CW: Child abuse, physical violence
I’ve been trying to find fresh content when it comes to Christmas ghost stories and Christmas monsters. Mostly because there’s already so much information about Krampus, Frau Perchta, Belsnickel, etc. This story was one that I heard from one of my co-workers. So, thanks for the tip, Joni!
Now in full disclosure and full transparency, I haven’t been able to find any primary source for this story. Any references that I found have come from listicles and blogs. But considering it does exist online it had to come from somewhere. I need your help in solving this Christmas mystery, especially if you’re in South Africa or you know someone from South Africa.
I’ll be honest when I heard about Danny, I immediately thought of Danny Phantom, the cartoon from Nickelodeon. It was an awesome cartoon and I loved it.
Obsessed with Cookies
The story of Danny the Ghost Boy goes like this; Danny was a little boy (age unknown) who really enjoyed Christmas cookies. He’s a little boy, he’s a kid. That’s to be expected. He enjoys cookies, especially cookies made by grandma. Now grandma warned him not to touch or eat the cookies because some of the cookies were going to go to Santa and the rest of the cookies were going to be for Christmas, which was the next day. But Danny really wanted a Christmas cookie like really wanted it. He could not stop thinking about it.
So, he tried to think up ways to get a cookie without anyone noticing. Finally, Danny decided to take a risk and eat up a couple of the cookies, hoping that no one would notice. But even if someone did notice, the only person he would have to face would be his grandma. She is a sweet little old lady so you know there’s nothing wrong with facing grandma and just saying sorry. I mean I will admit I’m one of those people that will ask for forgiveness instead of permission, so maybe Danny had the same mindset. It is sweet little old grandma, what harm could come?
A Tragic End
So, Danny ate some of the cookies. When his grandma found out she was mad. I mean we are not talking like she was just disappointed in Danny not following directions. She was mad. Grandma was so mad that she grabbed a stick and started beating Danny with it. She started beating this little boy just for eating cookies. Granny beat him around his shoulders and his head and just kept hitting him with a stick.
She hit him so many times that Danny did not survive the ordeal. I told you it was dark. So yes, a little boy sneaking in some Christmas cookies managed to trigger the rage of grandma. Triggered to the point where she unalives her grandson, all for a bunch of cookies. Grandma was emotional and really stressed out and Danny taking the cookies was the last straw.
Now for poor little Danny he did not move on to the afterlife. Instead, he stayed put as a ghost. Danny now wanders the earth during the holidays. He’s looking to haunt naughty children who may want to steal their own Christmas cookies. He wants to haunt these naughty children so that they do not suffer the same fate as he did. Imagine being so naughty that a ghost warns you not to make the same mistake he made.
I have some thoughts on this story like I mentioned at the beginning of the blog. There’s no primary source material for the story. At least none that I have been able to find in the time that I’ve researched this. But to be honest, the only ghost children during the holidays I could find is Ignorance and Want from Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. But there are some themes here that I find interesting. Mainly Danny haunting naughty children so that they do not make the same mistake that he did. It very much reminds me of Jacob Marley and him warning scrooge to not make the same mistakes that he did, or his chains would be heavier than Marley’s.
there’s something to be said about this type of ghost story really that’s trying to teach a lesson and warn kids now during you know the holidays and everything it’s not even just during the holidays it’s not uncommon for these stories to come up as a warning to get kids to behave so it sounds like this could be south Africa’s way of scaring children into following directions. it is not that “oh you don’t want to eat Santa’s cookies and you want to be good because if not Santa will bring you coal” it’s “no if you eat the cookies your grandma could possibly unlive you” …all for cookies. That is kind of what boggles my mind too. It’s not anything about money I mean I don’t know maybe grandma really did snap when that happened to Danny.
What do you think of this story?
Feel free to share with your friends and family who also enjoy the spooky stuff especially during the holidays.