Throughout history, national tragedies and major disasters have had a profound impact on beliefs, especially around the paranormal and the afterlife. In the wake of crises like the Civil War, World Wars, 9/11, and the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a consistent and notable rise in public interest in paranormal beliefs, often manifesting in increased use of psychic mediums, séances, and tools like the Ouija board. This trend is not coincidental; it reflects a deeply human need to seek comfort, meaning, and connection amid overwhelming loss and uncertainty.
The Civil War: Laying the Groundwork for Spiritualism
The Civil War (1861-1865) is often considered the starting point for the formalization of paranormal beliefs and practices in the United States. The massive loss of life, often on unfamiliar battlefields far from home, left families unable to bury or even say proper goodbyes to their loved ones. This left a deep psychological scar and a yearning to connect with the spirits of the deceased. The Spiritualism movement, which had begun over a decade before, gained significant momentum during this time. People found solace in the notion that the spirits of their loved ones could be reached and that the afterlife was not a complete separation. This period saw a surge in the popularity of mediums, séances, and eventually talking boards (which would become commercialized and better known as the Ouija board), which provided a way for families to feel close to their lost loved ones.

World War I and World War II: Heightening Spiritual Curiosity
Following the Civil War, World War I (1914-1918) and World War II (1939-1945) ushered in new waves of death, displacement, and loss. Particularly in England and the United States, mourning practices took on a more mystical quality, with Spiritualism once again becoming an outlet for grief and closure. Mediums were in high demand, offering to connect bereaved families with soldiers who had died overseas. Harry Houdini, himself a skeptic, became both a critic of Spiritualism and an investigator, seeking out those who offered services to grieving families. The Ouija board, patented in 1891, saw renewed interest during this period as well, as families sought to commune with those lost in the wars.
During World War II, the anxiety and devastation were so widespread that they intensified public engagement with the supernatural. Figures like Helen Duncan, a medium who famously claimed to summon the dead, became icons, and spirit communication thrived. The combination of economic hardship, personal loss, and existential fear brought about a longing to connect with the other side, keeping the idea of a paranormal connection firmly rooted in the public imagination.
9/11 and the Need for Connection
The September 11 attacks in 2001 were a modern-day tragedy that echoed the same human reaction: after the initial shock and grief, people began searching for meaning and connection. Interest in paranormal phenomena, from ghost sightings to spirit communication, surged after 9/11. This disaster differed from past wars in that it wasn’t fought on distant soil but struck directly in the United States, amplifying the trauma and loss experienced by Americans. Psychic mediums gained popularity as people searched for closure and answers, hoping that departed loved ones might still be reachable in some way. Television networks and popular culture also began producing more shows about hauntings and ghost-hunting, as Americans became increasingly curious about the afterlife.

COVID-19 Pandemic: A Renewed Surge in Paranormal Curiosity
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about yet another wave of interest in the paranormal. With the global death toll rising into the millions and people facing isolation, fear, and mourning on a mass scale, people began turning to spiritual practices and paranormal tools to find solace. Social media played a significant role, allowing people to share their experiences and interact with paranormal practitioners, further boosting interest in psychics, mediums, and divination tools.
Pandemic-related grief has also revived curiosity in the Ouija board. As people were forced to stay home and avoid public gatherings, some found a sense of community in virtual séances or with “DIY” paranormal exploration at home. Although technology provided many ways to connect with others during the lockdowns, there was also a noticeable uptick in interest in spirit communication methods, as the pandemic sparked reflection on mortality and the unknown. From this, a robust appetite for paranormal content on various social media outlets like TikTok and YouTube manifested.
The Ouija Board and Psychic Mediums: A Historical Lifeline for the Grieving
The Ouija board, first patented in 1890, has become one of the most iconic symbols of the paranormal. Originally marketed as a parlor game, it quickly became a tool for spirit communication during times of tragedy. Whenever society faced widespread death, people turned to the board in hopes of speaking to those who had passed on. This surge happened during the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, again during the World Wars, and has continued into recent times. Psychic mediums, similarly, have served as lifelines for those desperate for communication. In each major disaster, mediums and Ouija boards provided an outlet for grief, offering comfort to people trying to come to terms with their loss.

The Psychology of Grief and the Paranormal
Psychologically, the human response to grief is complex, and for many, spiritual or paranormal beliefs provide a coping mechanism. Tragedy disrupts our lives, forcing us to confront mortality in ways we may not be prepared for. Many people find it comforting to believe that their loved ones are not entirely gone, that they can still be reached through spirit communication or paranormal experiences. This need for closure has led to the paranormal becoming a regular, if temporary, sanctuary in times of distress.
The Role of Media and Technology
As media has evolved, so has our connection to the paranormal. Today, movies, television, and social media heavily influence our beliefs in the supernatural. Ghost-hunting shows and paranormal podcasts have become more popular, and social media has enabled people to share their own ghost stories and encounters in real-time, adding to the cultural acceptance of paranormal experiences. After major tragedies, we often see a resurgence of paranormal-themed media, reflecting and amplifying public interest in the unknown.
Conclusion: Seeking Comfort in the Unseen
Throughout history, times of great loss have spurred the desire to connect with something beyond the physical world. From the Civil War to the COVID-19 pandemic, each tragedy has left an imprint on our beliefs about the supernatural. Psychic mediums, Ouija boards, and other forms of spirit communication serve as mechanisms to process grief, offering comfort in our darkest hours. Whether we seek closure, reassurance, or a sense of connection, these beliefs persist because they resonate with a universal human need: to feel that love and connection endure, even in the face of death.