While the house that was used for “The Exorcist” may not be haunted, the land was host to Prospect Cottage, the site of a fascinating ghost story involving one of the most famous female authors of the 19th century.
When “The Exorcist” was released in 1973, it took the world by storm. The story of a young girl named Regan becoming possessed by the demon Pazuzu and the battle for her soul, both captivated and terrified audiences. Thus, the filming locations in Georgetown in Washington, D.C., became landmarks in their own right. Since “The Exorcist: Believer” is coming out in October 2023, let’s take a look at the haunting that took place on the land where the Exorcist House sits now.
While the infamous Exorcist Steps and House aren’t known to be haunted, it doesn’t stop tourists from stopping to take a picture of the cinematic landmarks. If you go up the Steps, you can easily see the Exorcist House to your left. Please note that the Exorcist House is privately owned (I can’t stress this enough), so be sure to enjoy the house from a distance and don’t walk onto the property. The House was used for the exterior shots for the movie. People often recreate the iconic movie poster with Father Merrin standing in front of the House at night in an eerie fog. I’ve heard the owners are welcoming, but take that information with a grain of salt.

But what many people don’t know is that the location of the house was once the location of Prospect Cottage, owned by Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte (E.D.E.N.) Southworth. What also isn’t well known is that Prospect Cottage was the site of several ghostly sightings before it was eventually torn down in the 1940s. All we have are a few newspaper articles from the early 1900s to tell us the story.
Who was E.D.E.N. Southworth?

E.D.E.N. Southworth was born as Emma Nevitte on December 26th, 1819 in Washington, D.C., in a house developed by George Washington. She wrote over 60 novels in her career, often featuring heroines who went against societal norms of the Victorian era. She was also a friend and contemporary of Harriet Beecher Stowe. E.D.E.N. was one of the most popular novelists of her time. She was also an avid supporter of women’s rights and social change.
At the deathbed request of her father, Emma was rechristened as Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte, (E.D.E.N.). After her father’s death in 1824, her mother remarried to a school teacher named Joshua L. Henshaw. E.D.E.N. and her step-father did not get along. She described herself as a dark wild-eyed elf, as well as being shy. After she completed her secondary education at the age of 15, E.D.E.N. became a schoolteacher at 16.
E.D.E.N. got married at 21 in 1840 to an inventor named Frederick H. Southworth from New York and the couple moved to Wisconsin. The couple was living on the frontier in a log cabin and E.D.E.N. despised life. She had two children with Frederick, a son and a daughter. In 1844, E.D.E.N. returned to DC without Frederick, who abandoned his family in search of gold in South America.
Now a single mother, E.D.E.N. started teaching at a measly $250 per year. To supplement her income, she started writing to support herself and her children. She submitted stories to magazines, and her writing was very well-received. The editor of the National Era contracted her first novel. She eventually became one of the highest paid authors of her day with an annual salary of $10,000. She was able to step back from teaching and write full time.
A New Home and Mysterious Voice

Around 1853 to the 1860s (exact date is unknown), E.D.E.N. moved into Prospect Cottage at 36th Street and Prospect, where The Exorcist Steps and House sits today. It is unknown when Prospect Cottage was built. But we do know it was formerly owned by a former French minister. The house had a Carpenter Gothic design, which was popular at the time.
The House closely resembled a gingerbread house with icicle-like decoration along the roof. E.D.E.N. would live in this house for the majority of the Civil War. Here is a newspaper clipping describing Prospect Cottage in 1899.
E.D.E.N. was an avid supporter of the Union. Since her house was located along the Potomac River, she could see the Confederate border from her house. She also had a front row seat to Lincoln’s second inauguration and worked at Seminary Hospital. E.D.E.N. also lets the hospital use her house to help as many as 27 soldiers to recover from their wounds at one point.
According to legend, after the second battle of Bull Run, all of the residents of Georgetown were terrified of the Confederates coming in. Knowing her home would be one of the first stops for the Confederacy, E.D.E.N. barricaded herself in her house. As she stood by the door, she said, “There’s only 3 of us here, what are we going to do if the Confederates come?” A voice in the darkness replied, “There are 4 of you here and you will be fine.” E.D.E.N., her children, and the house survived and they were indeed fine.

A Long & Accomplished Life
Towards the end of E.D.E.N.’s life, the Union Station (now the Car Barn) was built next door, and the Exorcist Steps were constructed while she was alive. E.D.E.N. passed away in 1899 in Prospect Cottage and was buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, just up the hill. Her son, Richard, inherited the house, and lived there until he passed away a year later. E.D.E.N.’s daughter, Charlotte, then inherited the house, but she wasn’t interested in keeping the house, so she sells it. The house gets bought and sold a few times.

From Home to Ice Cream
Prospect Cottage then became an ice cream parlor. The ice cream parlor was in the sitting room and the drawing room became a cafe. They sold ice cream, lunches, live bait, cigars, and tobacco. There was even a classic Coca-Cola sign. It became a popular spot for people to sit and wait for the street cars that were passing through Georgetown. It was such a popular spot and pretty much a tourist trap because E.D.E.N.’s legacy was still well known. People would rip off the wood as souvenirs. They would also catch the bugs so they could tell people it was from E.D.E.N. Southworth’s house.
Here’s a snippet from an article in The Washington Post, dated 1905:

The text reads: “Now the sitting-room that Mrs. Southworth planned is an ice cream parlor, and the handsome, old drawing-room serves as a cafe. On the verandas visitors sit and chat as they wait for the [street]cars. Their talk is of Mrs. Southworth, and it is claimed that they cut great splinters out of the porch and side of the house, and even capture the bugs and grasshoppers in the yard for souvenirs. Furthermore, they pull up the weeds by the roots and carry them off, happy in their ill-gotten spoils.”
The house was eventually bought by the National League of American Pen Women in 1928. They hoped to turn it into a museum for E.D.E.N. before it was torn down in 1942. The house that sits there today, The Exorcist House, was built in 1950.

The Ghost of E.D.E.N.

It seems that E.D.E.N. Southworth still visited Prospect Cottage after she passed away, showing that not even death could hold her back from her home.
There’s one particular story from the same 1905 Washington Post article, which was published about six years after she died, about an Italian grocer who set up his cart in front of Prospect Cottage one day. As he set up and got ready for the day, E.D.E.N. came out of the garden to chat with him. Since the grocer was a local, he knew that E.D.E.N. had passed several years ago. He didn’t even wait to see what she had to say. He ran and left his cart and all of his stuff in front of the house.
During the days as an ice cream parlor, E.D.E.N. would frequently appear to talk to people inside Prospect Cottage. People passing by Prospect Cottage claimed that E.D.E.N. would be seen walking around edges of the veranda, wringing her hands.
The author of that article also ran into a boy. The boy tells them that he had seen E.D.E.N. in the window at night, looking out onto the street below.
Final Thoughts

It seems that once Prospect Cottage was torn down, the ghostly sightings of E.D.E.N. Southworth disappeared completely. This begs the question; did E.D.E.N. decide to move on after her home was razed, or were witnesses experiencing a residual haunting? Since people reported that she was having conversations with them, I’m leaning towards E.D.E.N. was enjoying the company in her home.
The haunting of Prospect Cottage is a hidden gem of Georgetown History. Sadly, it has been eclipsed by “The Exorcist” and the demonic spookiness that surrounds it. This is certainly not a negative haunting. This story is a delightful tale to show that not all ghosts are scary or evil. Sometimes it’s a famous author stopping by her house to have a chat with the new inhabitants.
How lovely would it be to have a chat over ice cream with the ghost of one of the most prolific authors of the 19th century?