Are Paranormal Investigators Creating Their Own Ghosts?

For decades, paranormal investigators and ghost hunters have been exploring the unknown. Storytelling and research are part of the process. We learn about the legends and lore behind haunted locations and other ghost stories. These elements go hand-in-hand like peanut butter and jelly. Or, chicken nuggets and barbecue sauce. And, now I’m hungry.

Our minds are powerful tools. Is it possible to simply manifest your own thoughts with a self-fulfilling prophecy, or completely create your own entity? For the sake of sanity and keeping track of my own thoughts, let’s move forward with the idea that spirits exist in some form.

Stories, Legends, & Lore

We need the stories and the historical context to better understand what’s going on behind the reports of alleged hauntings. Is it be possible that as more people learn the stories, all of that energy collects and creates a haunting? This could very well explain activity from the ghost of a person who never existed. Let’s consider popular locations that host investigators almost every night of the year. Each night, we tell the same stories. Perhaps that expectation is what is actually haunting us instead of a spirit?

Take Gettysburg as an example. People visit the battlefield, and history is on repeat. From reenactments to films to paintings to ghost walks to museums to even just sitting in a restaurant, Gettysburg’s story is on repeat. That energy has not had a chance to just rest in over two hundred years. Could it be possible that the apparitions that we see are merely from our own minds?

Manifestation & Intention

The manifestation of thoughts and intentions is becoming widely popular these days. On social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok especially, there are creators providing exercises and meditations for the manifestation of intentions. While paranormal investigators aren’t necessarily going through this intense process, many do set their intentions ahead of time of what entities they want to engage with. They may picture specific people in their heads or just a general idea of who they want to interact with.

Thoughtforms and Tulpas

Several years ago, I want to say 2011, I was made aware of the theories of thoughtforms and tulpas. I actually covered this subject quite extensively in my book, The Haunted Actor, where I theorized that hauntings come from people, especially emotionally powerful people like actors. To put it simply, all tulpas are thoughtforms, but not all thoughtforms are tulpas. Clear as mud, right?

This is where I derail the idea that hauntings are tulpas. Tulpa is Tibetan word for a being that was created by mental discipline. It takes intense thought and concentration to manifest an entity. There is a specific intention behind a tulpa, and its creation is not an accident. I’ve also read that tulpas are created through dismantling one’s own psyche. Meaning one creates a tulpa together by piecing together parts of yourself to create this being. Essentially, a tulpa is your own creation from parts of yourself.

Thoughtforms seem to happen with a similar intention but seem to be more accidental. Also, there doesn’t seem to be parts of yourself being used for creation. For example, a bunch of people investigating the ghost of little Sally at the haunted asylum may be unintentionally creating Sally herself. Sally could very well be a real person, but her spirit isn’t what is haunting the asylum since she crossed over decades earlier.

Fun fact: I’ve also read that elementals are thought-forms. But that is a discussion for another time.

The Phillip Experiment

The Philip experiment was conducted in 1972 in Toronto, Canada by Dr. A.R. George Owen and the Toronto Society for Psychical Research (TSPR). The experiment was to determine whether subjects could communicate with fictionalized ghosts through human will. According to Dr. Owen, he believed that “Ghosts have an objective reality, but they are created out of the minds that see them.” Dr. Owen, who is a mathematical geneticist, lead the experiment while it was overseen by a psychologist named Dr. Joel Whitton.

The idea of the experiment would be that participants would make up a fictionalized ghost, and then try to make contact during seances. In case you’re wondering, yes, the 2014 film, The Quiet Ones, is loosely based on the Philip experiment.

The Participants

The participants of the experiment included eight participants, one of them being Dr. Owen’s wife Iris Owen. Other participants included:

  • Margaret Sparrow, former chairperson of MENSA
  • Andy H., industrial designer
  • Lorne, Andy’s wife
  • Al Peacocok heating engineer
  • Bernice M, accountant
  • Dorothy O’Donnel, bookkeeper
  • Sidney K., sociology student

All of the people who participated were members of TSPR.

Creating Philip

First, the group had to agree on a backstory for their ghost. They decided that the ghost’s name would be Philip Aylesford, and he would live in the 1600s during the time of Oliver Cromwell. He was an aristocrat, married to a cold woman named Dorothea, with whom he had a daughter. One day, Philip rode by a gypsy encampment and fell in love with a woman named Margo. He brought her back to secretly live in his gatehouse, and they had an affair. Eventually, Dorothea found out and accused Margo of witchcraft.

Afraid of losing his status and possessions, Philip did nothing. Tragically, Margo was sentenced to death and burned at the stake. Burdened by guilt and remorse, Philip committed suicide at the age of thirty.

Contacting Philip

The group started meeting weekly starting in September 1972. They would have informal gatherings where they discussed Philip, meditate on him, and visualize him. This went on for about a year with no results. However, it should be noted that the room was fully lit. Sometimes, the participants said they felt a presence in the room, but there was nothing extraordinary that would make them think it was Philip.

Then, the group decided to change the dynamics of their atmosphere and recreate a traditional seance environment. Dr. Owen dimmed the lights. They sang songs and pictured where Philip would have lived and what he looked like. Also, they managed to get antiques from the time period.

This seemed to have worked. Philip made himself known through a distant rap on the table. In traditional seance fashion, the group had Philip rap once for yes and twice for no. Eventually Philip was able to dim the lights on his own, create a cold breeze, and other incredible psychokinetic phenomenon. The group even did a demonstration in front of 50 people, and Philip delivered. However, the group was never able to make Philip materialize.

Continuing the Experiment

TSPR was so impressed with their results with the Philip Experiment, they attempted the experiment a few more times with different spirits. They managed to create and contact a French Canadian spy named Lilith. Instead of taking over a year to make contact, Lilith made herself known in just five weeks. The group also created a man from the future named Axel as well as a medieval alchemist named Sebastian.

In Australia, a group conducted what became known as the Skippy Experiment. With six participants, the group created the ghost of a 14-year old girl named Skippy Carmichael. According to the group, Skippy communicated mainly using raps and scratching sounds.

Final Thoughts

Even after all this, I’m not 100% certain what we’re communicating with in these haunted locations. Are we truly talking to a sentient beings created from our own minds, or are we talking to the souls of those once lived? Thanks to the Internet, these stories are more readily available than ever. This means that we will continue to read, meditate, and regurgitate these stories until we join the other side.

Even if we set up our intentions, could it be possible that we’re creating our own ghosts? Given that I can’t manipulate a K2 meter or a REM-Pod with my own mind, I have a hard time believing this. This is why I find equipment so faulty. If it is our consciousness that is manipulating the equipment, how come we can’t do it right now when we’re alive? What changes once we leave our physical body?


Philip”The Mystica. Retrieved 2015-01-16

John Robert Colombo (1995). Ghost Stories of Ontario. Dundurn. pp. 123

9 Things You Should Know About New Paranormal Investigators

This blog is for my fellow veterans out there who been out in the paranormal world for years. We’ve learned the ropes and we have the field experience. Over the years, we’ve chiseled our skills and gained incredible knowledge and experience.

But there are always new paranormal investigators out there who don’t know better. When I’m on social media, I’m constantly sad to see that the next generation of the field is often humiliated for not knowing something. Or, they get blasted with someone being condescending towards them because they don’t know better. There’s a lot of gatekeeping in the paranormal community. Frankly, this needs to stop. We will start losing what makes the paranormal field great if we’re not cultivating the next generation.

So, here are nine things you should know about new paranormal investigators.

They Will Ask Obvious Questions

Yes, they may ask those obvious questions like, “How do I get an EMF meter” or “What apps should I use while ghost hunting?” Dare I say that some of us may think these are “stupid” questions? But we can’t be like this towards new people in the field. It will either turn them off to the field completely, or they will be so closed off that they won’t be open to learning anything new. We need to be respectful when addressing questions that may seem obvious to us. Not everyone has walked in our shoes.

They Have Experience

Before we start going off and saying that newbie paranormal investigators are lacking experience, they do have something to offer. They may have experience in something that you know nothing about. When I was first starting out in the field, I didn’t know much. But I was a working photographer and I knew photography. I was able to offer that much to the team I was working with at the time. Don’t assume that just because someone is new that they don’t have anything to offer.

They Have Untapped Skills & Abilities

While their ghost hunting skills may be developing, they may have skills in communicating with people. And…ghosts/spirits are people! They may also have psychic abilities that they are trying to harness. I like to these of these folks like bulls in a zero-gravity china shop trying to find their bearings while trying not to float away. These are the rockstars. All they need is for one of us to reach out our hands and bring them back down to the ground.

They Watched the TV Shows

Most of the new people I’ve worked with have watched paranormal reality shows. This means that their investigation technique will likely emulate what they saw on TV. It also means that their paranormal knowledge may have come from the television shows. And that’s okay! It is up to us to validate their knowledge and praise them for what they’re doing right and then redirect and guide where they still need support.

They Have Connections

I’ve always said that just because someone is new to the field, it doesn’t mean they don’t have connections. They may know someone who owns a haunted hotel, or they went to school with a famous ghost hunter. I’ve basically used several bullet points to bring home the fact that new paranormal investigators have value and they have something to offer the world. This is especially true for the investigators that have been doing this for a while.

They Are Curious

Just as we are still curious about the paranormal, new investigators are just as curious as we are, if not more. They are navigating a new world and a new community. This means they will be asking a lot of questions. Some questions will be easy to answer while other questions may have you scratching your head. And it’s okay if you don’t have all the answers too! It doesn’t make you any less valid in your experience and skills.

They May Not Know Better

New people will make mistakes while investigating. It’s going to happen. Even the most seasoned investigator still makes misakes. But new people don’t know any better. They are still learning, finding their balance in this new world, and figuring out what style fits them best. It doesn’t mean they’re ignorant or less-intelligent. Just like you had on-the-job training when you started with a new job, new paranormal investigators are learning the ropes.

They Have a Fresh Perspective

To go along with a few previous points, new paranormal investigators are a fresh set of eyes on the current way we do things in the field. They are able to look at current methods and practices and offer their feedback. There may be something worth changing! Or there’s a glaring error in a certain investigative practice that we’ve never noticed because we are so set in our ways. New paranormal investigators give us the opportunity to change what we’ve been doing and make it better!

They Are Excited

Finally, new paranormal investigators are so excited to join the community! I will admit that I get desensitized sometimes and feel like that grumpy neighbor because I’ve been doing this for so long. It can be a little disheartening. But let me tell you, I love working with new paranormal investigators because they have this LIGHT about them. I get to see the paranormal world through their eyes, and their excitement is contagious. It is my duty to make sure that light keeps burning and I don’t do anything to snuff it out.

What do you appreciate about new investigators to the paranormal field?

The Shocking Differences Between Real Life Ghost Hunting And TV

One of the most popular panels I participate in at cons is the differences between real-life paranormal investigating and what we see on television. From my time hosting public investigations and working with new folks in the paranormal world, I’m often put in positions where I have to explain that what we see on television isn’t accurate to what happens in real life.

Simply put, paranormal reality television isn’t a reflection of what it’s like in real life. Here are some of the major differences between what you see on TV and what you may experience out in the field.

You May Not Have an Experience for Several Hours

Paranormal television shows show the best 30-45 minutes of an investigation that took place over the course of several hours, days, if not weeks. The clips you see on paranormal television shows may not have even been filmed on the same day. Usually, the first ghostly interactions happen within 15-minutes of the show’s start. This doesn’t happen in real life. And yet, I’m often asked within 30 minutes of a public ghost hunt where the ghosts are and why aren’t they talking? Well, it’s because these shows are very much a snip of a petal from a much larger flower.

It Might Be Boring

Ghost hunting television shows are exciting to watch. There’s music, dramatic clips, voiceovers, and more. This makes paranormal investigations look glamorous and dramatic. It’s not surprising that these television shows have managed to recruit most of the people in the paranormal community. But the real-life paranormal investigation isn’t nearly as interesting as what you see on TV. It’s much quieter, but it’s just as fulfilling if you set your expectations realistically.

Not Everything is Out to Get You

Paranormal reality television makes it seem like the spirits and entities are out to get the stars. But, in most scenarios I’ve encountered, the spirits are merely people. One of my favorite moments in a TV show was when the star is demanding that the spirits show themselves, and they respond with, “Do we have to?” How delightfully human is that? All in all, the entities that reside at a location are merely trying to get by in the afterlife. They aren’t the monsters you see on Scooby-Doo where they’re trying to get the stars.

Provocation Isn’t the First Thing to Do

Provocation is a jerk move, plain and simple. Yes, it’s great television and it’s entertaining. But have you seen what happens to television stars when they provoke? They get hit, bit, scratched, pushed, the list goes on. You wouldn’t walk into someone’s home and start provoking them, so how is it okay to do so during a paranormal investigation? While provoking is often used on TV, it is not the preference of most respected paranormal investigators. The only reason one provokes is to get a response. It’s not acceptable to do when one is alive, let alone doing it to someone who has since passed.

Television is Entertainment

Finally, you must remember that paranormal reality television is part of the entertainment business. Their goal is to entertain and maintain ratings. You will never see the ENTIRE story played out on camera. You’ll see snippets instead. While there may be some truth to some shows, that’s not the case with every show on TV. They have a storyboard. There are writers. A story needs to be told. What you see on a television show is the result of hundreds of pieces being put together. It’s the result of a team of dedicated filmmakers, all contributing something to the table.

Before you think I’m a complete hater of paranormal television, I’m not. Paranormal television has played a tremendous role in growing awareness of the paranormal and recruiting more people to the community. Therefore, it has value. As long as people know the difference between what they see on television and what is real-life, we’re going to be okay.

10 Reasons Why It Rocks To Be a Ghost Hunter

Ghost hunting, paranormal investigating…call it what you will . The world of looking for the unknown and trying to communicate with spirits is a centuries-old practice. It’s going stronger than ever, and it only keeps getting better! Of course, this is a life that may seem weird to outsiders, if not a little scary. But there’s a reason why people stay in it.

Let’s look at ten reasons why it rocks to be a ghost hunter.

Talk to Ghosts

This is the number one reason why many people love ghost hunting. It gives you the opportunity to talk to people who have passed from this life and remain in spirit form. How often do you have the chance to sit and chat with someone who lived through the American Revolution or the Civil War? Sure, there’s historical documentation like letters. But ghost hunting takes that one step further with the chance to talk to the person who wrote the letter.

Visit Historical Places

For the conventional tourist at a historical site, you can usually tour the location for a short time. Then you’re off to the gift shop. But, there are multiple historic places all over the world that are open to paranormal investigations. This means that you will get to spend much more time in a historic location than a daytime tourist. For example, you might get to spend 8-12 hours at the home of a patriot for a ghost hunt. Plus, you may even get a special tour of the place and get a unique perspective that others wouldn’t get.

Meet Cool People

There’s no doubt that the paranormal and ghost hunting community has some of the coolest and most unique people around. I’m always amused at the reactions when I tell people I’m friends with witches, psychic mediums, and Pentecostal Christians. We all hang out together! This community is very diverse when it comes to interests and backgrounds. Plus, you never know who you’ll meet. For example, I have a ghost hunting friend who is a corporate CEO at a major tech company that investigates on the weekends! We often banter about ghost theories and the latest happenings in the tech world, all in the same conversation.

Traveling is a Way of Life

If you’ve ever needed a good reason to travel, ghost hunting might be the ultimate excuse! There are haunted spots all over the world. Plus, there are even companies dedicated to creating paranormal-themed adventures just for you. I can’t tell you how many ghost hunters travel for hours for one location and then make it back home in time for work on Monday. Traveling is such a special experience, and ghost hunters get to visit as many places they can if they have the means to make it happen!

Cool Gadgets

Even though these gadgets aren’t confirmed to prove the existence of ghosts, they’re a lot of fun to use! The technology of ghost hunting is always changing and evolving, and the gadgets just get cooler. What’s even better is that the manufacturer is usually accessible to chat. It would be like getting the chance to talk to Steve Jobs about the computer. The world of ghost hunting equipment is always fascinating and exciting, and I’m excited to see what comes of it in the future.

Unique Opportunities

Ghost hunting definitely comes with its own opportunities. People have gotten a chance to do extraordinary things like appear on television, receive unique teaching opportunities, travel, write books, the list goes on. Others have had the opportunities to appear on podcasts, and even consult on paranormal-themed movies. There is definitely value in having expertise in the paranormal and the world of ghost hunting, especially if you know where to look.

Learn New Skills

Ghost hunting is much more than wandering around a building looking for ghosts. There are logistics that a seasoned ghost hunter needs to be familiar with like scheduling, networking, and even social media. And let’s not forget there’s also historical research, knowing how the equipment works and knowing how cameras work when it comes to photography and video. Some of the best ghost hunters and paranormal investigators out there are knowledgeable in how to research, photography, and videography. Paranormal research is the perfect place for working on your interest in genealogy and historical research.

Cultivating Gifts

Many people realize that they have some sort of spiritual gift while ghost hunting and they want to know more. Others dive into the world of paranormal investigating and ghost hunting because they have a gift and want to cultivate it. The beauty of spiritual gifts is that it doesn’t just mean psychic mediumship. There’s a whole world of gifts that even include being good at interviewing people or writing.

Helping the Community

The world of the paranormal has also given back to the community in a multitude of ways. Groups have fundraised for local charities, like the Gettysburg Battlefield Bash for the Wounded Warrior Project. Others, like the Association of Paranormal Study, host ghost hunting events for a price. Then, they give 100% of the proceeds back to historic locations. I’ve seen ghost hunting teams create toy drives at local haunted places. There are some that even participate as a group for 5Ks and walks for causes like March of Dimes, the American Diabetes Association, etc. Ghost hunting definitely has a unique twist on the traditional charity benefit!

Spiritual Awakening

Being a ghost hunter opens you up to a whole new world of diverse cultures and ways of life. You experience things that you can’t explain. Your mind becomes a little more open. The lessons you learn in your spiritual awakening end up in your everyday life. This ends up fulfilling your life all around. You become a well-rounded person both in life skills and spiritually, and you’re able to use these gifts to make the world a better place.

Why do you love being a ghost hunter or paranormal investigator? Tell me all about it in the comments!

Why You Should Change the Way You Ghost Hunt

I have to confess something; I make mistakes too. Maybe more than the average bear. It’s all part of the “trial and error” life of being a paranormal investigator. You try things that work, and you toss the things that don’t work. But the problem here was I was using a technique that had been VERY successful for the past several years.

When I’m out there doing a ghost hunt/paranormal investigation, I’m constantly trying to do it right. Sometimes, that ideal gets me into hot water. This isn’t with the living. But instead, it’s with the ghosts.

I got called out by a ghost for the first time.

The Background

It was my first paranormal investigation since December (ouch). It was our second time at this particular location, and since we had moderate success during our first visit, I wanted to approach the location the same way as last time. The location is rich in history with documentation to support it all. The location is honestly a dream come true!

I can’t say where the location is due to privacy reasons. This is about the lesson I learned during my latest investigation. Don’t get me wrong, the investigation was overall successful and we got some fascinating data, but I didn’t expect the response I would hear from the man of the house himself…who is a ghost.

The Interpretation

I did a lot of prep, but at the end of the day, the ghost felt like we were asking them to perform parlor tricks. They (the ghosts) thought we were looking to be entertained. While that was far from the truth, I can see why the spirits thought that way. I made the mistake of approaching the location like I approach most places; the ghosts want to talk about their feelings. Well, not all ghosts want to sit in the dark with us and talk through their emotions.

Lessons Learned

I honestly feel bad that we came across like a group of ghost hunters that wanted the spirits to perform. That has never been my intention, nor the intention of my time. We try to approach our investigations with a research perspective and bringing questions to the table from a contextual standpoint.

Because I’m an emotional person by nature, I immediately default to this approach. I try to use an empathetic approach to my investigational skills. Most of the time, the ghosts are eager to talk because they may not have had the opportunity to talk about this side of themselves in the past. It’s been a successful approach…until now.

There are ghosts who are present to get a job done. In this case, when the spirits saw us working, they respected us and wanted to join in. I even taught a VIPKid class the next morning in the location (that was a new one). The door kept unlatching and being pushed open. The area was known to have children, and they wanted to learn as well. That was huge.

Like I mentioned before, the investigation wasn’t a bust. We did manage to get some responses and have some information to follow up on to see if it makes sense.

What I’ll Do Next Time

I learned that I can’t use the same formula every time I go on a ghost hunt. Not only do I have to have a plan ready, but I have to have a Plan B ready when A isn’t working. I also need a Plan C, D, E, F…the letters go on.

I need to go back to my roots and hit hard with historical research…that’s critical. That way, I can prepare to change gears at a moment’s notice without derailing the process. Also, most importantly, I hope the spirits feel valued and respected.

How do you prep for your paranormal investigation? What do you do to get the ghosts to talk? Share your tips in the comments!

The Ghost Hunter’s Quarantine Survival Guide

Before you start reading, please take a moment for vote for me for INDY Week’s Best of thee Triangle! I was nominated for Best Local Interest Website/Blog. Click here to vote, and it takes less than a minute. I so appreciate it!

It’s a weird time right now. Most of the world is under some sort of “stay at home” order, whether’s it a complete lockdown, quarantine, etc. Movie releases are being delayed indefinitely. TV shows are putting productions on hold. Essential businesses like grocery stores, auto repair, the post office, etc. are still open. But non-essential businesses like parks, hair salons, gyms, etc. are closed until further notice. 

Unfortunately, haunted locations are closed as well. While it may be hard to stomach, ghost hunting is not an essential business. Truly…it’s not. Does it mean that ghost hunting doesn’t matter? Of course not. It’s just not something we need to survive like food, medical needs, etc.

Impacts of COVID-19

All of these new orders are for good reason. It sucks My ghost hunting plans for spring and summer of 2020 are pretty much shot. I truly feel for the ghost hunters who are out there doing fieldwork several times a month. I know there are several teams that go out on a weekly basis (you are rock stars). This current time has got to be hard.

Taking a Forced Break from Ghost Hunting

But guess what? You don’t have to go out there doing fieldwork to be considered a ghost hunter or a paranormal researcher. If you’re truly looking for something to do to help amp up your ghost hunting skills and resume, there are things you can do! I compiled this list based on what I’m currently doing at the moment. Most of these are free.


Is there a paranormal topic you’ve been wanting to learn more about? Do you want to understand why orbs aren’t ghosts? Want to know where the “woman in white” legend came from? This is the perfect time to research a legend or area of the paranormal. If you need an idea of where to start, think of different areas of paranormal research. Choose the one where you feel the most uncomfortable, or you can’t define in more than two sentences. That’s the topic you pick!

Go Through the Evidence That You Haven’t Watched, Listened to, Etc.

I’ll be the first to admit that data and evidence review is something I dread. Especially for longer investigations. For me, I’ve been spending 1 hour each day reviewing my backlog. 1 hour is pretty much my limit right now.

Read a Ghost Hunting Book

This may seem…too simple. For some, it is. For others, especially the ones doing fieldwork, reviewing evidence, networking, planning, etc. reading a book may be on the back burner. Take this opportunity to read about the ways other people are ghost hunting. I’ll take this opportunity to shamelessly plugin my book, The Brave Mortal’s Guide to Ghost Hunting.

Give Back to the Community

If you’re in a position where you can throw a few dollars at a paranormal location (especially if they’re non-profit), it would be a huge help. Many of these locations will be suffering significant financial loss because of canceled ghost hunts. If you’re not able to give financially, spreading the word and sharing content can make a big difference. You can even do live streams on Facebook and fundraise for the location.

Plan Your Next Ghost Hunting Adventure

Sure, we’re not sure how long this is going to last, especially in the United States. But, we can get ahead of the game by already planning our next adventure. Whether it’s mapping out where you’re going to go, your ghost hunting plan, equipment list, etc., planning your next ghost hunt will also give you something to look forward to in the future.

Take Inventory & Tidy Up

I know for me, at the end of an investigation, I sometimes will throw my equipment into some random bag or case, mainly because I’m packing up quickly. I’ve been taking this time to reorganize my equipment and make a list of what I need like batteries, new flashlights, etc.

Watch TV

Yep. Watch some TV. I do sometimes watch ghost hunting shows, but not for anything educational (sorry). Ghost hunting shows are meant to be entertainment. I’m watching them to be entertained, find new locations to check out, and also review their investigation skills and see what I could do better. Watching how other investigators do things, even if it’s on TV, can be valuable. You’ll either get validation for your own methods, get new ideas, or know what NOT to do.


If there was any time to network with other ghost hunters, this is the time to do it. Whether it’s through Facebook or some other social media platform, take the time to meet other ghost hunters. Ask to have an online meeting on a platform like Google Hangouts and chat for a bit. This is also super helpful mental health-wise, as conversing with friends during this time can really help you. Most therapists are recommending that we connect with people for about 30 minutes per day.

Create Content

If you have the energy, definitely create content. This means creating images, videos, memes, videos, blogging, writing, live streaming, webinars, basically creating things that people can enjoy. If you’re a paranormal team, this can drive people to your page and website. If you’re a solo ghost hunter, same deal. Right now, we have to move to an all-digital platform, and creating appropriate content can still drive engagement with your work.


Most importantly, take care of yourself. If you’re not able to do anything on this list…that is okay! If you need to just veg on the couch and just exist…that’s okay. If you need to clean everything, that’s okay. Basically, don’t put too much pressure on yourself to accomplish things. This is a very trying time in our world right now, and we’re not quite sure when it will all be over. People are also on edge and many are feeling angry and need someone to lash out at. If you have to walk away from a discussion, argument, etc., do it! Take one day at a time, and we’ll get through all of this together!

Paranormal friends: What are you doing during your quarantine? Share your ideas in the comments.

Grýla: The Child Eating Monster That Makes Christmas a Little Scarier

Don’t like to read? Then check out the video!

When we think of the holidays, we think of cheerfulness, merriment, and nothing scary. Well, if you find Santa Claus scary, then I don’t know what to tell you.

But not everyone thinks of the holidays as a positive time of year. Many see it as just another day of life. Others see the time as a season of painful memories and feelings. Some folks see it as a time to get children to behave. 

We have Krampus and Frau Perchta. But do you recall the Icelandic legend of Grýla and her Yule Cat and Yule Lads?

Instead of Santa Claus coming to town, Icelanders are treated to mountain-dwelling monsters who come down for the holidays. What is endearing about this folktale is the fact that they all live together in a cave in the mountains. These mountains are known as the Dimmuborgir lava fields.

Yes, these Christmas monsters are a family. They even have a house cat named Jólakötturinn! Yes, it joins in on their reign of holiday terror.

The Legend

Let’s start with Grýla, whose name loosely translates to growler. She is an ogress who has a rather large appetite for eating naughty children. That’s right, kids. If you’re naughty, you’ll get eaten by Grýla. She has this talent of detecting naughty children year-round. When she comes down from the mountains, she knows who to find. She collects them in her large sack and carries them back to her cave. Then, cooks them in a large pot, making a “naughty children stew”, for which she has an insatiable appetite.

She has a husband named Leppaludi who is your typical TV-house husband. He’s depicted as lazy and doesn’t really leave the cave. Leppaludi is also Grýla’s third husband, which I thought was interesting. Apparently, she ate her previous husbands after she became bored with them.

If you’ve been good, and you think you’re safe, think again. Remember that house cat I told you about? Maybe it’s actually a cave cat. The Yule Cat, named Jólakötturinn, is Grýla’s kitty. It roams the countryside during Yule and eats people who haven’t gotten new clothes before Christmas Eve.

The Yule Lads

Let’s not forget the kids! Grýla and Lappaludi have 13 sons known as the Yule Lads. First, I guess we know what Grýla and her husband were up to in the cave during the off-season. Second, the Yule Lads sounds like a name for a street gang of kids. On the 13 nights leading up to Christmas, the Yule Lads come into town one by one. They bring about mischief, mayhem, pranks, and murder. Kids leave their shoes on window sills. If the kids were good, the Yule Lads bring presents to leave in these shoes. If the kids were naughty, the Yule Lads left a potato in their shoes. That’s not a terrible thing.

The History

The legend of Grýla and her family date back centuries. The earliest mention of Grýla can be traced back to the 13th century. You can find her in a compilation of Norse mythology called, Prose Edda. She is described as a giantess that is repulsive and hideous.  Some other early depictions of Grýla have ranged from describing her as a beggar with parasites as well as a troll. What is creepy about her as a beggar is that she would go door-to-door asking parents to give her their naughty children. It wasn’t until the 17th century that she was associated with Christmas. 

The earliest mention of the Yule Lads goes back to the 17th century in the poem called, “The Poem of Grýla.” In the most popular depictions, they were Grýla’s sons. In other versions, they were her brothers. Depending on where you were from, the Yule Lads did different things from harmless pranks to painting the town red…with blood. What is even more interesting is that the King of Denmark wasn’t a fan of using the Yule Lads as a method of scaring children into behaving. They were formally named in 1862 by Jon Arnason. He was a 19th-century author, collected his own folktales after being inspired by the Grimm Brothers. The 1932 poem, The Yule Lads by Jóhannes úr Kötlum, became canon with their names and personalities because it was so popular. You can find it in the book, Christmas is Coming.

Creepy Christmas Kitty

Now, where did the Jólakötturinn, the Yule Cat, come from? As if Grýla and her family weren’t terrifying enough, let’s add in a cat to make it extra scary. And this giant kitty judged you on whether or not you got new clothes by Christmas Eve. The earliest depiction of the Jólakötturinn is the 19th century. But why clothes? Farmers to put pressure on their workers to finish processing the autumn before Christmas. If the workers finished, they were rewarded with new clothes. Those who didn’t finish got nothing. The idea of the Yule Cat being this giant, monstrous beast was popularized by Jóhannes úr Kötlum. Other depictions included the Yule Cat merely eating the food of those who didn’t have new clothes, which is less dramatic.

To tie all of this up in a neat little bow, basically, you should behave yourself and make sure you have new clothes by Christmas Eve. Otherwise, you might get a visit from Grýla, her Yule Cat, and the Yule Lads. Oh yeah, don’t forget to leave your shoes on the window sill!

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