11 Weird Things I Wish I Knew About Ghost Hunting When I First Started

It’s hard to believe that I came into this field full-on in 2011. Sure, I did some “recreational ghost hunting” starting in high school, but I honestly didn’t know what I was doing. It was a lot of sneaking out at night, going to the nearby cemetery in Old Town San Diego, visiting the Whaley House, trying to talk to ghosts in the park, it was a fun time in my life. I didn’t know much about what it meant to be a ghost hunter, and this was something I had always had an interest in. Who knew that I’d be making this a significant part of my life?

But, there were growing pains. There were a LOT of growing pains. As I entered the paranormal community, there was a lot I had to learn about working with people while maintaining a “good” reputation in the field.

Paranormal Investigations Can Be Boring

This is probably the biggest lesson in becoming a paranormal investigator (or ghost hunter). I would dare say that what you see on TV is completely different from real life. Usually, what we see on TV is the best 30-45 minutes of footage. What most people don’t know is that the talent has been at that location for at least a day, if not more. What is seen on TV is an abridged version of their experience. Also, activity isn’t happening every hour, or even every few hours. You may find yourself sitting in the dark and chatting with your fellow investigators throughout the night. Of course, it’s all worth it when you capture that anamolus data that can’t be explained. And that’s why we all keep coming back.

Make Friends with Skeptics

Seriously. I know it may be scary, but please make friends with a skeptic. Subscribe to Skeptical Inquirer. Read up on James Randi and the work he did. One of my favorite skeptics that I think EVERYONE needs to follow is Kenny Biddle. What is great about him is that he makes himself available on different platforms where you can ask him questions and he will answer in a way that will make you feel empowered and educated. It’s important to be friends and network with skeptics because they will keep you honest and will keep you focused as you navigate the world of paranormal investigating and ghost hunting.

Ghosts and Spirits Are People Too

Ghosts and spirits are people, they just exist in different forms. Therefore, we should still treat them as human beings instead of this “spooky entity.” I’ve noticed a lot of paranormal investigators will have their “ghost hunter voice” when trying to communicate, which is completely different from their normal speaking voice. Time and time again, investigators have noticed that there seems to be an uptick in EVP responses during normal conversation. I truly think that speaking to the entities like normal people can make a difference instead of treating them like this spooky being in the shadows.

Evidence Review Takes Time

This is probably the hardest thing for me to do, especially if I have multiple devices to review. Let’s say you brought 4 recording devices with you, and you’re at a location for about 5 hours. After doing the math, you have about 20 hours of footage to review. Of course, once you get through that first device, you can make notes of significant time stamps and see if they correlate with your other tech. But still, it’s a long time to review data. How to manage this? Depending on the urgency of the case you’re working on, set aside an hour or two each day to review your evidence. A little each day goes a long way!

You Don’t Need Fancy Tech

I’ll say this until the day I join the ghosts; you don’t need fancy tech. Yes, I did write a list of cool tech items you need on your ghost hunts, but they will not make or break your experience. If you’re someone who wants to collect data and review evidence, then you’ll probably need an audio recorder and maybe a camera. But, I’ve worked with folks who don’t bring any tech with them and all they have is a pencil and a notepad. You’ll connect with ghost hunters and paranormal investigators who just want to have the experience. Meaning, they just want to make that connection to the other side, take in their surroundings. So, don’t question your legitimacy as a paranormal investigator if you haven’t dropped hundreds of dollars on tech.

Your “Normal” Life May Be Affected

I managed to keep my paranormal life separate from my “normal” life throughout high school and most of college. But I found that the deeper I dove into the paranormal, the more it started to bleed into my normal life…or as I sometimes call it, my “muggle” life. Once I started writing books, making television appearances, and then a YouTube channel, the secret eventually came out. Now, people at work know I’m a paranormal investigator, and I’m so lucky that they are cool with it. Occasionally, I’ll get asked about my latest experiences, which makes for a good break time story. But, it’s good to keep in mind how public you want to be about this incredible life and how it can affect your relationships and job prospects.

Some People Just Need Validation

This was an incredible lesson to learn as someone who does residential cases. Sometimes, people don’t want us to come and solve their hauntings. Instead, they just want validation that something weird is going on. Now, the client doesn’t always realize this. When this happens, we usually talk with our clients to make sure that the resolution they requested is the one they actually wanted. Our clients sometimes just want to confirm that they aren’t crazy and that there really is something spooky in the house, and that’s okay.

Not Everyone is Open to Being Debunked

This is a hard one sometimes, especially when people post photos on social media and say, “Look at this!” It’s easy to go ahead and debunk the evidence as dust, moisture, etc., but then we may be met with accusations of being unbelievers, close-minded, or one of those “evil” skeptics. I’ve always said that I think anyone serious about being a paranormal investigator should consider learning about the ins and outs of photography, audio, and videography. Yet, not everyone will do that, and sometimes they just don’t want to be debunked.

Be Careful About Who You Work With

When I first came into the paranormal community, I had a lot of people wanting to work together and network. I immediately dove in before I really got to know the person, and it ended up biting me in the butt in the end. I definitely recommend getting to know someone before working with them on any paranormal project. Observe how they talk to other people, especially the folks who are not as popular as them. I’ve seen a lot of my fellow investigators get looped into drama and legal trouble because they were looped in with the wrong people. Just be careful.

Psychics Aren’t Right All the Time

I’ve worked with hundreds of different psychics, and I can tell you that all of their gifts are different in some way. Just like how we all have different preferences, tastes, styles, etc., those with abilities have very diverse gifts. But, that doesn’t mean that they are right 100% of the time. The good psychics to work with are those who are open to being wrong and use those moments as learning opportunities. It’s okay if a psychic is wrong, they may just not be attuned to that location, or they are still learning, or they are trying to force something that isn’t there. For more information on this, check out my tips for psychics.

Paranormal Community is for Everyone

This wasn’t necessarily something I needed to learn, but there are folks in the paranormal community who like to gatekeep. Meaning, if someone has a past that may seem questionable, or they come from a profession that’s a bit taboo, there’s hesitation to welcome them in the community. I will say, that everyone comes from a diverse background, and we all have skeletons in our closets. If someone wants to be a part of the community, and they’re a good person (ie not stealing, lying, etc), they should be welcomed with open arms. There is room at the paranormal table. If you’re feeling shy or intimidated, come sit with me!

Stormy Daniels is Filming a New Ghost Hunting Show

This is a post I never thought I’d be writing. When you hear the name Stormy Daniels, what do you think about? Most of us associate her with Donald Trump. But, she’s so much more than that. She is a person with hobbies and interests…and one of them is paranormal investigating.

Daniels was recently spotted ghost hunting in Atchison, Kansas at the Sallie House and the McInteer Villa. She was on a ghost hunting adventure. According to KCTV News, Daniels is working on a new show about ghost hunting.

Daniels is currently traveling around the country to different haunted locations for her show called, Spooky Babes. Her team already has merch and Daniels is headlining a few speaking engagements.

According to Daniels, she’s always had an interest in the paranormal, and she believes that the shows give people a safe space to talk about it. She is pitching her show to a few different networks at the moment, and I’ll be curious to see if it gets picked up.

About the Team

Spooky Babes was founded by Stormy Daniels in 2020 after she had intense paranormal activity in her home in New Orleans. She started the team with her friend, Justin Loupe. Apparently, the haunting of her New Orleans home started in 2019 and there are over 20 witnesses to the phenomenon. The activity was described as poltergeist-like with shadowy figures and physical attacks. Stormy started the team out of a desire to better understand her experiences.

Personal Thoughts

This is interesting. I know a lot of celebs have been jumping on the paranormal show train for decades, but I didn’t expect Stormy Daniels to be one of them. It honestly just goes to show you that anyone can have an interest in the paranormal. But as Daniels said, a lot of people don’t feel like they have a safe space to talk about it. The Osbournes are currently the big celebs riding this train right now.

I have to admit, it’s entertaining to watch celebrities ghost hunt. When you see a celebrity share that they too had experiences, it does make you feel less alone. It makes them a bit more relatable. I wish Stormy all the best in her ghost hunting and paranormal investigating, and I’ll be interested to see if her show gets picked up.

Would you watch Stormy Daniels’ ghost hunting show?

10 Reasons Why It Rocks To Be a Ghost Hunter

Ghost hunting, paranormal investigating…call it what you will . The world of looking for the unknown and trying to communicate with spirits is a centuries-old practice. It’s going stronger than ever, and it only keeps getting better! Of course, this is a life that may seem weird to outsiders, if not a little scary. But there’s a reason why people stay in it.

Let’s look at ten reasons why it rocks to be a ghost hunter.

Talk to Ghosts

This is the number one reason why many people love ghost hunting. It gives you the opportunity to talk to people who have passed from this life and remain in spirit form. How often do you have the chance to sit and chat with someone who lived through the American Revolution or the Civil War? Sure, there’s historical documentation like letters. But ghost hunting takes that one step further with the chance to talk to the person who wrote the letter.

Visit Historical Places

For the conventional tourist at a historical site, you can usually tour the location for a short time. Then you’re off to the gift shop. But, there are multiple historic places all over the world that are open to paranormal investigations. This means that you will get to spend much more time in a historic location than a daytime tourist. For example, you might get to spend 8-12 hours at the home of a patriot for a ghost hunt. Plus, you may even get a special tour of the place and get a unique perspective that others wouldn’t get.

Meet Cool People

There’s no doubt that the paranormal and ghost hunting community has some of the coolest and most unique people around. I’m always amused at the reactions when I tell people I’m friends with witches, psychic mediums, and Pentecostal Christians. We all hang out together! This community is very diverse when it comes to interests and backgrounds. Plus, you never know who you’ll meet. For example, I have a ghost hunting friend who is a corporate CEO at a major tech company that investigates on the weekends! We often banter about ghost theories and the latest happenings in the tech world, all in the same conversation.

Traveling is a Way of Life

If you’ve ever needed a good reason to travel, ghost hunting might be the ultimate excuse! There are haunted spots all over the world. Plus, there are even companies dedicated to creating paranormal-themed adventures just for you. I can’t tell you how many ghost hunters travel for hours for one location and then make it back home in time for work on Monday. Traveling is such a special experience, and ghost hunters get to visit as many places they can if they have the means to make it happen!

Cool Gadgets

Even though these gadgets aren’t confirmed to prove the existence of ghosts, they’re a lot of fun to use! The technology of ghost hunting is always changing and evolving, and the gadgets just get cooler. What’s even better is that the manufacturer is usually accessible to chat. It would be like getting the chance to talk to Steve Jobs about the computer. The world of ghost hunting equipment is always fascinating and exciting, and I’m excited to see what comes of it in the future.

Unique Opportunities

Ghost hunting definitely comes with its own opportunities. People have gotten a chance to do extraordinary things like appear on television, receive unique teaching opportunities, travel, write books, the list goes on. Others have had the opportunities to appear on podcasts, and even consult on paranormal-themed movies. There is definitely value in having expertise in the paranormal and the world of ghost hunting, especially if you know where to look.

Learn New Skills

Ghost hunting is much more than wandering around a building looking for ghosts. There are logistics that a seasoned ghost hunter needs to be familiar with like scheduling, networking, and even social media. And let’s not forget there’s also historical research, knowing how the equipment works and knowing how cameras work when it comes to photography and video. Some of the best ghost hunters and paranormal investigators out there are knowledgeable in how to research, photography, and videography. Paranormal research is the perfect place for working on your interest in genealogy and historical research.

Cultivating Gifts

Many people realize that they have some sort of spiritual gift while ghost hunting and they want to know more. Others dive into the world of paranormal investigating and ghost hunting because they have a gift and want to cultivate it. The beauty of spiritual gifts is that it doesn’t just mean psychic mediumship. There’s a whole world of gifts that even include being good at interviewing people or writing.

Helping the Community

The world of the paranormal has also given back to the community in a multitude of ways. Groups have fundraised for local charities, like the Gettysburg Battlefield Bash for the Wounded Warrior Project. Others, like the Association of Paranormal Study, host ghost hunting events for a price. Then, they give 100% of the proceeds back to historic locations. I’ve seen ghost hunting teams create toy drives at local haunted places. There are some that even participate as a group for 5Ks and walks for causes like March of Dimes, the American Diabetes Association, etc. Ghost hunting definitely has a unique twist on the traditional charity benefit!

Spiritual Awakening

Being a ghost hunter opens you up to a whole new world of diverse cultures and ways of life. You experience things that you can’t explain. Your mind becomes a little more open. The lessons you learn in your spiritual awakening end up in your everyday life. This ends up fulfilling your life all around. You become a well-rounded person both in life skills and spiritually, and you’re able to use these gifts to make the world a better place.

Why do you love being a ghost hunter or paranormal investigator? Tell me all about it in the comments!

How I Survived My First Paranormal Investigation with Diabetes

This may not be a big deal for some, but it was to me. I was diagnosed with diabetes in July 2018. Still trying to figure out exactly what type I am.  Thankfully, there’s a glimmer of hope in solving the mystery.

Anyway, since my diagnosis, I’ve had to be extremely cautious of what I put in my mouth. I flip-flop between eating keto, dirty keto, reduced carb, etc. since looking at a carb seems to spike my blood sugar. I took a brief hiatus from ghost hunts and other paranormal investigations since my blood sugar was going crazy as I was adjusting. My first paranormal investigation as a diabetic wasn’t until September 29th, so I had time.

The biggest change for me was how much more I had to prepare before the investigation. Packing equipment and making a plan is tedious enough. But then I had to consider the following supplies:

  • Glucose tablets
  • Glucagon Kit
  • Blood Sugar Meter
  • Snacks
  • Caffeine
  • Water
  • Stress Level
  • Insulin
  • Oral meds

You’ll often see sweets and salty carb-centric snacks at a paranormal investigation. I couldn’t eat any of that. The food I was going to eat was going to have to be protein centric. I did end up eating some Pringles chips since that didn’t spike me as much as regular potato chips. But besides that, it was all beef jerky, boiled eggs, etc. Also, I couldn’t eat anything with sugar, and it’s no longer an option for me to get energy.

Speaking of energy, the other issue was caffeine. I could drink coffee, but I had to be really careful because I didn’t want to cause chaos in my blood sugar numbers. I usually drink Diet Coke for caffeine anyway. But, if I don’t drink enough water these days, my sugars will spike. So, I have to do a ratio of 3 parts water to 1 part Diet Coke. Obviously, this also causes an inconvenience as it makes me have to use the bathroom a lot. If I started to spike, I had to chug water.

I had to also make time to take my medications. I actually forgot to take a round of oral meds, which could have been a disaster. I ended up remembering later than I wanted, which pushed back my round of insulin. So, for the future, I’m going to have to set an alarm for myself.

The other issue I was concerned with was what would happen if my blood sugar dropped. I had to let one of my team members know where they could find my meter, glucose tablets, and medication. I also have to train them all in using a glucagon kit. In the event I had to be taken to the hospital, I made sure that my prescription paperwork was on hand. It was weird to have to do so much prep work just for myself.

Also, stress can cause blood sugars to rise. Besides the investigation, my team and I were also putting on a fundraiser for the Trivette Clinic and I found myself in the middle of a spike and a dizzy spell right as the event was starting. I made friends with the wall and anything that was nearby I could use for balance.  Fear can certainly stress anyone out, but luckily, the Trivette Clinic isn’t haunted by anything that is volatile or malevolent so I wasn’t afraid.

Lack of sleep can also mess with my blood sugar. Considering that ghost hunts typically happen at night, I had to do a check whenever I started feeling off.

Besides a few spikes and running high, I survived. I’m annoyed that I have to have such a contingency plan from now on. But it’s better to make this plan now instead of having my team members not know what to do should I pass out or I spike to a dangerous number like 600. 

I ain’t afraid of no ghosts, or crazy blood sugars (for now).

Amazing MUST KNOW Ghost Hunting Tips for Newbies

Congratulations! You have decided to step into a unique world of mystery, suspense, and even a little spook. Probably one of the most popular questions I get as a seasoned paranormal investigator is, “I’m going on my first ghost hunt, what do I do?” I love helping people prepare for their first ghost hunt. It’s almost like a right of passage! If you google what to do for your first ghost hunt, you’ll find a lot of good stuff. I’m not trying to trump on anyone’s good advice. But, I do have my own little “to do” list that will help you have the best time you can have!


First and foremost, respect the location you’re investigating. Respect the deceased that you’re trying to communicate with. Follow the rules of the venue and the group that you’re in. The quickest way to get kicked out of a ghost hunt, let alone some angry spirit coming after you, is to be disrespectful.


Before you commit to any sort of ghost hunt, you need to decide what you want out of the experience. Do you want to get scared? Do you want to learn some history? Do you want to try to find proof of the afterlife? Are you trying to contact someone in particular? Just answering simple questions like this can help you gain a better understanding of what you want out of the experience. If you’re someone who gets scared easily, read reviews of the location before you go. Read some of the legends and experiences people have had. Is this something you can handle? If not, perhaps looking into a more benevolent location might be better. If you feel you’re ready, then you know what your limits are and when to give yourself a break.

Know Where You’re Going

Being familiar with your location is key before going on a ghost hunt. If the company you’re working with wants to keep it a surprise until the night of, all hope is not lost. Ask them what kind of environment you’ll be ghost hunting in. Is it a house? Will you have to hike? Will you be outside? If there’s any part of the ghost hunt that will take place outside, then be sure you’re ready for whatever weather is on the forecast that night.  Not only that, but find out the conditions of the roads. There have been times I’ve almost damaged my car from driving on rugged terrain in my little sedan when my ride buddy had a jeep left at home.

If the location is going to be in the dark night in the woods, then flashlights are a must. Closed-toe shoes are also a must. Speaking of the woods, going through any bushes and trees will warrant wearing some jeans just so you avoid any poisonous plants. I also advise people to not wear all black if they can avoid it. I’ve heard of many ghost hunters getting hit by cars at night because the driver couldn’t see them since they were wearing all black.


This is another area where I get a lot of questions. I always tell people that you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on equipment. Part of the ghost hunting experience is collecting evidence, or as I prefer to call it, data. It means you could be recording audio on a recorder, or taking a video of your experience. The one thing that people forget is that if you take in 4 hours of data on your audio recorder and 4 hours of data on your camcorder, you have 8 hours worth of data to go through. If data collection is what you want to do, that’s fantastic. But if the thought of this is daunting, there is nothing wrong with wanting to do tech-free just so you can have that experience.  Some of the earliest ghost hunters only had a pen and paper to jot down notes.

Pack Smart

If you’re going on a ghost hunt that will last longer than 4 hours, you might need to pack some food provisions to get through the night. Everyone will usually default to packing sugary snacks and caffeinated drinks. However, that will cause your blood sugar to spike, and then you’ll experience a crash…which will be counterproductive if you want to stay up for several hours. Protein-filled snacks, veggies, and water will be necessary to get through the evening.

Food aside, packing flashlights, batteries, and a first aid kit should be in any ghost hunter’s survival kit. Even if the location is indoors, you never know when you might get a scratch or miss your footing and get injured.


Getting enough sleep is essential to enjoying the ghost hunting experience. Sure, eventually you’re going to get tired. But if you push yourself beyond being sleepy, you will start to see and hear things that aren’t really there. Sleep deprivation can cause some interesting hallucinations and can be similar to the feeling of being drunk. It could compromise your ability to understand your surroundings. Something simple and logical could get interpreted as something paranormal. If you feel tired, there is no shame in taking a cat nap. I try to get at least eight hours of sleep the night before an investigation along with a nap during the day.


This can go in two different directions. Some people want to research the location as much as possible before an investigation. They do this so that they know exactly what is going on at a haunted location. They will know the names of who is reportedly haunting and be able to use contextual questions to establish communication. Meanwhile, other people don’t want to know anything before going in. This is so that they don’t “taint” themselves with previous information. Many with psychic abilities may opt to do this.


If you feel like you have psychic or mediumship abilities, then you’ll need to prepare for another aspect. Numerous times, I’ve noticed people get overwhelmed during an investigation. When I talk to them to try to help them, they reveal to me that they have abilities and they got overwhelmed by the experience. To avoid this, if you’re completely new to the world of having abilities, I recommend that you learn how to ground and shield. There are some great articles to help you learn this.  Having the best understanding of your abilities before your ghost hunt will be key to you having a good ghost hunting experience.

Ask the Right Questions

With each ghost hunt, you’ll probably hear a few suggestions for questions to ask. But, there is a trick to asking the right questions that will create a welcoming environment for communication. You want to keep the questions simple, but also smart. One of my pet peeve questions is, “Do you know you’re dead?” Something as simple as asking for a name is better. Knowing the history of the location in terms of important dates in its existence (ie: wars, presidential inaugurations, world events, etc.).

Stacking questions can create problems as well. That is when you ask several questions in the same stream of speaking. An example of a stacking question would be, “What’s your name? Where are you from? How old are you?” If asked by themselves, these questions are fine. But asking them in the same line of questioning, it will result in confusion. Finally, be sure to leave 10-15 seconds of silence after each question to give the entity time to produce an answer.

Be Safe

At the end of the day, you want to be safe. That is the number one priority in any ghost hunting experience. You don’t want to try anything that could compromise your health and safety.  You have most likely signed a liability release form, which means that if you get injured, then you’ll have to cover those expenses yourself. While it may be tempting to climb into the attic or ignore the “Keep Out” signs in order to explore another part of the haunted house, a lot of things could happen. The floor might give out, you might inhale bat guano, or you encounter an unexpected injury. Ultimately, you want to put safety first.

If you have any other tips for a successful ghost hunt for a newbie, please share them in the comments!

Ghostbusters 2016: My Review

It seems that my thoughts on the latest “Ghostbusters” movie has been waited on with bated breath! I will also say that this is one of the rare times that I have made an effort to see a movie on opening weekend. I did this mainly for the fact that I didn’t want to wait to see the movie, and the two “Ghostbusters” movies are my absolute favorites. In other words, I’m a “Ghostbusters” fan girl. Yes, I’m a paranormal investigator and I love “Ghostbusters.”

First, are any of the “Ghostbusters” movies true to actual paranormal investigating? Of course not. There are a few nods to the actual practice of ghost hunting, but it’s an exaggerated portrayal to what we actually do. No, there are no proton packs. No, we can’t actually contain a real ghost. No, we don’t have the uniforms. We have t-shirts, but not the suits.

"Ghostbusters" 2016 - Columbia Pictures
“Ghostbusters” 2016 – Columbia Pictures

Okay, now that we have that out-of-the-way, I want to say this: THIS MOVIE IS AWESOME! When it was first announced that there would be a reboot of the classic movie with an all-female Ghostbusters team, there was massive skepticism. I will admit that I was uneasy about the idea. After I saw the trailer, which featured a lot of slapstick comedy, I became a little more excited, but I was still worried that the movie wouldn’t meet my expectations. Already, women in the paranormal field have a really hard time, and female-driven movies have a hard time in the entertainment industry as it is.

Let me tell you that this movie is fantastic. While it is a reboot, it is unique all on its own. There are cameos from the original “Ghostbusters” cast, and there are enough nods to the original that satisfied my inner fan girl. I got a little choked up seeing Egon’s cameo, but I won’t spoil it for anyone. It was refreshing to see Melissa McCarthy in this strong lead, as well as see Kristen Wiig and Leslie Jones. But the standout star to me was Kate McKinnon, who was the perfect blend of Egon and Venkman. I can’t forget Chris Hemsworth as the HILARIOUS receptionist who isn’t the brightest crayon in the box, but he is so adorable and endearing that you can’t help but love him.

In other words, go see this movie! It is worth your ticket price and your time. Whether you like the paranormal or not, you will be entertained and talking about the movie long after you come home from the theater.

Also, make sure you stay through to the end of the credits. There is an end credits scene that will make any longtime Ghostbusters fan squeal with delight!

What did you think of the movie? Let me know in the comments and vote in the poll!

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St. Albans & ConCarolinas Coming Up!

I’m happy to announce that I will be investigating the St. Albans Sanatorium with my team, the Association of Paranormal Study, tomorrow night. For several years, I’ve been fascinated with this location and the history behind it. Along with CORE, we will be joined by our Meetup members. Keep an eye on my Facebook pages like Alex Matsuo and my team’s Facebook page. Live tweets will also be sent from @alexmatsuo and @AssocParaStudy!

And next weekend, I will be heading to Charlotte, NC for ConCarolinas 2016, where I will be attending as a guest for the third year in a row! My schedule will be posted soon, and I can’t wait to see everyone!

The Performance of Ghost Hunting Part I

This is a two-part post about my studies into the relationship between performance and the act of ghost hunting.

A performance is typically defined as an event where there is someone who is presenting something, and there are a group of people observing. This definition of performance is not limited to only theatres or television and movies. A performance can take place at nearly any time of day at any kind of location. Performances can happen at school with the popular crowd, and they can happen at ghost hunts. Scholars have written thousands of book on performance studies and there are even degrees dedicated to the discipline. As a society that is ever growing and changing on a regular basis, there are so many different types of performances out there that appease almost every person out there. From traditional musicals that warm the heart, to the heart-wrenching dramas that influence someone to call their mother to tell them they love her, to the soul shattering avant-garde performance that makes you analyze what it means to be human….performance is an essential part of our existence that is necessary in order for us to survive and thrive.

Before we dive into the performance of ghost hunting, let us take a moment to consider the relationship between performance and spirituality. The earliest roots in theatre lie in ancient Greece in something called, “ritual reenactment”. Back before theatre and performance was established, the ancient Greeks wanted to honor the gods by telling stories of their greatness. This initially began as “oral tradition” where someone would dramatically tell stories of the gods, with an audience watching. The audience would then become performers themselves and spreading the stories around like wildfire. With ritual reenactment, these early performances including singing hymns and performing some kind of movement.

To keep this along the lines of being the abridged version, the villages and tribes began to compete with each other by adding costumes, live music, and written texts in their performances for the gods. One could argue that the original audiences were the gods, and the transition from performing for them to performing to fellow humans was one of the breakthrough moments in the creation of live theatre. Overall, theatre is a very spiritual experience, which the philosopher Aristotle argued that it was needed for the purposes of catharsis, meaning the purging of emotions. If you have ever cried during a movie, you had a cathartic experience. Catharsis was seen as a necessity for cleansing the soul.

With the thought in mind that theatre was originally intended to be spiritual and for the gods as a gift, is it a surprise that there are rumors about theatres being haunted in the first place. Some of my favorite cliché ghost stories come from the urban legend of haunted theatres from the spurned woman in white who lost her chance to be on the stage to the Macbeth curse causing shenanigans in each production, there is a strong connection there. Until the media came into existence with television and film, theatre was the vehicle for expressing society’s belief in the paranormal, and you can watch that belief evolve over time by just analyzing the plays from each time period.

I suppose that the title of this article can be misleading, as it is not an article on how to perform a paranormal investigation or ghost hunt, there are enough of those books out there on the market. Instead, it is a venture into a theory that theatre people, whether they are actors, tenant, directors, dancers, etc. they are inadvertently capturing the attention of the ghosts and causing a performance from both the living and the dead. Artistic people are interesting enough on their own, and I would not be surprised if a ghost chose to attempt communication with an artistic person over someone whose not. I will say that artists are very open-minded to the world around. Could they be lifting a psychic wall around them and making them more vulnerable to having some sort of communication with the other side? If you were dead, and you couldn’t find a way to communicate with the living, and you found someone who could hear you, wouldn’t you do whatever you could muster up to catch their attention? The answer is probably yes. But this isn’t a performance. That is the lost seeking out a solution. When the situation is reversed, and there is someone trying to communicate with a deceased person, the ghost isn’t able to communicate in the way that they used to in life, so they have to pull out the dramatic displays in order to get their point across. I would imagine that this is an extremely frustrating endeavor.

The most obvious example of performances in ghost hunting is in paranormal reality shows that became increasingly popular in the early 21st century. It is a far cry from ritual reenactment and the once cathartic experience that was the performance space. I think perhaps the reason why for this widespread popularity was the fact that the paranormal is an unknown area of knowledge. You can’t get a college degree in paranormal studies and many people who do come forward with experiences in the public eye are portrayed as being insane and not to be taken seriously. At the end of the day, these production companies need to make money. You make money by drawing in an audience, and you keep that audience by continuing to make your show entertaining. I won’t say that the “paratainment” business has sullied the investigation field, but instead, has brought exposure to the paranormal and hopefully making people more open-minded about the existence of ghosts. In the last ten years, there has also been a dramatic rise in the number of ghost tours at numerous haunted locations, where a group of people will go ghost hunting for a night while locked in a building with a guide. The paranormal reached a new height when it came to monetizing the potential interactions with the dead, which many people pay big money for. But because the factor of money is now included in the experience, I have to wonder if along with tickets being paid, if there was an expectation of goods to be delivered (such as a paranormal experience). In turn, does this turn ghosts into entertainers? And if so, what does this mean for the ghosts at the Tenth should Jeff decide to move forward with the guided ghost tours?

I would like to say that my investigations and research into the building have not subjected the ghosts into being put into a situation where they are being asked to perform tricks, since I don’t expect them to ever perform for me. If they choose not to communicate, while I may be disappointed, I acknowledge that it is their right to not talk. But another researcher from the outside looking in may have a different opinion. Where is that fine line between requesting communication and asking the ghosts to essentially perform tricks? I suppose that it is all in the eye of the beholder and the ghosts that are being placed in that situation. If you were to ask me what my long-term goal was for the Tenth, it would be that someday the most prestigious researchers in the paranormal and psychic phenomenon visit the Tenth. It would be great to be able to secure the building for a weekend (at the very least) and let these researchers loose in the building and see what comes of it.

Performers, in terms of actors, dancers, musicians, and artists, seem to be completely different people compared to business professionals or those who don’t consider themselves to be artistically minded. For example, let us go back to the Ganzfeld experiment, which is the sensory deprivation experiment that leads to the altered state of consciousness. There was a study conducted in 1992 where the American Society for Psychical Research used twenty of the most gifted students from the Julliard School in New York City and put them through the sender-receiver experiment. The results were extraordinary because there was a success rate of 50%, which was double the success expectation rate. The facilitators of the experiment, Charles Honorton and Marilyn Schlitz then used eight musicians for the remainder of the experiment. Six out of the eight students either had direct hits or a 75% success rate. Again, these are extraordinary results. The theory behind this success rate was due to the participants; especially the musicians have a dissociated state of mind. Very much like meditation, being dissociated is very much like the feeling of being on autopilot and disconnecting from the outside word. According to John G. Kruth, the executive director of the Rhine Research Center, jazz musicians who often improvise their music will go into this state as they play, channeling the environment around them as they make up their own tune. What would happen if we allowed a bunch of actors to go in and ghost hunt for a night? What kind of results would come up from the night? If we go by the results of the study of the Julliard students and the Ganzfeld experiment, it seems as though there could be potential of a productive interaction with the ghosts.

Ready for more? Here’s Part II.