How to Talk to Spirits

Talking to spirits seems like an easy concept, right? You just talk to them like you would any other person. Throughout my time as a paranormal investigator, I’ve learned that it isn’t that easy. If it were, we would be a lot further in the field than we are now. But what is interesting is that in order for me to learn how to better communicate with spirits, I did have to work on my people skills. Meaning, I had to consult my notes from my communications class in college. See Mom? I’m using my college degree!

If you want to dive deeper into the practice of ghost hunting and spirit communication after this, I highly recommend checking out my book, The Brave Mortal’s Guide to Ghost Hunting.

A lot of these tips were influenced by my years of investigating and working with a variety of different people. One of the heaviest influences was John Sabol’s “Ghost Excavation” method. If you’re looking to elevate your paranormal investigation, I highly recommend checking him out!

History of Modern Ghost Hunting

As we dive into the topic of how to talk to ghosts, it’s important to know where the current style of spirit communication and ghost hunting comes from.

The earliest form of ghost hunting that we know of goes back to the Spiritualism Movement and the Fox Sisters in New York. When they made contact with an alleged spirit by the name of “Mr. Splitfoot”, they were asking the spirit to make rapping sounds for “Yes” and “No” and naming letters of the alphabet. This later caught on as the Spiritualism Movement gained momentum.

Of course, we know now that the Fox Sisters fabricated a lot of their experiences and stories, but that didn’t stop Spiritualism from becoming a full-out religion.

Seances had a similar practice; knock one for yes and two for no.

How many ghost hunters still use that technique? A lot. In fact, ghost hunting on TV hasn’t changed in nearly 20 years since “Ghost Hunters” premiered.

A Rich Man’s Pasttime

As years go by, we have folks like Harry Price, Harry Houdini, Hans Holzer, Maurice Grosse, the Society for Psychical Research, the Ghost Club, Ed and Lorraine Warren, all of these different people were trying to find answers to the supernatural mystery of spirits. They were all doing in their own way.

Harry Price is regarded as one of the original ghost hunters. While he didn’t have a degree in science, he was a researcher and very much a promoter of his own work.

For example, Hans Holzer used a medium during his investigations as a tool and to be that bridge between the spirit world and the physical world.

So fast-forward, and the TV show “Ghost Hunters” hits television, and everyone realizes that they too can become a ghost hunter.

Much of the style we see on the show not only goes back to Spiritualism but with the addition of tech, it seemed that “sciences” had made its way into the field. Well, it’s always been there it’s just that the TV show made it super obvious.

K2 meters were flying off the shelves at hardware stores. Radios were selling out at Radio Shack. People were flocking to this new hobby and it has stayed that way basically ever since. Because TV has been so prominent in it, much of the way that we investigate today is influenced by TV.

Tips for Spirit Communication

These are some of the most common statements you’ll hear on TV. In turn, you may hear this during a ghost hunt.

  • “Give us a sign of your presence.”
  • “Is there anyone here with us”
  • “Do you know that you’re dead”

I don’t like that last one.

It seems that we forget that ghosts are people too. They engage and interact with us the same way that human beings do.

We just can’t seem them. But just because we can’t see them, it doesn’t mean that we turn them into science experiments that don’t have a soul.

So when you’re trying to make communication with a ghost, I always say that the first thing you should do is introduce yourself. Say your name, why you’re here, reassure the spirits that you’re not there to harm them. Also, set your intentions. Speak out loud that you’re only going to communicate with the spirits of the property and only spirits of love and light.

Super important, set your boundaries. If you don’t want to be touched, say so. Unless you want it to be a free for all, then maybe not set those intentions, but things may get messy.

Share Your Story Too

Tell the spirits about yourself. You’re going to be spending the rest of the night asking THEM questions and invading their personal life. It’s only fair that you share some things about yourself too. For example, are you married, do you have kids, did you serve in the military, do you like baking, did you go to school, are you a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, were you and your family affected by a major moment in history…things like that.

What this does is not only does it allow the spirit to get to know you better, but the spirit might find some common ground with you. Like, maybe they too served in the military, or they like baking, or they are bisexual like you are. If a spirit can see a part of themselves in you, they will be more open to talking to you.

Secondly, when you ask your questions, ask them like you would ask a friend. I wouldn’t get too formal with your questioning because it changes the dynamic of your position. You don’t want to come across as too authoritative, especially if the environment doesn’t call for it.

Also, pay attention to how the rest of your group is feeling. If someone is feeling cold, getting touched, etc. and no one else isn’t, then switch gears and have that person ask the questions because the spirits may want to talk to them instead.

Thirdly, when you do get responses, always say thank you and praise the spirit for the communication. We don’t know how much energy it takes to communicate so always show appreciation for the effort.

Trigger Objects

Don’t be afraid to use trigger objects like toys, alcohol (don’t drink it), music, sewing needles, posters, artifacts or replicas of items from the time period, anything that could be familiar to the spirits of that time.

Again, you want to bring something relatable to the spirits so that they feel more comfortable talking with you.

These methods may not work for every location. You want to make sure you’re flexible and can switch gears to adapt to the spirits you’re communicating with. This is why going with the flow is super important.

Write your questions down too. I’m actually working on a list of questions to ask during EVP sessions. That way, you won’t get stuck if you get spirit communication.

Really listen to the interactions you’re having, and try to mold your questions from that too. Follow up. Be careful asking stacking questions too, meaning don’t ask three questions at once, “What’s your name? How old are you? Do you live here” Be sure to leave about 15-30 seconds in between each question so the spirit can answer. You don’t want to talk over them while they’re answering.

Finally, have fun. You’re going on an amazing spiritual adventure. Be in the moment and see how much information you can learn. Check historical records after to see if anything you picked up can be backed up by history.

10 Ghost Hunting Books You Need to Read

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Reading books as a ghost hunter or paranormal investigator is so important if you want to grow. There are so many resources out there! It’s important to know what other people are talking about and what their experiences are.

The listed books are a mix of “how-to”, personal ghost stories, legends, history, and more. This is just the start of a massive list! If you have a book that you would like to recommend, let me know!

The Brave Mortal’s Guide to Ghost Hunting – Alex Matsuo

Yes, I’m going to plug in my own book. The Brave Mortal’s Guide to Ghost Hunting is all about how to be a paranormal investigator. In this book, I cover a multitude of topics. I cover historical research, evidence review, best practices on the field, as well as paranormal history from a cultural standpoint. If you are new to the world of paranormal investigating, this book is for you!

The Ghost Studies: New Perspectives on the Origins of Paranormal Experiences – Brandon Massullo

This is one of the best books to read as a paranormal investigator. For example, it dives deep into the psyche of paranormal experiences as well as the latest research in hauntings. It was written by Brandon Massullo, who is a clinical therapist and a parapsychologist. He has been cited in numerous journals and is a go-to resource on the topic. It’s safe to say he knows what he is talking about!

Guide to Psychic Protection – Rosemary Ellen Guiley

Rosemary Ellen Guiley was such a wealth of knowledge and expertise on the paranormal. While she has since passed, she has left us a treasure trove of books and resources. One of my favorites is Guide to Psychic Protection. One of the questions I’m asked most often is, “How do you protect yourself during an investigation?” Rosemary has answered that question. It will not only help you on a ghost hunt but also in your daily life.

Haunted Land: Ghosts, Witches, and Divination in the 18th Century – Michelle Hamilton

It is important to learn where the world of ghost hunting and paranormal research came from. Michelle Hamilton has written several books on the historical context of our belief in ghosts. She knocks Haunted Land out of the park. You get to read actual historical documentation of ghosts, witches, and divination in the 18th century. You might also notice that some of these beliefs are still prevalent today. Civil War Ghosts is another favorite of mine from here.

The Victorian Ghost Hunter’s Casebook – Tim Prasil

If you’re ghost hunting without the fancy tech, are you even ghost hunting? The answer is a resounding YES! Back in the Victorian era, people were absolutely fascinated by ghosts and the supernatural. It’s important to know why Victorians were ghost hunting. This is because it gives us so much context as to why we do what we do today. Tim Prasil also includes a few notes from female ghost hunters from the Victorian era. Did I mention that Charles Dickens and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle are included in this book? They were truly captivated by the supernatural! I’m thrilled this book includes their notes.

Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife – Mary Roach

This book is truly a classic for any ghost hunter’s library. Mary Roach writes about the subject in a funny and entertaining way to keep you engaged. She includes a lot of articles from CSICOP’s Skeptical Inquirer Magazine. Also, she discusses how folks have been trying to debunk elements of the paranormal using science. Her perspective is objective, and a “must-read” for any paranormal investigator or ghost hunter.

The Good Death and the Civil War: The Haunting of an American Battlefield – John G. Sabol

John G. Sabol is the creator of the Ghost Excavation method, which takes an anthropological and archaeological approach to paranormal investigating. Instead of dressing in jeans, sneakers, and sweatshirts, and asking questions in the dark, Sabol and his team are in period clothing and engaging in scenarios to interact with the spirits. He’s also written dozens of books with his research, and his historical knowledge is invaluable. In the book, Sabol discusses why American Civil War battlefields are haunted, and how the Civil War violated “The Good Death”. I think if you truly want to understand Civil War hauntings, you have to understand what The Good Death was.

Ghost Hunter’s Handbook: Supernatural Explorations for Kids – Liza Gardner Walsh

We can’t forget the kids! There’s some controversy as to whether kids should be in the world of ghost hunting. But they still have paranormal experiences. Often, they don’t have the context or knowledge to understand what they experienced. Liza Gardner Walsh covers the history of ghosts, how to ghost hunt, how to tell a good ghost story, and more. It’s all in a kid-friendly manner that’s engaging and educational.

Where the Footprints End: High Strangeness and the Bigfoot Phenomenon, Volume I: Folklore – Joshua Cutchin and Timothy Renner

I had the pleasure of sitting alongside Joshua Cutchin for ConCarolinas 2019. He is a wealth of knowledge on theories and folklore, and his resources are astounding. If you’re interested in Bigfoot, aliens/UFOs, and the history behind the beliefs we have about them today, this book is for you. Truly, it is really interesting to read about some of the data and theories being ignored by modern-day Bigfoot hunters. It also discusses how the significance of Bigfoot has impacted our society from a cultural standpoint. This is a great resource for any cryptid lover or researcher.

Ghost Hunters: William James and the Search for Scientific Proof of Life After Death – Deborah Blum

The American Society for Psychical Research, and the Society for Psychical Research are big names in the paranormal field. Deborah Blum dives deep into the research of William James. She also includes the experiments he performed on the mediums of the Spiritualism movement. What is truly wonderful about this book is while James did find there were many frauds in the movement, there were also those that defied logic and left him scratching his head.