On May 28th, 2022, I did a paranormal investigation on the property of The Cabin on 360. It consists of a log cabin built in the 80s that was a model home. Next to it sits a house that was the site of a horrifying tragedy. This house is known as the Elliott House. Located in Hanover County, this brick rancher style house in Mechanicsville, Virginia became the site of this awful event that seems to permeate the house and the surrounding land.
A few days ago, I made a TikTok video about the Elliott House and the horrific tragedy of Melissa Carol Elliott, and it went viral. Since my content doesn’t get a ton of visibility compared to other spooky creators, this was shocking. I didn’t expect this to happen.
Here’s the TikTok video for reference:
With this in mind, I realized I needed to write this blog post as soon as possible so that people can find sources for Melissa Carol Elliott and know her true story. Someone informed me that a lot of junk links have popped up since my video went viral. This post is to help answer questions and hopefully give people a North Star to use when researching her story.
Who Was Melissa Carol Elliott and What Happened to Her?

Melissa Carol Elliott was a 12-year old 7th grade student at Battlefield Elementary School. She lived in Mechanicsville, Virginia. Her parents were John H. and Treva Elliott, and she had a 17-year old half-brother named Randy Lynn Elliott. Randy was from Treva’s previous relationship and was 5-years old when Melissa was born. On the morning of October 4th, 1979, John and Treva left for work early and left Melissa and Randy home alone.
Around 7:35am, Randy Lynn Elliott sexually assaulted Melissa and then shot her twice in the chest. According to a quote from W.E. Mitchell of the Hanover County Sheriff’s Department, “It appears that the girl was shot inside her single-story brick bungalow home and that the body was dragged 75-100 yards to the field where she was found.” There’s more information in the Living Paranormal Magazine article, written by Ryan C. Jones, whose family owns the property.
Jones does say that Melissa’s body was also placed in a large box and tried to hide it behind the house. He says that two men gathering straw found the box and opened it to see what was inside. I do want to note that the articles I read provided by the Cabin on 360 don’t mention the large box and also state that two construction workers found Melissa. Given that Jones’ family owned the land and the home at the time Melissa was murdered, he likely has insight that the press didn’t publicly disclose.
Randy was seen fleeing the scene, and he was eventually captured in Asheville, North Carolina as reported on October 9th, 1979. He was brought back to Virginia to be charged and tried. He was found guilty of Melissa’s murder and put in prison for a few decades.

Where is Randy Lynn Elliott Today?
In 2018, Randy Lynn Elliott was released. Today, he is on the sex offender registry and residing in North Carolina.
Here’s a clipping from The Charlotte Observer, printed October 9, 1979.

Was Randy Influenced by a Malevolent Entity?
I arrived at the Cabin on 360 late and missed the historical tour given by the caretaker, Dennis Estlock. According to my team members, they were told that it was believed that the malevolent entity that is reported to haunt the Elliott House existed before the family moved in. There’s a theory that the entity influenced Randy to commit his atrocious act against Melissa.
Personally, I don’t believe this is the case and I do find the statement problematic. This is because some may interpret the connection to absolving responsibility from Randy and that he wasn’t at fault. At the end of the day, there’s free will and Randy made a choice to do what he did.
Can I Visit the Cabin on 360 and the Eliiott House?
The Elliott House is currently available for booking through July 2022. You can contact the Cabin on 360 on Facebook to book a visit.
Living Paranormal Magazine Article – February 2017
“Boy, 17, Held In Girl’s Death” [Durham, NC]. Durham Morning Herald, 9 Oct. 1979, p. 11.
“Extradition Waived” [Charlotte, NC]. The Charlotte Observer, 9 Oct. 1979, p. 16.