Stormy Daniels is Filming a New Ghost Hunting Show

This is a post I never thought I’d be writing. When you hear the name Stormy Daniels, what do you think about? Most of us associate her with Donald Trump. But, she’s so much more than that. She is a person with hobbies and interests…and one of them is paranormal investigating.

Daniels was recently spotted ghost hunting in Atchison, Kansas at the Sallie House and the McInteer Villa. She was on a ghost hunting adventure. According to KCTV News, Daniels is working on a new show about ghost hunting.

Daniels is currently traveling around the country to different haunted locations for her show called, Spooky Babes. Her team already has merch and Daniels is headlining a few speaking engagements.

According to Daniels, she’s always had an interest in the paranormal, and she believes that the shows give people a safe space to talk about it. She is pitching her show to a few different networks at the moment, and I’ll be curious to see if it gets picked up.

About the Team

Spooky Babes was founded by Stormy Daniels in 2020 after she had intense paranormal activity in her home in New Orleans. She started the team with her friend, Justin Loupe. Apparently, the haunting of her New Orleans home started in 2019 and there are over 20 witnesses to the phenomenon. The activity was described as poltergeist-like with shadowy figures and physical attacks. Stormy started the team out of a desire to better understand her experiences.

Personal Thoughts

This is interesting. I know a lot of celebs have been jumping on the paranormal show train for decades, but I didn’t expect Stormy Daniels to be one of them. It honestly just goes to show you that anyone can have an interest in the paranormal. But as Daniels said, a lot of people don’t feel like they have a safe space to talk about it. The Osbournes are currently the big celebs riding this train right now.

I have to admit, it’s entertaining to watch celebrities ghost hunt. When you see a celebrity share that they too had experiences, it does make you feel less alone. It makes them a bit more relatable. I wish Stormy all the best in her ghost hunting and paranormal investigating, and I’ll be interested to see if her show gets picked up.

Would you watch Stormy Daniels’ ghost hunting show?