal. I often enjoy talking to people who disagree with me because it gives me the opportunity to expand my mind and see what other people are thinking in the field. Being challenged is often a scary thing in this community, but I promise that it is one of the most valuable experiences you’ll have.

Think Like a Skeptic

You don’t have to be a skeptic to think like a skeptic. Even if you think skeptics are full of it, thinking like one can help you keep accountable in your investigation methods. Work backwards in your investigation and method of collecting evidence. What questions would a skeptic ask you about your experience? What gaps would be pointed out in your investigation? Thinking ahead on these points will help you become a better investigator as well as be able to offer better explanations when asked.

Be Aware of Your Biases

This one is a tough one. We all have biases, even skeptics. If a skeptic (or a cynic) goes into a location with a goal of debunking, it’s a bias. I often catch myself having a bias when I go into a haunted location. As someone who likes to do my research pre-investigation, I have to be aware of my own biases. I can’t assume that the spirit causing the activity is the one I read about online. Heck, I can’t assume that any activity is a spirit. I have to keep an open mind and proceed to try other methods of engagement to see. If I feel a cold spot, and I assume it’s a ghost I read about online, that’s a bias. This can be really counter-productive and even harmful.

Read What Others Are Doing

While it’s nice to stay in your own paranormal bubble, sometimes you have to see what others are doing. If we stayed in our own corners, we would never know about different ideas and methodologies of other people. Part of the reason why this field has stayed stagnant for so long is that we’re not willing to try new things and try what other people are doing. On the flip side, also share what you’re doing. Yes, peer review can be scary, but feedback is critical in this field and we need more of it in order to get better. Could you imagine if the Estes Method stayed within the circle of Karl Pfeiffer, Connor Randall, and Michelle Tate?

Take Classes

Finally, while controversial, take classes. There are lots of free resources online, as well as offerings for an annual membership fee. For example, ASSAP (Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena), offers weekly webinars for an annual fee of about $28. The Rhine Research Center also offers plenty of online events to learn more. Even classes you find on Udemy and other learning platforms can be beneficial. If you find out the class is bad, then you know what sort of quality to look for.

I’m forever a student and believe in the idea of never stop learning. As soon as we stop learning, we become stagnant. There are far too many people in the field who don’t find value in education and it honestly makes me sad. While it’s true that we will likely never be able to prove the existence of ghosts, we can learn other areas of the field. There’s photography, videography, audio, genealogy, folklore, just to name a few. If an investigator doesn’t find value in education, it’s a red flag. Don’t be a red flag.

Advocate for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The paranormal community can be toxic and problematic, especially if you don’t fit into the acceptable dominant group of investigators.

There is a major disparity when it comes to paranormal entertainment. This is especially true for paranormal events where event runners are filling up their rosters with people who aren’t even involved in the field. There is a major absence in women, people of color, and members of the LGBTQIA+ community on television and paranormal events. Yes, it’s perfectly logical for event planners to fill their roster with a few TV folks. But there are prolific members of marginalized groups who are researching, creating content, and investigating that are being overlooked.

Also, the paranormal community needs to start listening to members of marginalized groups when they speak out. If they point out something that is problematic in the community, investigation methods, etc., we need to listen and see what we can do to make it better. Personally, I’ve met many BIPOC who have told me that they don’t feel safe in the paranormal community. That’s a huge issue.

We won’t get better, become more inclusive, and be a safer space unless we start listening. We’re not listening to marginalized groups, and that needs to stop. Not only do we need to listen, but we need to speak up when a marginalized group is getting oppressed all over again because ghost hunters want to ignore ethical boundaries.

What other things can you do to become a better paranormal investigator in 2022?

Why is Cultural Appropriation in the Paranormal So Problematic?

According to verywellmind.com, “Cultural appropriation refers to the use of objects or elements of a non-dominant culture in a way that doesn’t respect their original meaning, give credit to their source, or reinforces stereotypes or contributes to oppression.”

The conversation about cultural appropriation may be uncomfortable for many, but it’s important. It’s an important conversation to not only have in the witch, occult, and pagan communities, but also the paranormal community. It’s fascinating that current paranormal television shows are still getting away with appropriating. Especially in the age of “woke” culture, which includes a plethora of other things like cancel culture, consequence culture, etc.. If you point out when and where these television shows are appropriating, you’ll get swarms of fans coming after you. All for the sake of defending their favorite paranormal television star.

Sadly, it seems that this wave shows no sign of stopping. This is because the television networks, producers, stars, and fans will not listen to the people whose culture it actually comes from.

The Dybbuk Box

The standout appropriating strike lies with the use of the Dybbuk box in the media. For years, the Dybbuk box has been a source of frightening entertainment on television. It even inspired the 2012 movie, The Possession. After it was acquired by Ghost Adventures star, Zak Bagans, who took it and ran. Bagans has used the box for live investigations. He has fueled quite a problematic narrative for the Dybbuk box and Jewish culture. 

This has also inspired countless others to acquire (or even make) their own Dybbuk boxes. Thus, it continues the false and problematic narrative that’s hurting Jewish culture. Why has this narrative continued to exist? According to Zo of jewitches, it’s because, “People wouldn’t listen to Jews […] And if you had just listened to Jews for the past 20 years, you wouldn’t have been scammed for so long.”

In 2021, Kevin Mannis, the original owner of the box, came clean and said that he made the story up. And yet, people believe that the Dybbuk box is real. They continue to ignore people of Jewish descent when they tell them that it’s wrong. 

What’s even worse is that speaking out against the Dybbuk box has sparked a wave of anti-Semitic hate from the paranormal community to Jewish people. Zo has spoken out about how the show has twisted Jewish folklore. She is tirelessly trying to get more information out there. In return, she was sent anti-Semitic harassment.

Ancient Indian Burial Ground

The “Ancient Indian Burial Ground” trope has been prevalent in paranormal television for decades. While many assume it rose to prominence thanks to the Amityville Horror story, it actually goes back to post-Revolutionary times. This is all thanks to poet Philip Morin Freneau. I learned this as I was listening to The Q Files’ podcast episode, “Ancient Indian Burial Grounds – Oh My!” In 1787, he published a poem called, The Indian Burying Ground. This is a trope that has been used time and time again in horror movies. So is it really that surprising that it made its way into paranormal reality television? By categorizing sacred Native American traditions as nothing more than magical people prone to conjuring bad luck and evil hauntings, we grossly misunderstand the culture. Not to mention, stealing something from another culture and twisting it into something that better fits mainstream narratives.

There’s so many more issues that warrant their own article, like the use of skinwalkers and the wendigo. 


Somehow, I’ve managed to tick off thousands of people when I publicly said that smudging is a closed practice. Then, I started asking naysayers exactly what they were doing in their smudging ritual. Turns out, they weren’t actually smudging. They were performing a smoke cleansing. It would be like me going out and taking a walk and calling it “going for a run”. The practice of smudging and the plants that are used are considered sacred to Native American/Indigenous Nations. Another issue that is especially troubling is when people feel entitled to use practices from other cultures. They completely distort them from their original intention, and then dig their heels into ownership of the practice. It deviates and steals the spotlight from the marginalized

Sigils & Symbols

Whenever I hear about a group of paranormal investigators seeing sigils and symbols either at a location or on a person, I brace for impact. Anything that “isn’t of Christ” often gets immediately labeled as demonic or evil. Just look at how occult practices are discussed on paranormal television and movies (looking at you Conjuring universe). The occult is often victimized by the perspective of “the other” that has the conventional popular shaking in their boots.

Instead of looking at these sigils and symbols and trying to make sense of them, they’re labeled as evil or demonic. This is offensive for people because those who created these symbols use them for positive reasons. What’s even worse is that there are haunted locations that will look up symbols randomly on the internet. Then, they’ll paint them on their floors and walls in order to look more “spooky”. It would be like getting a tattoo of a random Chinese character and not realizing it means, “toilet”.


My friend Ron at White Rose Witching made an important note that pointing out cultural appropriation isn’t enough. We also have a duty to point out erasure that’s happening in the community. Instead of acknowledging a culture’s history and nuance when it comes to certain topics, it’s completely erased for the sake of calling it a demon. Furthermore, it transforms the others in marginalized groups into monsters, ghosts, creatures, basically removing their humanity. The other being erased by mainstream culture causes them to become caricatures of their own existence…and a poorly drawn one at that. 

Will it Ever Stop?

All of the elements I pointed out here can make very good TV. To the ignorant person, these elements are spooky. This proves the argument that we fear what we don’t understand, and paranormal reality TV capitalizes on this. But, it’s harmful to marginalized and underrepresented groups. In the era of “cancel culture”, why these shows continue to get away with this absolutely blows my mind.


Sharma, K.N. “The Indian Burying Ground: Philip Morin Freneau – Summary and Critical Analysis.” BachelorandMaster, 16 Nov. 2013, bachelorandmaster.com/britishandamericanpoetry/the-indian-burying-ground.html

McClelland, Shane. Gum, Lori. “The Q Files.” Ancient Indian Burial Grounds – Oh My! November 2020. https://www.facebook.com/TheQFilesPodcast/

Does Ghostbusters Represent Ghost Hunting in Real Life?

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

One of the most common questions I’m asked is whether or not Ghostbusters is accurate to real-life ghost hunting. Anytime I do conventions like ConCarolinas, AtomaCon, MystiCon, etc. I’m usually on a panel about Ghostbusters in some capacity. Either it’s “Ghostbusters versus Ghost Hunting”, or “Real-Life Ghostbusting”, something to that effect. Because I am a paranormal investigator and also a fan of Ghostbusters, it makes me one of the go-to people for that topic. With the new movie, Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021), coming up, this is the perfect time to talk about real life versus fiction.

Real Ghost Hunting

There are some things about Ghostbusters that are definitely not true. For one, ghost hunting is never that exciting. In reality, you’re sitting in the dark for eight hours and then you might see like maybe a blip of an apparition or something may fall over that has no explanation. That’s if you’re lucky. But that’s it. You know we don’t really ever see full-bodied apparitions right away or sometimes ever. 

We can’t catch ghosts and put them in a ghost trap. We don’t use proton packs and use the streams to wrangle spirits. 

Also we’re more discreet. When I do residential cases, I’m not in my team t-shirt or anything like that. We tend to dress like normal people in regular street clothes. This happens because we don’t want to draw attention to ourselves. We do our investigations very privately because our clients may not want the neighborhood to know that they have a haunted house. Truly, we wouldn’t be walking around in flight suits and our equipment all hanging out unless we are someplace like Gettysburg where ghost hunting is a thing. But, none of us own flight suits. My team has t-shirts, but we don’t have official uniforms. 

A Family History

I think most, if not all, Ghostbusters fans know by now that Dan Aykroyd has a family history of psychical researchers, parapsychology researchers, and paranormal researchers. His great-grandfather, Samuel Aykroyd, was interested in psychic research and psychic experiences. He regularly held seances in his home and he primarily worked with a medium named Walter Ashurst. So Samuel, Dan Aykroyd’s great-grandfather, had this keen interest in psychics being in touch with the other side. That interest went on to Maurice Aykroyd, who is Dan Aykroyd’s grandfather. They were owners of journals like the American Society for Psychical Research and other academic studies of the supernatural.  

In fact, Dan’s father, Peter Aykroyd, wrote a book called, A History of Ghosts: The True Story of Seances, Mediums, Ghosts, and Ghostbusters. You can get it on Kindle for about ten dollars. If you want a paperback copy, you’re gonna be spending almost a hundred bucks right now. I’m guessing it’s because of the Ghostbusters name being so big right now. Everyone’s trying to scramble to get a copy of the book. I happened to find mine at a used bookstore. It’s a great book. Dan Aykroyd wrote the foreword for the book. So Dan took his family’s interest and family history and integrated elements of that into the Ghostbusters movies. 

Zener Cards

So there’s a lot of things sprinkled throughout the movies that you know are exaggerations or embellishments, but they’re not complete fabrications. One of my favorites are the Zener cards. They are what you see in the beginning of the first Ghostbusters movie. Venkman, played by Bill Murray, is doing a test with Zener cards. This is based on testing ESP and intuition. But also, it’s like a probability game too. So people will do these tests and you can do them at home too. There’s actually worksheets available online where you can test your ESP, your intuition, and check off if you’re right or wrong. You don’t even need other people to do this. All you have to do is shuffle the cards and concentrate. I love these cards and they’re really good just to have fun with. 

Witness Interviews

Another thing that is true uh you know when we’re in the first Ghostbusters movie is interviews with witnesses. In the movie, after the librarian sees the ghost and collapses on the sofa, Venkman is basically questioning her. By the way, I love how Venkman is the resident skeptic. Every team should have a skeptic. He’s asking the librarian if she has any family history of mental incompetence, history of drugs or alcohol, and more. This is actually very typical of what my team will ask our clients. We ask similar questions about a history of drugs and alcohol, and have they been diagnosed with anything psychologically. This is to get the full picture and the full story to try to debunk as much as possible.

We don’t want to involuntarily validate someone unnecessarily, so we’ll ask those kinds of questions because we really want to know what we’re working with here. Also, we don’t walk in right away believing the person now. We go in fully understanding that scary experience was very real to our clients, and what we’re there to do is to help them understand what that experience was. More often than not, it’s helping them understand that those footsteps they heard were squeaky floorboards. 

Recording Everything & The Legal Stuff

Of course, we record everything. We got our camcorders,  audio recorders and a full system surveillance setup. There is usually someone watching the cameras during investigations because we want to see everything that’s happening. We can’t be in multiple places at once. So those cameras help us record everything. By the way, in case you’re wondering, yes, we do have clients sign liability paperwork. They sign release forms and they sign contracts.

Another thing that is pretty true is how people react to seeing ghosts. For example, when the guys are seeing the ghost in the library for the first time, they’re like, “So what do we do?” That actually happens more often than you think on ghost hunts. Especially when you do have a skeptic who has an experience. We rarely say “Get her!” or “ Get them!” We don’t do that because more often than not we lose that connection.

The Tech

I wish I had an Egon Spengler on my team. The PKE meter, the  gigameter, the goggles, proton packs, ghost traps…obviously none of them are real. Tny of the tech that we do have as ghost hunters is not made to detect ghosts. They’re made to detect something else. 

Maybe the closest piece of equipment to reality is the PKE meter? You know a lot of paranormal investigators will compare to a K2 meter. What that does is it detects the levels of electromagnetic fields. This doesn’t necessarily mean that there’s a ghost nearby. It just means that the EMF is high wherever we’re at. There is a common belief that high EMF or fluctuating EMF means there are spirits. My team measures the level of electromagnetic fields. If there is a high level of EMF, sometimes that does cause hallucinations or feelings of someone watching you. Many will assume right away that it’s a paranormal experience. But really you might just need to turn off a TV or a computer here and there.

So really, what we’re doing is we’re detecting changes in the environment. We don’t actually have equipment that can detect ghosts. We’re looking for changes in the environment and then seeing if there’s any correlation with paranormal experiences. For example, if someone sees a shadow in the hallway, then they hear a piece of equipment go off, we’ll make a note of it and try to debunk it first. We don’t have the fancy tech like they do in Ghostbusters that actually detect ghosts but we do have tech.

University Research Programs

Another part of Ghostbusters that is kind of true is that there are research programs within universities to study paranormal and parapsychological events. Duke University used to have a parapsychology unit within their psychology department, run by J.B. Rhine. Once Rhine left Duke, he actually took the parapsychology unit with him. Today, we have the Rhine Research Center and they’re still active to this day. they’re still going strong. There are people with scientific backgrounds who are exploring this. They’re doing experiments, and they’re publishing their work in peer-reviewed journals. Universities with parapsychology programs that are definitely not fabrication. If you want to study parapsychology in a university setting, more often than not, you’re going to have to go overseas.

I know the University of Edinburgh has parapsychology under the psychology department. There are even a few people who will get their master’s degrees or get some sort of certificates from these graduate programs in university. I actually know some folks who have PhDs. They’re not necessarily like parapsychology or in the paranormal but they use a paranormal emphasis in their studies. For example, I know someone with a PhD in psychology and she studied the psychological effects of EVP on people. That’s kind of a loophole you know some people will use to still study the paranormal and get that academic credibility. 


Another thing in Ghostbusters that’s pretty legit is the commercials. Paranormal investigators are all about self-promotion because there are so many people in the paranormal community. You have to make yourself stand out sometimes if you want to get work. When I say “work”, I mean investigation opportunities. No one’s making money from this. We do take calls and we do take case submissions. I mentioned earlier my clients have to fill out a form and they have to sign paperwork. We do residential investigations, but you have to sign the paperwork and fill out the forms. We do this to prevent future legal issues.

Charging for Services

In Ghostbusters, they charge for their services. In the first movie, I think they quoted the hotel like five thousand dollars. If you charge in the paranormal community today, you are going to have a bad time. It’s very much frowned upon. you don’t charge to help people with their paranormal situations. From a legal standpoint, it’s really sketchy to charge because you can’t prove the existence of ghosts. Rule of thumb: you don’t charge. I don’t charge for investigations. The only areas where I make money from the paranormal are from my books, YouTube monetization, any sort of creator fund like on TikTok. I make the money but I would never charge a client for trying to help them with their haunting.

Poltergeist Activity

The paranormal events that happen to Dana, like the eggs popping and cooking on the counter top, are often associated with poltergeist-like activity. For me I look more poltergeist activity is coming from within like it’s an external response to something happening within. From the research I’ve done, poltergeist is similar to telekinesis and psychokinesis that’s out of control so it’s coming from the person, not a ghost.

There’s also residual hauntings but Ghostbusters doesn’t really cover them. Residual hauntings would be leftover energy that’s still “active”, like at the Battle of Gettysburg. For example, you see a ghost walk across the field at three o’clock every day but he doesn’t respond to you. He just walks across the field. More than likely that’s residual. If the spirit acknowledges you answers your questions, then we would classify that as an intelligent haunting or conscious haunting. 


The possession aspect with Zuul and Zephyr, the key and the gatekeeper, well…I’m on the fence about possession. But, it is a well-discussed topic in the paranormal field. It’s a lighthearted take on possession. I actually don’t know if I really believe in demons anyway. That’s a whole other conversation for another time. The way that the movie depicts possession is fairly accurate to the beliefs behind the phenomenon. 


Let’s talk about shape-shifting. One of my favorite moments in the movie is when Ray chooses the Stay-Puft Marshmallow man as the form for Gozer. The whole reveal is brilliant. But shape-shifting entities aren’t original to the movie. In fact, it’s a hot topic in the paranormal community. Do we even know we’re dealing with ghosts? What if we’re dealing with inhuman or elemental spirits that are just shape-shifting? This is why we won’t ever prove the existence of ghosts, by the way. There’s so many theories and runarounds. Shape-shifting is a thing in the community too.


Another thing that’s in the movie, but very rare….ectoplasm. It’s a hot topic in the Ghostbusters movies. I don’t personally believe in ectoplasm; there are people who do. Ectoplasm was common during the Spiritualism movement because that gave some sort of tangible proof of communication. It was physical “proof” that there was paranormal activity. But usually, ectoplasm ends up being cheesecloth that the medium would regurgitate from their mouth. Gross. 

That’s my breakdown on ghost hunting versus Ghostbusters. Now you know the true story behind this famous franchise. 







Exposing the Truth About Ghost Stories

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In September 2021, I made some waves on social media with the following statement:

After I published a TikTok video about trauma and the paranormal, one of my followers suggested that I read Ghostland by Colin Dickey. I have to say, this is probably one of the most important books for any paranormal researcher and investigator to read.

I’ll do a full book review on my team’s website, Association of Paranormal Study once I complete it. I wish I hadn’t sat on this book for so long. It came out in 2016, and yet, I never heard of it until a beloved follower suggested it to me. 

Anatomy of a Ghost Story

Ghost stories have always been a point of interest for us as humans, even more so if they’re based on truth. There’s something about the creepiness of the unknown that not only gives us a thrill, but offers some sort of security blanket that it will never happen to us…or could it? This feeling is very similar to being a true crime fan. Like…it couldn’t happen, but it could. I think that’s the heart of the paranormal community. These events seem so unreal, but there’s an element of truth to them. 

The anatomy of ghost stories, local legends, and lore, has always fascinated me. Ghost stories can tell so much about our history and legacy as a society. The fact that marginalized groups are so often left out of this narrative is very telling. These groups are often treated as the other when they are included in narratives. This is especially true for TV shows. The trope of “ancient Indian burial grounds” comes to mind. Dickey also goes into this in Ghostland as well as in an interview for the podcast, The Q Files. It’s worth a listen. Another is, “They were practicing witchcraft.” And finally, “These two men who lived together for decades were best friends and roommates.” Okay, sure.

The first two points are often used to explain an angry or aggressive haunting. Instead of pointing the responsibility in how these marginalized groups were treated by society, blame is placed on the aggressor. I’ve often noticed that these groups are often lumped into the “evil” haunting or even a demonic haunting.

Ghost Story as Escapism

According to the BBC article, The secret meaning of ghost stories, “Women were contributing around 70% of ghost stories to magazines in the 19th Century.” Ghost stories were a way for women to break against society as well as challenge conventional gender norms of the time. Why mention this? I think it could give us a clue on how ghost stories have evolved over time. But how consciously aware of it are we?

Our bias can also provide us a way of escape, even if we’re not consciously aware of it. As we continue this journey, keep bias in mind. Consider how it has shaped paranormal experiences and ghost stories of real places.

Paul Patterson, Ph.D noted that the earliest ghost stories date back to Ancient Rome. If you’ve followed me for a while, you’ve heard me talk about the story of Athenodorus. I’ve mentioned the story a few times in my books as well. Patterson mentions that in these early years, the ghosts were just…there. They aren’t harming anyone and really, they’re only tied to unfinished business, like a botched burial. Then, Patterson continues to say that as history entered into the late 18th century, ghost stories became quite dark and aggressive, heralding the genre of gothic fiction.

The Made Up Ghost Story

It’s hard to face the fact that most ghost stories are made up. Throughout history, humans have been conditioned to try to fill in the blanks when it comes to things we don’t understand. As we continue to gain more understanding in various fields of sciences, those mysterious ghost stories we grew up with are now becoming more explainable. Those footsteps you hear from behind you? Floorboards readjusting. The Salem Witch Trials? No witches involved, except for Tituba, who studied root work. Just a corrupt Puritan community hungry for land and power and potential ergot poisoning as the catalyst.

It is from the lack of understanding is where we see who is (or was) the dominant social group of the time. In Ghostland, Colin Dickey recounts the neighborhood of Shockcoe Bottom in Richmond, Virginia. The particular neighborhood has lots of bars and restaurants, filled with ghosts that are predominantly white. However, just down the block, slaves were bought at sold as well as imprisoned. With so much trauma that occurred in one area, why are the ghosts reported as predominantly white?

Dickey made a brilliant point about the neighborhood’s white tourism and the burying of such a horrific chapter of its history. He says “For those who would rather not revisit those days, the city’s ghost lore makes it easy, turning our attention to murdered gunsmiths and fabled prostitutes” (Dickey 117).

Historical Context

In 2014, I wrote a book called, The Haunted Actor: An Exploration of Supernatural Belief Through Theatre. The book was primarily based on my research into paranormal belief as shown through plays and musicals throughout history. From my analysis, I was able to get context on the belief of spirits for a play’s respective time period. For example, exploring the idea of a ghost’s identity was analyzed with Hamlet. The perspective of witchcraft and sorcery during the Elizabethan era can be found in plays like Macbeth, The Tempest, Doctor Faustus, etc.

Through historical texts like plays, sonnets, poems, etc. we truly get a glimpse into paranormal beliefs of that era. However, we’re seeing it through the eyes of the dominant group of that time period. Silence was meted out to those that didn’t have fame or couldn’t read or write.

In my blog, A Different Kind of Therapy: Processing Trauma with Ghost Hunting, I talk about how modern day paranormal investigators and researchers use the paranormal as a way to process trauma. That could be personal trauma, or facing the trauma that is history, especially in the United States.

An Ignored Group

Another point that Dickey makes is the fact that dominant ethnic group often controls the narrative, even when they don’t mean to. A slave, for instance, was not allowed to read or write. This meant that they weren’t able to record their stories; whether that be personal experiences, family history, cultural ghost stories, etc. By the time former slaves were dying off in the 1930’s, the federal government put forth the WPA project recording slave narratives. Thanks to oral tradition, they were able to save many of these stories, but not all of them. There are millions of stories that we will never learn about because the people who knew them are no longer with us.

Also, the dominant group has better control over the narrative of marginalized people. This is especially true in places like Myrtles Plantation and Monticello. Dickey, for instance, tells about sightings of Jefferson’s ghost and how he is regarded as benevolent. Given the dynamic of Jefferson’s problematic personal life (specifically Sally Hemmings) and the fact he enslaved over 600 people in his life, how is it that there isn’t much discussion when it comes to hauntings by slaves?

Another potent example is the La Llorona, also known as the weeping woman. It is often mentioned to me by friends and followers of Latin American descent how the legend is whitewashed, especially in Hollywood. Now, it seems the white woman in Victorian dress dominates the narrative instead of its originator.

The Role of Bias

I realize hardcore believers in the paranormal may say it’s because they moved on. But how do we actually know this? While I’m a skeptical believer in ghosts and paranormal, I also know that we can’t actually prove any of this. Also, we don’t ever really know who or what we’re talking to. So, how can one confidently say that they’re communicating with the spirit of Thomas Jefferson? Why does one assume that if they see a shadow in the wine cellar, it’s that of a murdered white gunsmith? These questions especially puzzle me when the experiences don’t line up with the history.

The impact of the area’s turbulent past on residual hauntings may clarify things a bit if we take that into account. But then again, that also exposes the glaring inaccuracies of record keeping and reports of paranormal experiences. I know that many of these ghost stories were made up for entertainment purposes, and to make a location seem more exciting.

Bias in True Encounters

Several of the stories are also true, so it’s important to recognize that. I find it fascinating to see how they are interpreted by people of different genders, races, religions, and sexual identities. Depending on who you talk to, reactions and interpretations are vastly different.

Since this is the case, will we ever be able to truly identify spirits? Are ghost stories simply a way to process trauma and make difficult topics easier to digest?

I’ll be honest, I truly noticed the role of bias coming through when I work with mediums. If I know them well, it’s even easier for me to spot it. Is this a bad thing? I’m not sure. What I do know is that psychic mediums, empaths, and intuitives can change the dynamic of an investigation from positive to “demons are coming” in a matter of minutes. Being aware of not only our own bias, but the bias of others can help maintain some accountability.

Moving Forward as Paranormal Investigators

I believe, as paranormal investigators and researchers become more aware of their bias, it will help maintain an open mind. Honestly, we will never find tangible proof for spirits. At this stage of my life, I’ve accepted that the paranormal is a personal journey for everyone, much like religion. That personal journey is based on our bias. These biases come from our upbringing, trauma, family dynamic, the list goes on.

I’ve noticed that the more effective and knowledgeable paranormal investigators, psychic mediums, witches, etc. are ones who are self-aware of these biases. Instead of jumping to conclusions, they look at all possibilities and don’t immediately assume that they know the spirit they are talking to. In full transparency, this is something I’m working on for myself.

What do you think?

Gabby Petito Is Not a Ghost To Be Contacted

The tragedy of Gabby Petito is nothing short of horrific. A young and bright star was extinguished much too quickly at the hands of a monster. In case you’re not aware, 22-year-old Gabby Petito was reported missing on September 11, 2021. She and her fiancé, Brian Laundrie, embarked on a four-month cross-country road trip. It was to be full of camping and visiting national parks. Laundrie returned to his family in Florida on September 1st, but Petito wouldn’t be reported missing until ten days later.

Laundrie became a person of interest four days later, but he isn’t arrested. He disappeared on September 17th, and his family reports that they hadn’t seen him for three days. On September 19th, in Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming remains were spotted. Tragically, her remains are identified on September 21st. At the time this blog was written, Laundrie is still missing. Now there’s a warrant for his arrest for bank fraud. It’s a mess.

Helpful or Hurtful?

As Petito’s story started going viral, true crime sleuths started coming together trying to figure out what happened to her. This was long before her remains were identified and she was still missing. The internet can be a wonderful community full of resources like this. In fact, a YouTube video played a major role in helping to identify Petito and Laundrie’s van, which led to the discovery of her remains.

But there were a few other communities that tried to jump on the Petito wagon; paranormal investigators and mediums. For far too long, there have been ongoing issues of paranormal investigators trying to contact the spirits of deceased celebrities through decorated and embellished spirit boxes. These videos are then posted on YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter…you name it. Videos of this nature normally get an incredible amount of videos. If the creator is monetized on any of these platforms, they get a nice paycheck.

The psychic and mediumship community is no different. It seems that the way to gain views, followers, and even new clients, is to post videos of their readings and post them online.

Do any of these people contact the deceased’s family in the process? Most likely not. Several in the paranormal and psychic mediumship communities are coming together to call out this behavior and point out just how problematic it is.

“If it was for help, it wouldn’t be posted,” says evidential medium Megan Alisa on one of her latest TikTok videos. She encouraged the creators of this type of content to really sit down and figure out the real reason that their doing this.

Exploiting the Dead for Clout

Simply put, publicly posting spirit box sessions and and readings without the consent of involvement of the deceased’s family is exploitive. Nine times out of ten, the creator has no contacted the family for permission. But honestly, they don’t care. Reaching out to “spirits” of missing persons and murder victims without consent is unethical and gross. Doing so, especially with or without consent of the family, is not helpful. It’s hurtful, it’s traumatizing, and it makes the grieving process so much more difficult.

What’s even a larger issue is that more than likely none of these creators are actually contacting Petito. The videos that I’ve seen have consisted of these creators trying to make sense of “word salad” through muffled and random noises they’re hearing on the box. They never knew Petito personally, so how would they even know that’s who they’re talking to? Even if you’re a hardcore believer in the paranormal, you should be skeptical of this. How would you even know that you’re talking to Petito’s ghost? How would you know that you’re not talking to some other ghost pretending to be Petito in order to protect her spirit?

My personal opinion is that none of these creators have been in contact with Petito’s spirit and are literally making up a story as they go…all for the views.

Trauma Predator

My friend Kat at Spooktasticx said something brilliant to me while we were live on the night of Wednesday, September 22nd. She mentioned that these creators are “trauma predators” in the fact that they are preying on Petito and her family. Not only that, they are preying on their audience who generally believe this stuff to be real.

Creators like these prey on our vulnerabilities and greatest fears and exploit them to their advantage. It’s proof that there is a gross lack of empathy in these practices, and instead of calling it out and being held accountable, these creators are rewarded with fans, followers, views, and an elevated platform.

Pushing the Demon Narrative

Another disturbing trend is that people are blaming demons on the loss of Gabby Petito. By placing the blame on demons and pushing the narrative that Laundrie is possessed, it eradicates any personal responsibility he has in this terrible crime. The whole “the devil made me do it” mindset takes away any accountability from Laundrie. Terrible people are terrible people, and demons aren’t to blame.

I recently made a video reaction to a creator that compared Laundrie to Chris Watts. The original video makes the claim that the similarities alludes that demons are involved. What were the similarities? Well, they looked alike. Sound the alarms, bald white guys with beards look alike. The creator claims that “Demons are said to jump once they completed their mission.”

Honestly? Demons are cop out.

Blaming demons is a way to avoid addressing the real issue at hand. Instead of trying to figure out where we are going wrong as a society with misogyny, abuse, not raising our men to hurt women, racism, etc., we blame demons. We are using demons to avoid facing the fact that we are failing at helping and treating people with mental illnesses and failing victims of crimes.

Instead of taking responsibility, we blame demons and give the people who commit these crimes an easy way out.

Half the Problem

But let’s talk about something that’s even more difficult. These creators are only half of the problem. The remainder of the responsibility lies within the general public and audience. I see these types of videos going viral far too often, especially after a celebrity passes away. In the comments, I see followers and fans requesting other long-gone celebrities be contacted, much like ordering off a menu. This is inhumane on extraordinary levels.

Ordering creators to contact victims and celebrities is the main problem. I’m not sure where the blame lies for this disturbing trend. Perhaps it’s because society sees celebrities and victims as products instead of people. Therefore, their humanity is stripped.

This has to stop. Not only do we need to tell these creators to stop making this kind of content, but we need to hold their fanbase accountable. The creators won’t make this content if it doesn’t give them views. Their fans and followers need to be called out along with them. Someone has to tell them to stop encouraging these types of videos.

Advocating for the Grieving

A few years ago, I confronted one of the original creators of this trend. He accused me of having a skewed view of death. But he completely missed the point. It’s not the spirits that are being harmed with these videos (I hope not).

It’s grieving families that are left behind.

When paranormal creators are making this kind of content 99.99% of the time, the grieving families are not involved. I’d venture to say it’s close to 100% that these families did not give their consent for their loved ones to be used in this manner. But it doesn’t mean that they don’t see the content and they’re not affected by it. Ultimately, this content harms the deceased family that is left behind to pick up the pieces.

We need to do better by the victims and their families.

Paranormal Burnout: Did I Get Tired of the Ghosts?

If you’ve been following me on social media, then you know that I’ve crossed the threshold into burnout. A paranormal burnout. What’s exceptionally sad is that I’m not even investigating that much these days. It’s the constant engagement with the community, research, writing, creating content, it’s all been a bit too much. My mind was starting to deteriorate, and I felt like I didn’t know how to exist anymore. Honestly, it got terrifying for a while.

Is there such a thing as too much of a good thing? Definitely.

Regular Burnout

I find myself in burnout almost regularly, and it made me realize that I needed a break. It also has made me realize that what I was doing wasn’t really working, at least not without some help. Releasing a weekly video, a weekly blog, and a weekly podcast by myself is absolutely insane. But, given that my audience was growing and growing fast, I felt incredibly pressured to continue releasing content on a schedule to keep that momentum going. My biggest fear was that people would leave if I stopped creating content. Not to mention, I had to start investigating again so I could go through that data and create even more content. It’s a vicious cycle.

Eventually, the ongoing creation of content became too much, and I felt like I was going crazy. I barely had time for peace and quiet. What concerned me the most was that I was really starting to resent everything in the paranormal. From ghosts, watching investigations, reading and retelling stories, engaging with the community, it was becoming too much.

So many people told me how much The Spooky Stuff and the Association of Paranormal Study meant to them, so I put pressure on myself to continue cultivating that community. Many finally found a place of belonging in my groups, and I know personally how valuable that is.

Constant Criticism

But, as criticisms of my work came in, it wasn’t helping my mental health. Growing up in the entertainment industry, I’m no stranger to criticism. In fact, I usually welcome it. But there were a select few who constantly criticized my work, and what made it really difficult was that they were friends as well. I valued their opinion. So, when I was getting hit with constant negativity about my content, I took it hard, especially when they never had anything positive to say. I started to wonder whether I was really cut out for this, or if it was time to throw in the towel.

I also got hit with people telling me how to create content, how I need to change my content to better suit their needs, etc. These days, I’m creating content not only for myself, but for the future of paranormal investigators, which mainly consists of the younger generation like teens and college students. In trying to meet them at their level, it means that the style of my content has changed as well. That may not appeal to older generations. In fact, I know it doesn’t because they’ve told me.

I couldn’t continue taking it all in anymore. It was truly exhausting to have multiple people attempt to mold me into what they needed. Remember, I’m offering my content for free, besides book sales. I created APS and The Spooky Stuff because it made me happy.

But it was no longer making me happy. It was making me miserable. It was triggering some really bad anxiety and catastrophizing behavior. I started regressing bad to harmful habits that got me requiring medical intervention. Was it all worth it anymore?

No. It wasn’t.

Making a Decision

I didn’t want to shut it all down…yet. Also, I didn’t want to torch the bridge. I think people forget that content creators are people too. We’re producing content to the best of our ability and to our capacity. Honestly, hats off to the people who investigate regularly, are parents, and continue to produce content. It’s just me, my fiancé, and the cats and I’m barely holding on. I also work a full-time job as well as a part-time job, so that might have something to do with it. Oh, did I mention I’m planning a wedding?

I decided to take a month off from publishing content as well as taking a step back from social media. What was interesting what that I was still creating content. I could only sit on my hands for so long before I was itching to write. But I couldn’t go back to the vicious cycle that I was used to. No. I wouldn’t even survive a week if something didn’t change. I had to make a decision.

When I returned in September, I had to start creating distance between myself and my followers. I had always took pride in the fact that I engaged with everyone and gave them a voice. But, I had to start setting some pretty hard boundaries as well as just ignoring people who were no longer a positive presence in my online life.

Exhausted by the Living

Truly, it wasn’t the ghosts or the stories that I was tired of; it was living people. From people commenting on my articles without reading them, to the criticism, to just plain meanness…I couldn’t take it anymore from the living. But I can’t let that affect what I love…at least not anymore.

At the end of the day, I still love the paranormal. I love ghost stories, I love investigating, and I love reading about how the paranormal has shaped us as a society. All of this is still so fascinating to me.

Personal Responsibility

Finally, another source of my burnout was…me. I wasn’t satisfied with the direction that my paranormal journey was taking me. It wasn’t anyone else’s fault but my own. My team is fabulous but I was doing a terrible job at steering the ship. Essentially, I was letting my burnout, my fear of falling outs, and just my anxiety-filled existence keep me from the very reason I fell in love with the paranormal.

Moving Forward

I have to build up my self-awareness and know the signs of future burnouts. I’ve started recognizing those negative feelings. Once I start encountering those feelings again, I know it’s time to take a step back and take a break. However, I also know that I also need to wait 24 hours before I respond to something. Is it a perfect plan? Definitely not. But I have to change something. Otherwise, I’ll continue to repeat this vicious cycle until I’m merely a shell.

Tips for Dealing with Paranormal Burnout

This list isn’t perfect, but it definitely helped me in dealing with my paranormal burnout.

  • Research the signs of burn out and assess whether there’s too much stress in your life
  • Take a break
  • Step away from social media
  • Do something different for a while (theatre, knitting, reading, skateboarding, hiking, etc.)
  • Journal every day
  • Go back to the things that make you happy
  • Learn how to identify the negative feelings
  • Wait 24 hours before responding to negativity
  • Sort through why you became burnt out
  • Create a list of action items you can do to prevent burnout
  • Go back to your roots as to why you fell in love with the paranormal
  • Set boundaries and enforce them
  • Know that not every person deserves a response from you
  • Sleep…get as much sleep as you can
  • Don’t feel ashamed of taking a break
  • Decide whether you’re really burned out or just done.
  • Prioritize YOU
  • Forgive yourself
  • Listen to your needs and meet your needs
  • Talk to a therapist

What are your tips for dealing with paranormal burnout?

Has COVID-19 Caused More Hauntings?

There’s something we should talk about. It’s been the elephant in the room for a while. It’s changed our entire lives and turned the world upside down. I’m talking about COVID-19. Coronavirus.

It’s maddening to think how much our lives have changed since this virus invaded our world. And there’s something that people are hesitant to talk about. But, it’s important. Sometimes, we want to wait before we talk about these difficult things. This is because we want to give the living enough time to grieve and process, and we want to basically respect a boundary.

Yet, the news has seemed to beat us to these tough conversations. For this blog, I’m straying away from the spooky stories from the past and let’s talk about what’s happening now and how to process it. Let’s dive into it head on. This is spooky, but I’m going to keep this respectful. The intention is to have a conversation about this, so please feel free to leave comments and share your thoughts.

Noticing Spirits More

So, when COVID-19 hit the United States, we went into lockdown.  The entire world went into lockdown. We found ourselves in our homes way more often than we’re used to.

Now, this wasn’t a dramatic change for some because they are homebound. But for the general population, this was a completely new way of existing and living for the sake of staying safe. After the lockdowns were enforced, the New York Times released an article of how more people were reporting that their houses were haunted.

I even released a blog last year about how to survive quarantine with a ghost because I was getting an uptick in questions and case submissions. Of course, because of COVID, my team and I had to push the pause button on our residential cases. But, I was doing Zoom calls and consultations with folks who felt like they had a ghost in their house.

Language of the House

Given that people found themselves home much more than usual, I wasn’t surprised that this was happening. In fact, when we do residential cases and our clients consist of a married couple, the spouse that’s home the most is usually the one reporting the activity. Conventionally, this is usually the stay-at-home wife and mom. The husband will be there for moral support, but he doesn’t believe it as much because he’s not home to experience it.

And with the lockdowns, all of a sudden, people were home all the time. But there’s two sides to this. This is my skeptical-side talking. If someone hasn’t been home much since moving in, they might not be that familiar with everything in their home. Meaning, they might not know that a truck drives back Monday through Friday three streets over that causes the cabinets to open and shut.

They’re being forced to get to know all the sounds and movements their house makes. And if they didn’t know that’s what their house does, then it’s no surprise that they may interpret that as paranormal.

Then, talking from my believer side, I can totally see this happening. Like, the ghost in your house is able to relax and expel energy while you’re gone. But now that you’re home all the time, you and the ghost have to find a way to co-exist.

Lack of Closure

So, this is one side of the paranormal during the COVID-19 pandemic. This next part is a bit more sad.

Over 600,000 people in the United States have died from COVID-19 at the time of this video. Worldwide, almost 4 million have died. The deaths surrounding COVID-19 are exceptionally sad because when the dying were in the hospital, they more than likely died alone. They weren’t able to be with their families as they died.

This very much reminds me of the soldiers and families that died during the Civil War, or any war for that matter. Lack of closure, the inability to say goodbye. It’s no coincidence that certain periods of time, like war, are tied to more hauntings than just the average chapter in history.

I feel like, like the plague or the Spanish Flu, illnesses that have a lot of paranormal lore tied to them, we will continue to see reports of people interacting with the ghosts of their loved ones who died from COVID-19. And it seems, because of this lack of closure, is it possible that spirits of our loved ones are trying harder to make contact with us?

Saying Goodbye

In June 2021, CNN’s John Blake released an article titled, “They lost their loved ones to Covid. Then they heard from them again.” Last fall, Ian Horne lost his wife Michelle, who died from complications of COVID-19. Of course, losing a spouse is devastating, especially when they’re young.

So, Ian, who works as a radio DJ, was driving to work. It was pre-dawn, early in the morning, so it was dark. As he was driving, he noticed that about two dozen streetlights on his route turned purple. Which is weird. Especially since Michelle’s favorite color was purple. When Ian contacted the city about the lights, they attributed it to a defective batch.

The article also tells the story of Jamie Jackson, who lost her “Aunt Pat”, who died from complications of COVID-19. She had a heart attack. The hardest part for Jamie is that she couldn’t be physically present with her aunt while she was dying.

About seven months after her Aunt Pat’s death, it was Christmas time and Jamie was using her Aunt’s decorations. She left her bin of decorations in the hallway, and went to get something.

When Jamie came back, she saw a translucent figure looking in the bin. The figure was the same height, had the same haircut, and wearing the same clothes her aunt would wear. Jamie freaks out and runs to her dining room to calm herself down. When she went back into the hallway, the figure was gone.

Choosing Our Form

One more story. Marie Pina was living in Manitoba, Canada teaching English as a second language when the COVID-19 outbreak started.

Her 79-year old mother had been in the hospital and she was just about to be released when she tested positive for COVID. Her mother, Inez, was put in isolation. About a month later, her mother was sent home, but she became significantly weaker. Her mother died about four months later.

On the morning of her mother’s death, Marie was reaching for her slippers when she felt her mother touch her shoulder. According to Marie, she saw her mother when she looked up. Her mother was about 20 years younger and was just looking straight ahead. Then, a little bit later, Marie was making her mom’s favorite soup when she smelled her mother’s perfume.

I have a feeling that these three stories aren’t the only ones we’ll see in the future.

6 Times the Paranormal Made It to Court

Can you put a ghost on trial? Apparently, you can! It’s always really interesting when the paranormal makes its way to the courtroom. Considering that we can’t really prove that the paranormal exists in the first place, it’s always compelling when a judge allows a supernatural-based testimony to come through. But one has to wonder, if the paranormal can be allowed in testimony and opening/closing arguments, could a lawyer be arguing for a case of insanity? Or could the paranormal be used to show that a witness can’t be trusted?

In this article, we’ll explore six court cases that involved paranormal incidents and testimonies. As you read, think about whether you would believe these witnesses if you were part of the jury. If you don’t feel like reading, check out the video below!

Jury Uses a Ouija Board

This first one is wild. Jurors used a Ouija board to help determine whether or not someone was guilty. In 1994 in the UK, a man named Stephen Young was arrested for the murder of Harry and Nicola Fuller. 

Nicola had been shot three times and Harry had been shot in close range. It was truly a gruesome crime that shocked the community. Stephen Young’s trial lasted for five weeks, and he was ultimately found guilty. But about a month after the trial, a newspaper headline was released that said, “Murder Jury’s Ouija Board Verdict.”

One of the jury members came forward to the media. They claimed that four people from the jury used a makeshift Ouija board to contact the spirits of Harry and Nicola Fuller. The jury members put their hands on the glass and asked for the spirit of Harry. The glass went to Yes. Another juror asked, “Who killed you?” The glass spelled out “Stephen Young Done It”. When the juror asked how, the glass spelled out, “Shot.” A new trial was ordered, and another five weeks later, Stephen Young was found guilty once again.

The Devil Made Me Do It

I covered this story in greater detail in a previous post, so I’ll keep this brief. In 1981, Arne Cheyenne Johnson was arrested for the murder of his landlord, Alan Bono. Before the murder happened, the little brother of his fiance, David Glatzel, had reportedly been possessed by over 60 demons. Arne told the demons to come into him…meaning that Arne was possessed at the time he murdered Alan Bono. Ed and Lorraine Warren were also involved in the situation. Arne’s lawyer tried to use the argument of possession for the defense, which the judge refused. Arne pleaded not guilty by reason of self-defense. He was found guilty and served five years of his 10-20 year sentence. This story was recently featured in the movie, The Conjuring 3: The Devil Made Me Do It.

Ghostbusters Ruling

When it comes to paranormal cases, this one is the one that created the famous Ghostbusters Ruling. This case is also known as Stambovsky v. Ackley. It’s not uncommon for house sellers to disclose unpleasant information, like whether a murder, suicide, death happened in the house. Some states also require sellers to report whether or not the house is haunted, which is pretty wild. The Ghostbusters Ruling was about a home at 1 LaVeta Place in Nyack, New York. It’s a historic house that was a boarding house turned private residence in the 1900s that was purchased by George and Helen Ackley in the 1960s.

It wasn’t long before the Ackleys started to experience paranormal activity. Helen even wrote a piece about it called “Our Haunted House on the Hudson.” The piece was featured in the May 1977 issue of Reader’s Digest. The Ackleys believed the house was haunted by a ghost named Sir George, who lived in the area in the 1700s. George Ackley passed away, and Helen wanted to retire in Florida. She put the house up for sale, and a man named Jeffrey Stambovsky bought the house. But once Stambovsky found out about the alleged haunting, he filed an action requesting rescission of the contract of sale for damages for fraudulent misrepresentation. Initially, the case was dismissed. But he appealed, and he won. Did I mention that he never moved in?

Helen Ackley sold the house to someone else, and she moved to Florida and passed away in 1991. Her son-in-law believes that she now haunts the house.

Florida Ghost Lease

This next case took place in Orlando, Florida in 2005 when a building owner filed a lawsuit against one of his renters because they refused to pay rent. The restauranteurs had refused to move in and claim they couldn’t honor their lease because the property was haunted. Christopher and Yoko Chung, who were also Jehovah’s Witnesses, claimed that there were ghostly apparitions and because of their religious beliefs couldn’t fulfill the obligations to their lease. The building itself has had a history of ghosts, and paranormal experts believe that the ghosts are those of children who were kids of prostitutes who were killed. I wasn’t able to find what happened with the ruling, but if their lawyer cited the Ghostbusters Ruling, I bet they might have won.

Haunted Ohio Farm

This next case is crazy because it means that even writing about a haunted location can get you sued. The owners of Staley Farm sued the authors of the book, “Weird Ohio”, because their property became overrun by ghost hunters. The farm had been featured in the book because the family patriarch, Old Man Staley, murdered his entire family with an axe.

The ghost story goes that if you drive down Staley Road at night, it will feel like someone else has taken control of your car, horns honking by themselves, and headlights dying. Also, the ghost of Old Man Staley has supposedly been seen in the woods. The plaintiffs claimed that the authors of the book were responsible for the influx of trespassers. However, what saved the authors was the disclaimer at the beginning of the book that says, “The reader should be advised that many of the sites described in Weird Ohio are located on private property and should not be visited, or you may face prosecution for trespassing.”

Gamble’s Ghost

My good friend Michelle Hamilton told me about this story, which actually inspired this video. So thanks, Michelle! Check out her work on Amazon. It’s good stuff. In 1854, in Wetzel County, VA (now WV) Leban Mercer was tried for the murder of John Gamble. Gamble owed Mercer $2 for the purchase of a calf. When they spoke, he only had large bills on him totaling to about $200. Apparently, Gamble and Mercer agreed to meet later. And Mercer was the last person to see Gamble alive.

Gamble’s boat was later seen floating down the river. Mercer returned at 2am that morning all wet and muddy with a bunch of cash in his pocket. Gamble’s body was still missing. One night, a man named John Hindman claimed that Gamble’s ghost appeared to him. The spirit told him that he was murdered by Mercer.  Mercer was acquitted due to lack of sufficient testimony.

A Different Kind of Therapy: Processing Trauma with Ghost Hunting

In March 2020, I was participating in an online meetup by my team, Association of Paranormal Study. We were chatting with Dr. Ann Winsper and Dr. Rachael Ironside, two well-respected female academics in the paranormal and parapsychology field. Towards the end of the conversation, it was brought up that people use ghost hunting to process trauma. My mind went absolutely wild.

Whether we like it or not, trauma is the norm of our world. It’s not a new thing either. For thousands of years, mankind has been through some sort of trauma. Examples include war, famine, slavery, abuse, just to name a few. This is a constant occurrence in the existence of man, and it’s not stopping anytime soon. If anything, modern society is bringing about new forms of trauma every day.

That trauma is what echoes from the past into the future. Those are the echoes that modern day paranormal investigators are trying to communicate with. When we look at the common definitions of “spirits” and “ghosts”, they can be related back to processing trauma. Earthbound spirits normally have some sort of unfinished business.

What is Unfinished Business?

The term “unfinished business” is fairly vague. It’s a very general blanket statement describing something that person cannot let go of. I suppose that could include leaving the stovetop on (I wonder that everytime I go out) to getting revenge on someone who hurt that person. That hurt could be anything from a failed business translation, assault, or asking for forgiveness. “Unfinished business” is an extremely general term that we often don’t talk about enough in the paranormal world. Asking general questions in the dark and speculating what that unfinished business is isn’t enough.

But it’s not only the spirits who have unfinished business. This is something that the living has as well. How often do paranormal investigators have an experience and want to keep ghost hunting to “search for the truth” and find the answers to the afterlife? Boom. Most of us have unfinished business based on that alone, and we’re processing our own form of trauma from that spooky experience.

Grieving Through Ghost Hunting

For me personally, while I had spooky experiences as a child, I also struggle with the idea of death. I lost the majority of my core family members before I turned 30. Even then, I lose two major parental figures before I was 15 years old.

I struggle with the idea of our consciousness not surviving after death. While most people gravitate towards religion and the idea of heaven to alleviate those fears, I chose ghost hunting. I go on paranormal investigations to get some sort of sliver of proof that after-death consciousness survival is real. Even if I can’t prove it scientifically, if I can get personal validation, I’ll be happy.

But even with the experiences I’ve had, I question myself. Was I hallucinated? Or was it a case of self-fulfilling prophecy and I created the experience for myself? By paranormal investigating, I’m processing my own grief of losing my grandparents and my mother. So, for me, ghost hunting is my way of grieving.

Fear of the Unknown

This might explain why paranormal investigators get so rattled when something does physically manifest before us. In the paranormal community, I’ve noticed that there is an obsession with control. Meaning the investigator or the ghost hunter has to be in control of everything. We want to investigate the paranormal, but only on our own terms based on our own comfort level.

This is definitely a valid need because we don’t want things to happen to us outside of our boundaries. We don’t want our consent to be violated by having the spirits do more than what we are comfortable with. So, while paranormal investigators and ghost hunters want to experience and process certain chapters of history, we only want to experience on our terms and what we are the most comfortable with.

Dealing with Sins of the Past

There are a lot of elements in history that make us uncomfortable; slavery, child labor, abuse from leaders, etc. While modern-day paranormal investigators are far enough removed to not deal with a lot of these traumas first-hand, perhaps it still brings about negative feelings.

For example, many Americans are still just learning about the internment of Japanese-Americans, and it makes them uncomfortable. Some have even tried to justify it, even though they think the Holocaust was inexcusable. Then, I get messages from hopeful investigators asking me how to do a ghost hunt at an internment camp. 

While the situation above is directly related to an awful time on the dawn of the mid-20th century, it’s not all that different from wanting to investigate sites of mass bloodshed, like battlefields. Ghost hunters are also clamoring to get to places like Waverly Hills Sanatorium, St. Albans Sanatorium, and Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum. The fact that places like asylums and sanatoriums grossly mistreated their patients and even wrongfully held perfectly healthy people captive for the sake of “medicine” is unsettling. 

It’s hard to think that our country, our parents, their friends, and our government may have participated in atrocities that harmed another group of people. Or worse, completely erase a culture.

Facing Our Own Trauma

We might also be affected by some form of trauma or illness and trying to find some meaning behind it in the paranormal world. This may result in researching cases where people have had more paranormal experiences after a car accident or having a near-death experience during surgery. One could argue that someone’s psychic abilities awakening after a traumatic experience could be a form of processing.

Even in poltergeist cases, which stem from extreme emotional distress, it’s a form of processing trauma. In this case, the process is working from the outside in.

Coping in Person

Paranormal investigating gives people the unique opportunity to be “in the room where it happened”, to quote Hamilton. We can go to the Lizzie Borden House and stand in the rooms where Andrew and Abby Borden were hacked to death with a hatchet. We can stand on the battlefields of Gettysburg and picture the men running and shooting and cannons firing in our heads while feeling the gentle breeze.

Battlefields are popular places to investigate. It also gives ghost hunters and investigators to look at these places in person and really get a sense of the massive amount of death that took place. We can see the actual place where these people once lived. Granted, anyone can do this by visiting historic sites, reading the information boards, listening to the audio tour, etc.

But paranormal investigating and ghost hunting takes it an extra step by making us believe we are talking to the people of that time period. Meaning, we are talking to the owners of the house, we’re talking to the murder victims, we’re talking to former patients of the asylum.

Choosing What to Deal With

Ghost hunting also gives people a specific choice in what kind of trauma and tragedy they want to deal with. For example, there is a lot of queer history with haunted prisons and mental asylums. Until 1976, sodomy was considered a felony in the United States. This means that locations like Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum imprisoned homosexual men for being who they are. And yet, this is a chapter in paranormal media and history that is often ignored completely.

But as paranormal investigators, we have a certain level of privilege to completely ignore that chapter in TALA’s history and only choose to acknowledge what makes us comfortable. It’s not like these ghosts have manifested in reality and made us look at them and acknowledge their existence. Well, most of the time. However, this makes many people uncomfortable. So, while ghost hunting is used to process trauma, it gives the person a safe space to decide what kind of trauma they want to process. That is until a spirit makes itself known outside the box of comfort.

How to Move Forward

Now that we’ve talked about this, what do you think of this? Do you believe that we’re using ghost hunting to process trauma? It could mean different things like grieving, making sense with a problematic history, or trying to process a scary expeirence.

This can also explain why some people take it so personally when you debunk their photos, videos, and overall experiences. While you may be debunking their data, they take it personally because they see you invalidating their grief, trauma, etc. They also see validation in television and other paranormal media. It seems that as time passes, most of these people are able to remove their emotions from the situation and look at it more objectively without personal attachment.

With this in mind, there is something much deeper to the paranormal than just “looking for ghosts.”