It’s hard to believe that I came into this field full-on in 2011. Sure, I did some “recreational ghost hunting” starting in high school, but I honestly didn’t know what I was doing. It was a lot of sneaking out at night, going to the nearby cemetery in Old Town San Diego, visiting the Whaley House, trying to talk to ghosts in the park, it was a fun time in my life. I didn’t know much about what it meant to be a ghost hunter, and this was something I had always had an interest in. Who knew that I’d be making this a significant part of my life?
But, there were growing pains. There were a LOT of growing pains. As I entered the paranormal community, there was a lot I had to learn about working with people while maintaining a “good” reputation in the field.
Paranormal Investigations Can Be Boring
This is probably the biggest lesson in becoming a paranormal investigator (or ghost hunter). I would dare say that what you see on TV is completely different from real life. Usually, what we see on TV is the best 30-45 minutes of footage. What most people don’t know is that the talent has been at that location for at least a day, if not more. What is seen on TV is an abridged version of their experience. Also, activity isn’t happening every hour, or even every few hours. You may find yourself sitting in the dark and chatting with your fellow investigators throughout the night. Of course, it’s all worth it when you capture that anamolus data that can’t be explained. And that’s why we all keep coming back.
Make Friends with Skeptics
Seriously. I know it may be scary, but please make friends with a skeptic. Subscribe to Skeptical Inquirer. Read up on James Randi and the work he did. One of my favorite skeptics that I think EVERYONE needs to follow is Kenny Biddle. What is great about him is that he makes himself available on different platforms where you can ask him questions and he will answer in a way that will make you feel empowered and educated. It’s important to be friends and network with skeptics because they will keep you honest and will keep you focused as you navigate the world of paranormal investigating and ghost hunting.
Ghosts and Spirits Are People Too
Ghosts and spirits are people, they just exist in different forms. Therefore, we should still treat them as human beings instead of this “spooky entity.” I’ve noticed a lot of paranormal investigators will have their “ghost hunter voice” when trying to communicate, which is completely different from their normal speaking voice. Time and time again, investigators have noticed that there seems to be an uptick in EVP responses during normal conversation. I truly think that speaking to the entities like normal people can make a difference instead of treating them like this spooky being in the shadows.
Evidence Review Takes Time
This is probably the hardest thing for me to do, especially if I have multiple devices to review. Let’s say you brought 4 recording devices with you, and you’re at a location for about 5 hours. After doing the math, you have about 20 hours of footage to review. Of course, once you get through that first device, you can make notes of significant time stamps and see if they correlate with your other tech. But still, it’s a long time to review data. How to manage this? Depending on the urgency of the case you’re working on, set aside an hour or two each day to review your evidence. A little each day goes a long way!
You Don’t Need Fancy Tech
I’ll say this until the day I join the ghosts; you don’t need fancy tech. Yes, I did write a list of cool tech items you need on your ghost hunts, but they will not make or break your experience. If you’re someone who wants to collect data and review evidence, then you’ll probably need an audio recorder and maybe a camera. But, I’ve worked with folks who don’t bring any tech with them and all they have is a pencil and a notepad. You’ll connect with ghost hunters and paranormal investigators who just want to have the experience. Meaning, they just want to make that connection to the other side, take in their surroundings. So, don’t question your legitimacy as a paranormal investigator if you haven’t dropped hundreds of dollars on tech.
Your “Normal” Life May Be Affected
I managed to keep my paranormal life separate from my “normal” life throughout high school and most of college. But I found that the deeper I dove into the paranormal, the more it started to bleed into my normal life…or as I sometimes call it, my “muggle” life. Once I started writing books, making television appearances, and then a YouTube channel, the secret eventually came out. Now, people at work know I’m a paranormal investigator, and I’m so lucky that they are cool with it. Occasionally, I’ll get asked about my latest experiences, which makes for a good break time story. But, it’s good to keep in mind how public you want to be about this incredible life and how it can affect your relationships and job prospects.

Some People Just Need Validation
This was an incredible lesson to learn as someone who does residential cases. Sometimes, people don’t want us to come and solve their hauntings. Instead, they just want validation that something weird is going on. Now, the client doesn’t always realize this. When this happens, we usually talk with our clients to make sure that the resolution they requested is the one they actually wanted. Our clients sometimes just want to confirm that they aren’t crazy and that there really is something spooky in the house, and that’s okay.
Not Everyone is Open to Being Debunked
This is a hard one sometimes, especially when people post photos on social media and say, “Look at this!” It’s easy to go ahead and debunk the evidence as dust, moisture, etc., but then we may be met with accusations of being unbelievers, close-minded, or one of those “evil” skeptics. I’ve always said that I think anyone serious about being a paranormal investigator should consider learning about the ins and outs of photography, audio, and videography. Yet, not everyone will do that, and sometimes they just don’t want to be debunked.
Be Careful About Who You Work With
When I first came into the paranormal community, I had a lot of people wanting to work together and network. I immediately dove in before I really got to know the person, and it ended up biting me in the butt in the end. I definitely recommend getting to know someone before working with them on any paranormal project. Observe how they talk to other people, especially the folks who are not as popular as them. I’ve seen a lot of my fellow investigators get looped into drama and legal trouble because they were looped in with the wrong people. Just be careful.
Psychics Aren’t Right All the Time
I’ve worked with hundreds of different psychics, and I can tell you that all of their gifts are different in some way. Just like how we all have different preferences, tastes, styles, etc., those with abilities have very diverse gifts. But, that doesn’t mean that they are right 100% of the time. The good psychics to work with are those who are open to being wrong and use those moments as learning opportunities. It’s okay if a psychic is wrong, they may just not be attuned to that location, or they are still learning, or they are trying to force something that isn’t there. For more information on this, check out my tips for psychics.
Paranormal Community is for Everyone
This wasn’t necessarily something I needed to learn, but there are folks in the paranormal community who like to gatekeep. Meaning, if someone has a past that may seem questionable, or they come from a profession that’s a bit taboo, there’s hesitation to welcome them in the community. I will say, that everyone comes from a diverse background, and we all have skeletons in our closets. If someone wants to be a part of the community, and they’re a good person (ie not stealing, lying, etc), they should be welcomed with open arms. There is room at the paranormal table. If you’re feeling shy or intimidated, come sit with me!