Haunted Northern Virginia: The Chilling Echoes of the Henry House

The American Civil War left an indelible mark on the landscape of Northern Virginia, with countless battlefields and historic sites forever scarred by the ravages of that bloody conflict. But among the most haunting of these places is the Henry House, originally known as Spring Hill Farm, a modest 19th-century structure that stands on land that that stood as a somber witness to the horrors of war.

The Tragedy of Judith Henry

Few tales are as harrowing and heartbreaking as the tragic demise of Judith Henry. Her story, once confined to the dusty pages of history, has taken on a far more sinister and supernatural edge in the years since. The original Henry House, was a modest 19th-century structure on what is now the Manassas Battlefield.

The Henry House after the First Battle of Bull Run

On July 21st, 1861, Judith Carter Henry, an 85-year-old widow, met her untimely and gruesome end. As the Battle of Bull Run raged around her, the bedridden Judith was unable to heed the calls to evacuate, nor did she want to leave her home. Her children attempted to take her out of the home on a mattress. But as the smoke and gunfire raged, Judith begged to be taken home.

Federal artillerary fired at the house as a strategy to drive away Confederate sharpshooters, unaware that there were civilians inside. Her daughter, Ellen, was forced to take refuge in the home’s chimney, her screams drowned out by the thunderous roar of artillery. The volume of the fire caused Ellen to temporarily lose her hearing because it was so loud. Judith’s enslaved teenager, Lucy Griffith, was seeking refuge under the bed and suffered an injury to her heel.

Caught in the crossfire, Judith was struck by cannon fire, sustaining horrific injuries that would ultimately claim her life. She was wounded in the neck and on her side. Plus, Judith’s foot was partially blown off. Judith died later that afternoon.

She was the only civilian casualty that day, and she was the first known civilian casualty of the Civil War.

The house was completely destroyed. The Henry family built a new home near the site of the original house in 1870 and an addition was included in 1884. Judith’s grave stands in front of the house. The house stayed in the Henry family until the 1920s when it was given to the Manassas Battlefield Park.

The Haunting of the Henry House

But Judith’s tragic demise was not the only darkness to haunt the Henry House. Reports include the sightings of a spectral Union soldier. His ghostly form has been seen roaming the halls of the current structure, eternally seeking retribution for the wounds that claimed his life. And then there are the sightings of the women themselves – Judith and Ellen, their ethereal forms glimpsed through the windows, their faces etched with an eternal sadness.

The reconstructed Henry House with Judith’s grave. Credit: Alex Matsuo

The most chilling of these apparitions, however, is that of a woman in a white nightgown and bonnet, gliding silently along the path surrounding the Henry House. Is this Judith, forever tethered to the home she loved so dearly? Or is it the spirit of her daughter, Ellen, forever searching for the solace that eluded her in life?

The Enduring Mystery

The answers lie shrouded in the shadows of the past. They are lost to the ravages of time and the unspeakable tragedies of war. What is certain is that the Henry House stands as a haunting testament to the cost of conflict. It is a place where the echoes of the past refuse to be silenced.

Those who dare to venture near the Henry House report an overwhelming sense of unease, a palpable chill that seems to seep into the very bones. Some have even spoken of the feeling of being watched, of unseen eyes that follow their every move. Also, in the quiet of the night, mournful wails of the departed can be heard. It is chilling reminder that the dead may not yet found their final rest.

A Haunting Legacy

If you find yourself drawn to the Henry House, tread carefully. For in its shadows, the past still lingers, a testament to the fragility of life and the enduring power of the human spirit, even in the face of the most unimaginable horrors. The ghosts of Judith and Ellen, and the nameless soldier, still walk these grounds, their stories forever etched into the fabric of this haunted place.

The ruins after the Henry House was demolished. Credit: Library of Congress

To learn more about this chilling story and other hauntings in the area, pick up a copy of my book, Haunted Northern Virginia, published by The History Press. Immerse yourself in the ghostly lore and history that still lingers in the region. Available now for purchase on Amazon. (Note: This is an affiliate link. This means I may earn a small commission if you purchase through it, at no additional cost to you.)





Haunted Northern Virginia: The Tragic Haunting of Eva Roy

Many drive down Lee Chapel Road in Burke, Virginia, unaware of the tragic event that took place over a century ago. The echoes of a young girl named Eva Roy, who lost her life in a brutal way, still haunt the area. Her ghost, pleading for help, has been sighted by many who have heard her say, “Help me please” and “I am Eva” before she vanishes into the woods. This case is not only one of Northern Virginia’s most disturbing cold cases but also one of its most well-known ghost stories, filled with a painful legacy of injustice.

A Life Stolen

Possible photo of Eva Roy

In the final months of World War I, 14-year-old Eva Roy lived with her father, Peter, along with her sister and brother-in-law, in a small farmhouse in Burke’s Station, Fairfax County, Virginia. The community was small and rural, dependent on farming for its livelihood. Eva, a beloved figure in the town, was known for her kindness and beauty. She even taught Sunday school at Lee Chapel Church, where her father would occasionally preach.

On August 6, 1918, Peter went into town for business, leaving Eva to gather the cows. When he returned, he realized Eva hadn’t come back, prompting a search party. Tragically, the next morning, her body was found near an empty house, known as the Hanse House. She had been violated, murdered, and tied to a tree, her body covered in scratches and cuts.

A Botched Investigation

Before a proper investigation could take place, well-meaning neighbors moved Eva’s body, destroyed her clothing, and washed her, resulting in the loss of crucial evidence. With the investigation already compromised, multiple suspects were brought forward, including neighbors, an escaped convict, and even soldiers, but no one was ever definitively proven guilty. The case was marred by false confessions, planted evidence, and questionable tactics by the police, leaving the crime unsolved.

A Ghost That Won’t Rest

The tragic story of Eva Roy left a deep scar on the small community of Burke, Virginia. But as the years passed and the mystery of her death remained unsolved, the story took on a supernatural element. Local legends say that Eva’s spirit has never left the woods where her life was so brutally taken. The trauma of her story seems to have bound her to the land, where she still roams in search of peace—and perhaps justice.

Lee Chapel Cemetery. Credit: Alex Matsuo

A Cry for Help in the Darkness

One of the most commonly reported encounters with Eva’s ghost is hearing her voice in the woods near Lee Chapel Cemetery. Witnesses describe a heart-wrenching cry, as if from a young girl, pleading for help. Some say they’ve heard her say, “Help me please,” while others have distinctly heard the chilling words, “I am Eva.” These phantom cries often lead curious ghost hunters and locals alike deeper into the dense, shadowy forest, but as they approach, the voice fades away, leaving an eerie silence behind.

The Vanishing Figure

Many who have traveled down Lee Chapel Road at night report seeing the fleeting figure of a girl in a long white or blue gown, standing by the edge of the road or within the tree line. Drivers have said she appears suddenly, causing them to slow down, only for her to disappear before their eyes. Some describe her as having long, dark hair, her eyes filled with sadness. She is often seen looking toward the old Hanse House or wandering toward the cemetery, as if searching for something—or someone.

In other instances, drivers claim they’ve seen her running into the road, her figure illuminated briefly by their headlights before vanishing into thin air. This has caused more than a few near-accidents, with drivers slamming on their brakes, only to find there’s no one there.

Eva Roy’s grave at Lee Chapel Cemetery. Credit: Alex Matsuo

Halloween and Birthday Visits

An annual tradition today has people gathering at Eva’s grave on the night of Halloween as well as her birthday. This is all in hopes of getting a glimpse of her ghost. Visitors to the cemetery and the surrounding woods often report sudden drops in temperature, even on the hottest summer nights. Cold spots seem to envelop certain areas, giving those who enter them an overwhelming sense of dread or sadness. Some have even reported feeling a cold breeze blow past them, despite no wind in the area. This is often followed by a feeling of being watched.

The area has also become known for strange, glowing lights. These orbs of light—usually described as bluish or white—float through the woods, flickering in and out of sight. While skeptics may brush them off as reflections from passing cars, those who believe in the paranormal say these lights are tied to Eva’s restless spirit.

The Legacy of Eva’s Spirit

The ghost of Eva Roy has become one of the most famous spirits in Northern Virginia, and her haunting is deeply tied to the injustice she suffered in life. Many believe that her spirit remains because her killer was never brought to justice, leaving her in a state of unrest. Others think that she is searching for her father or for peace, forever trapped in the place where her life ended so violently.

While some encounters are brief, leaving witnesses startled but unharmed, others have reported a profound sense of grief and sorrow after encountering her spirit. Paranormal investigators who have explored the area claim to have recorded EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) of a young girl’s voice, matching the description of those who have heard her in the woods. These recordings often include cries for help, along with faint whispers that are difficult to decipher.

For ghost hunters, thrill-seekers, and locals alike, Eva Roy’s story serves as a tragic reminder of a life cut short, with her restless spirit forever wandering the woods in search of the justice that never came.

To learn more about this chilling story and other hauntings in the area, pick up a copy of my book, Haunted Northern Virginia, published by The History Press. Immerse yourself in the ghostly lore and history that still lingers in the region. Available now for purchase on Amazon. (Note: This is an affiliate link. This means I may earn a small commission if you purchase through it, at no additional cost to you.)