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The holidays are right around the corner, and gift-giving is on everyone’s minds. If you, or someone you care about, is a paranormal investigator and/or ghost hunter, you might be wondering what to get them. Of course, you would make their day if you got them a piece of ghost hunting equipment. Click here to see my list of cool tech items for any paranormal investigator! Books are also great gifts! Here is a list of my favorite books about ghost hunting.
These are just ten of my favorites. For more, check out my favorites list on Etsy. Why Etsy? Because I love supporting small businesses! I did include a few things from Amazon as well.
The gifts on this list include things I would enjoy as a paranormal investigator and celebrate my interests and hobbies. If you’re looking for gifts for mediums, witches, and other spiritual areas, feel free to contact me for recommendations! I hope this list inspires you in your gift-giving adventure!
1. EVP’d My Pants T-Shirt
Who doesn’t love a little paranormal humor? I also love, “This is My Ghost Hunting Shirt.” There are a multitude of different shirts on sites like Amazon, RedBubble, CafePress, and others. I do recommend supporting a local artist for gifts like this, which is why I’ll usually go to RedBubble instead. But Amazon has its perks with Prime and such.
2. Ghost Hunting Mug
A mug is a great ghost hunting gift, or better yet, a travel mug with their favorite type of coffee! You could say that ghosts and caffeine come together like peanut butter and jelly, or cereal and milk. Since your paranormal investigator will likely be fueling up with caffeine, something to help them drink it is a fun gift idea!
3. Huntin’ Ghosts Hat
This hat is absolutely adorable! I love the play on the Dunkin’ Donuts logo. What I also like about this hat is that it works year round in any situation. The white color means it’s not absorbing heat, making it a great hat for exploring battlefields and going on picnics. This is a hat that can also stir up some questions about your favorite past time!
4. Purranormal Cativity T-Shirt
I love cats, and I love the paranormal. Full disclosure, I want this shirt! I love the design, and I love how versatile it is and comes in different styles. It also comes in a tank top, long sleeve shirt, and a hoodie! I have to say BRAVO to this shop owner because this design WINS!
5. Paranormal Investigator Vinyl Decal
Vinyl decals are a ton of fun because they are so versatile! You can put them on cars, coffee mugs, t-shirts, and more. I love this “Paranormal Investigator” vinyl decal because you have the option to buy it in different sizes. Also, “paranormal investigator” is a long word and the designer made it work. Here’s a cute “Ghost Hunter” vinyl decal to add to your collection as well!
6. “Professional Orb Checker” Patch

This made me belly laugh! I can’t tell you how many orb photos paranormal investigators look at on a regular basis. It’s a lot. I often do feel like a professional orb checker even though I’m not getting paid. This patch is absolutely perfect for both the orb believer and skeptic!
7. I’d Rather Be Hunting Ghosts Mask

In our current times, having a “ghost hunter” themed mask is a great way to express myself. Or, freak out a fellow shopper at Target. Since masks are a thing and will likely be a part of our lives for a while, why not get this awesome “I’d Rather Be Hunting Ghosts” mask? Because truly, that’s what I’d rather be doing.
8. Introverted But Willing to Discuss the Paranormal T-Shirt
If there was any product where I truly saw myself in, this is it. I often tell people that if I’m being quiet, talking about the paranormal will get me talking. Pretty soon, you’ll want me to shut up. But seriously, this is an amazing shirt for anyone with similar feelings!
9. Ouija Board Tumbler
I know some people feel funny about the Ouija board. Many people aren’t comfortable using it. Then we have people who love it, love the design, or just appreciate Ouija as a whole This is why I’m recommending this Ouija tumbler. It’s great for drinking your coffee during those long nights of ghost hunting for sure!
10. Protection Bracelet Collection
I left the most expensive item for last. But, it could also be the most valuable. Paranormal investigators are faced with the unknown during every investigation. You never know what you might run into! I found this gorgeous protection bracelet set, and it’s made with black onyx. Many believe black onyx can absorb and transform negative energy, as well as prevent the drain of personal energy.