This blog is for my fellow veterans out there who been out in the paranormal world for years. We’ve learned the ropes and we have the field experience. Over the years, we’ve chiseled our skills and gained incredible knowledge and experience.
But there are always new paranormal investigators out there who don’t know better. When I’m on social media, I’m constantly sad to see that the next generation of the field is often humiliated for not knowing something. Or, they get blasted with someone being condescending towards them because they don’t know better. There’s a lot of gatekeeping in the paranormal community. Frankly, this needs to stop. We will start losing what makes the paranormal field great if we’re not cultivating the next generation.
So, here are nine things you should know about new paranormal investigators.
They Will Ask Obvious Questions
Yes, they may ask those obvious questions like, “How do I get an EMF meter” or “What apps should I use while ghost hunting?” Dare I say that some of us may think these are “stupid” questions? But we can’t be like this towards new people in the field. It will either turn them off to the field completely, or they will be so closed off that they won’t be open to learning anything new. We need to be respectful when addressing questions that may seem obvious to us. Not everyone has walked in our shoes.
They Have Experience
Before we start going off and saying that newbie paranormal investigators are lacking experience, they do have something to offer. They may have experience in something that you know nothing about. When I was first starting out in the field, I didn’t know much. But I was a working photographer and I knew photography. I was able to offer that much to the team I was working with at the time. Don’t assume that just because someone is new that they don’t have anything to offer.
They Have Untapped Skills & Abilities
While their ghost hunting skills may be developing, they may have skills in communicating with people. And…ghosts/spirits are people! They may also have psychic abilities that they are trying to harness. I like to these of these folks like bulls in a zero-gravity china shop trying to find their bearings while trying not to float away. These are the rockstars. All they need is for one of us to reach out our hands and bring them back down to the ground.
They Watched the TV Shows
Most of the new people I’ve worked with have watched paranormal reality shows. This means that their investigation technique will likely emulate what they saw on TV. It also means that their paranormal knowledge may have come from the television shows. And that’s okay! It is up to us to validate their knowledge and praise them for what they’re doing right and then redirect and guide where they still need support.
They Have Connections
I’ve always said that just because someone is new to the field, it doesn’t mean they don’t have connections. They may know someone who owns a haunted hotel, or they went to school with a famous ghost hunter. I’ve basically used several bullet points to bring home the fact that new paranormal investigators have value and they have something to offer the world. This is especially true for the investigators that have been doing this for a while.

They Are Curious
Just as we are still curious about the paranormal, new investigators are just as curious as we are, if not more. They are navigating a new world and a new community. This means they will be asking a lot of questions. Some questions will be easy to answer while other questions may have you scratching your head. And it’s okay if you don’t have all the answers too! It doesn’t make you any less valid in your experience and skills.
They May Not Know Better
New people will make mistakes while investigating. It’s going to happen. Even the most seasoned investigator still makes misakes. But new people don’t know any better. They are still learning, finding their balance in this new world, and figuring out what style fits them best. It doesn’t mean they’re ignorant or less-intelligent. Just like you had on-the-job training when you started with a new job, new paranormal investigators are learning the ropes.
They Have a Fresh Perspective
To go along with a few previous points, new paranormal investigators are a fresh set of eyes on the current way we do things in the field. They are able to look at current methods and practices and offer their feedback. There may be something worth changing! Or there’s a glaring error in a certain investigative practice that we’ve never noticed because we are so set in our ways. New paranormal investigators give us the opportunity to change what we’ve been doing and make it better!
They Are Excited
Finally, new paranormal investigators are so excited to join the community! I will admit that I get desensitized sometimes and feel like that grumpy neighbor because I’ve been doing this for so long. It can be a little disheartening. But let me tell you, I love working with new paranormal investigators because they have this LIGHT about them. I get to see the paranormal world through their eyes, and their excitement is contagious. It is my duty to make sure that light keeps burning and I don’t do anything to snuff it out.