We still have TikTok, and thousands, if not millions, of videos are posted every day. So, it’s not surprising that videos with ghosts and other creepy stuff have made it onto the platform. Whether it’s an accidental paranormal sighting, or a video that’s obviously staged, people can’t get enough paraormal videos on TikTok.
In this blog and video, I’m going to break down five of the most popular paranormal videos on TikTok. Because I’m a skeptic when it comes to evidence like this, yes, there will be some debunking going on. If I can’t debunk the video, I’ll go ahead and say it. Since I wasn’t there when these videos were created, I can’t debunk any of these with certainty.
As always, here’s the video version!
“Come Here” – @shnottalie
So, this start this off, apparently this WASN’T her dog. Her dog was outside when this video was taken. If she thought it was her dog, I’m not sure what was prompting her to take a video. Maybe he looked cute hanging out at the doorway? Anyway, this is an apparent shadow shaped like her dog, and it seems to be darker than its surroundings despite the floor being somewhat illuminated. If this really isn’t her dog, then yeah, this is quite disturbing, and I’m sure she eventually freaked out.
“I Was Home Alone” – reubix_cube
If you’re having trouble seeing what’s paranormal, focus on the stairs at the far right. Here’s the video by itself before he did a reaction video. So, this was a video that did legit give me the chills. There’s nothing more terrifying than the reality that someone may be lurking in your home along with you when you think you’re home alone. I think it is what makes this video SO disturbing! I know the anomaly is hard to see, so here’s the slow-mo version focusing on the stairs.
This guy claims he doesn’t have a pet in the home. Yet, it looks like SOMETHING was enjoying his dancing. If we take his word to heart, then yes, this is a fascinating video of something weird going on. In one of his more recent TikTok videos, he’s been seen petting a cat. So, this is either a new development or the cat has always been there.
“She’s Right There!” – sydney.carpentier
Okay, so face filters on apps have become the bane of many skeptical ghost hunters. First, I have to say I love the, “Hey what’s up giiirrrrl.” I mean, it’s not contextual at all, but who am I to judge. I got a great laugh from it. I’ve been sent dozens of videos of this exact filter on walls. I’m quite skeptical since the filter is basically made to find a pattern that resembles a face. When it sticks its tongue out on command, yeah, that’s interesting. One of the commenters suggested that maybe it was a woman with her baby.
If this is real, all I’ll say is that I would try my best to withhold my excitement and try to keep the conversation going!
Turn On That Light…Go Ahead – brynnelisee
First, I want to say I feel for this girl because she lost her mom so young. It SUCKS to lose your mom. In the video, this girl is nonchalantly straightening her hair while beckoning her mom to turn the light on. Given how well she knows this process, this may be a regular thing. She also has a circle to help direct our eyes. Now, whenever something seems too good to be true, it usually is. If I were to debunk this, I would almost want to say that since the straightener, as well as a TV, seem to be on, there may be something electrical going on that this young lady is aware of. Besides that, I got nothing.
Sleeping with a Haunted Doll – kelsiidaviess
First, I have to say that this song ALWAYS creeps me out. I don’t really see why this video became so popular because nothing happens. Cats sniff things. Cats can act weird sometimes. Also, we life our hands and arms in our sleep. Cats and people do weird things. Yes, the doll could very well be haunted, but this video is definitely NOT an example of that. If she was having nightmares, or the doll was moving by itself (when the cat is NOT on the bed), then maybe there could be something there. I must confess, I’ve always wanted to buy a haunted doll for experimental purposes.