Ghost hunting, paranormal investigating…call it what you will . The world of looking for the unknown and trying to communicate with spirits is a centuries-old practice. It’s going stronger than ever, and it only keeps getting better! Of course, this is a life that may seem weird to outsiders, if not a little scary. But there’s a reason why people stay in it.
Let’s look at ten reasons why it rocks to be a ghost hunter.
Talk to Ghosts
This is the number one reason why many people love ghost hunting. It gives you the opportunity to talk to people who have passed from this life and remain in spirit form. How often do you have the chance to sit and chat with someone who lived through the American Revolution or the Civil War? Sure, there’s historical documentation like letters. But ghost hunting takes that one step further with the chance to talk to the person who wrote the letter.
Visit Historical Places
For the conventional tourist at a historical site, you can usually tour the location for a short time. Then you’re off to the gift shop. But, there are multiple historic places all over the world that are open to paranormal investigations. This means that you will get to spend much more time in a historic location than a daytime tourist. For example, you might get to spend 8-12 hours at the home of a patriot for a ghost hunt. Plus, you may even get a special tour of the place and get a unique perspective that others wouldn’t get.
Meet Cool People
There’s no doubt that the paranormal and ghost hunting community has some of the coolest and most unique people around. I’m always amused at the reactions when I tell people I’m friends with witches, psychic mediums, and Pentecostal Christians. We all hang out together! This community is very diverse when it comes to interests and backgrounds. Plus, you never know who you’ll meet. For example, I have a ghost hunting friend who is a corporate CEO at a major tech company that investigates on the weekends! We often banter about ghost theories and the latest happenings in the tech world, all in the same conversation.
Traveling is a Way of Life
If you’ve ever needed a good reason to travel, ghost hunting might be the ultimate excuse! There are haunted spots all over the world. Plus, there are even companies dedicated to creating paranormal-themed adventures just for you. I can’t tell you how many ghost hunters travel for hours for one location and then make it back home in time for work on Monday. Traveling is such a special experience, and ghost hunters get to visit as many places they can if they have the means to make it happen!
Cool Gadgets
Even though these gadgets aren’t confirmed to prove the existence of ghosts, they’re a lot of fun to use! The technology of ghost hunting is always changing and evolving, and the gadgets just get cooler. What’s even better is that the manufacturer is usually accessible to chat. It would be like getting the chance to talk to Steve Jobs about the computer. The world of ghost hunting equipment is always fascinating and exciting, and I’m excited to see what comes of it in the future.

Unique Opportunities
Ghost hunting definitely comes with its own opportunities. People have gotten a chance to do extraordinary things like appear on television, receive unique teaching opportunities, travel, write books, the list goes on. Others have had the opportunities to appear on podcasts, and even consult on paranormal-themed movies. There is definitely value in having expertise in the paranormal and the world of ghost hunting, especially if you know where to look.
Learn New Skills
Ghost hunting is much more than wandering around a building looking for ghosts. There are logistics that a seasoned ghost hunter needs to be familiar with like scheduling, networking, and even social media. And let’s not forget there’s also historical research, knowing how the equipment works and knowing how cameras work when it comes to photography and video. Some of the best ghost hunters and paranormal investigators out there are knowledgeable in how to research, photography, and videography. Paranormal research is the perfect place for working on your interest in genealogy and historical research.
Cultivating Gifts
Many people realize that they have some sort of spiritual gift while ghost hunting and they want to know more. Others dive into the world of paranormal investigating and ghost hunting because they have a gift and want to cultivate it. The beauty of spiritual gifts is that it doesn’t just mean psychic mediumship. There’s a whole world of gifts that even include being good at interviewing people or writing.
Helping the Community
The world of the paranormal has also given back to the community in a multitude of ways. Groups have fundraised for local charities, like the Gettysburg Battlefield Bash for the Wounded Warrior Project. Others, like the Association of Paranormal Study, host ghost hunting events for a price. Then, they give 100% of the proceeds back to historic locations. I’ve seen ghost hunting teams create toy drives at local haunted places. There are some that even participate as a group for 5Ks and walks for causes like March of Dimes, the American Diabetes Association, etc. Ghost hunting definitely has a unique twist on the traditional charity benefit!
Spiritual Awakening
Being a ghost hunter opens you up to a whole new world of diverse cultures and ways of life. You experience things that you can’t explain. Your mind becomes a little more open. The lessons you learn in your spiritual awakening end up in your everyday life. This ends up fulfilling your life all around. You become a well-rounded person both in life skills and spiritually, and you’re able to use these gifts to make the world a better place.